Képviselőházi irományok, 1875. IV. kötet • 119-170. sz.

Irományszámok - 1875-122. Törvényjavaslat, az osztrák-magyar monarchia és a hawaii szigetek királysága közt kötött s Londonban 1875. évi junius 18-án aláirt barátsági, kereskedelmi és hajózási szerződésről

122. szám. 13 ' Article III. The Citizens of the two High Oontracting Parties may, üke the natives in the respective territories, travel, reside, trade wholesale or retail and transact any lawful business and rent or occupy the houses, stores or shops whioh they may require for the purposses of residence or bu­siness, and in the transaction of every business shall be on a perfeot equality with the natives of the oountry. In the perfomance of / all business, the Citizens of each Oontracting Power when resident in the territory of the other, shall oonform to all the laws and regulations of the" country and they shall not be subject in any case to any other charges, restrictions, taxes or impositions than those to which the natives are subject. Article IV. The Citizens of each High Oontracting Party when resident in the territory of the other shall enjoy the most eonstant and complete protection for their persons and property, and for this purpose they shall have free and easy acces to the Oourts of Justice, provided by law, in pur­suit and defence of their rigths, They shall be at liberty to employ lawyers, advocates, or agents to proseoute or defend their rigths before such Oourts of Justice. In fact they shall enjoy in this respect all the rights and privileges which are granted to natives and shall be subject to the same conditions. Article V. The Citizens of each High Oontracting Party, when resident in the territory of the other shall be exempt from all service, whether in the Army or Navy or in the National Ouard or Militia and shall be exempt from all forced loans and from every extraordinary contribution. not generál and by law'established. Article VI. The most entire liberty of conscience is guaranteed to Citizens ef each of the High Oon­tracting Parties within the territories of the other, no one shall be molested on account of his religion or the observances thereof. ' Article VII The Citizens of each of the High Contracting Parties shall in the territory of the other have the right of acquiring and possessing property of every deseription and kind whether the same be reál or personal property, and may dispose of the same as may seem to them best whether by sale, donation, exchange, will, or in any other way, alsó the Citizens of either of the two States may become heirs to property, situated in the other, and may succeed without hinder­ance to the properties that may devolve upon.them, and dispose of.the same according to their pleasure; and such heirs or legatees shall not be " subjected to any charges or be bound to pay any expenses of succession or otherwise higher than those which shall be borne in liké caseby the natives themselves. Article VIII. AH vessels sailing under the respective Flags of either of the High Oontracting Parties and which shall be bearers of the ship's papers and documents required by the laws of their respective countries, shall be taken and considered to be the vessels of the country whose flag they carry. Article IX. Vessels of either of the High Contracting Parties arriving in the ports of the other, or departing from them, shall not be subjected to oíher or higher duties of tonnage, light-houses,

