Nyelvtudományi Közlemények 70. kötet (1968)

Tanulmányok - Zsilka János: Trenszformációs csoportok és magányos sorok [Transformational groups and isolated strings] 105

TRANSZFORMÁCIÓS CSOPORTOK ÉS MAGÁNYOS SOROK 125 Transformational groups and isolated strings In his earlier papers János Zsilka endeavoured to draw up the system of objeet clauses by analyzing the cases. Well-defined formations of this system are the so-called transformational groups. E.g. \{l) V+ N4 {-*/«**) +N2 (loc.)]l [(2) Y + NA-vel) +N,(-í)] J The order within each group has been decided upon the following assumption: within a closed system the more generál and complicate may be déri ved from the simple; the accusativus objectivus represents a more generál relation than the cognate accusative. Another formation type of the system is the so-called isolated strings. The isolated strings are construed with the accusativus objectivus. E.g. [V + N t (•*) +N,(loo,)] tV + N, i-vel) + N2 (•«)] The accusativus objectivus in these forms cannot be obtained by means of transformation. The accusativus objectivus of the isolated strings présupposes the accusativus obj. of the transformational groups, which acts as a derived relation. The isolated strings are, on the other hand, to be interpreted as continuations of the transformational groups: "[V + N x (-t)*vel) + N2 (loc.)] [V + N^-^Z) +Nt (-í)] _ [y + + Nx (-Q + • ; •] [V + N^eZJ -fN.Í-íj] The relations of the group and the isolated strings could—in a few cases—be proved, apart from the case analysis, with "identical" lexical structure as well. In such cases, however, the meaning fo the verb has changed. Thus: *V (meanj + N\ (-t/*vel) + N2 (loc.) ^(mean^ +Nt (-wi) + N2 (-t) [V(mean2 ) + + N2 (-i) + . . .] V (mean 2) being more abstract as compared to V (meanj. In other words the development of the isolated forms is parallel with the generalization of V: transf. group -> isol. string : V (meanx) -> V (mean2). From what it follows that the isolated strings developed from the strings of transformation­al groups under the process of generalization. However, the transformational group -> isolated string and the V (meaiij) -> — V (mean2) relation could be proved only in odd cases. The isolated strings, on the other hand, usually represent concrète, physical éléments. The présent paper throws light upon this duality which can be seen in the behaviour of the isolated strings. It points out that the isolated strings represent, in addition to the concreteness of the denotata, a semantic level higher than the strings of the transformational group. And in the odd cases the change of meaning of I between the transformational group and the isolated strings (meanx (= concr.) — mean2 (abstr.) ) isonlyone aspect of the generál relationship between the transformational group and the isolated strings. In these odd cases the différence between the transformational group and the isolated strings manifests itself on in a more obvious form. JÁNOS ZSILKA

