Nógrád Megyei Hírlap, 2014. december (25. évfolyam, 277-300. szám)

2014-12-20 / 294. szám

r J u MTI 2014. DECEMBER 20., SZOMBAT 9 > ^/iH If ^ STUDY ZONE CHRISTMAS i Well, time passes quickly...Christmas is right around the comer....It is a truly,magical holiday season I that brings with it joy, love, and heartwarming thoughts; bringing families and friends together to j share the much loved customs and traditions. As 1 promised today this special issue is dedicated to Christmas activities,customs and traditions across the USA, England, Canada and Australia... „ A Christmas candle is a lovely thing; It makes no noise at all,But softly gives itself away; While quite unselfish, it grows small.” CELEBRATE ON: DECEMBER 25 Christmas is a most important religious holy day for Christians, who attend special church services to celebrate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. Because it is a religious holiday, it is not an official holiday. However, since most Americans are Christian, the day is one on which most businesses are closed and the greatest possible number of workers, including government employees, have the day off. Many places even close early on the day before.Naturally Christians observe Christmas according to the traditions of their particular church. Besides the strictly religious traditions, however, other common Christmas practices are observed by people who are not religious or who are not Christian. In this way, some Christmas traditions have become American traditions. Gift-giving It is so common at Christmas time that for most stores it means a sharp increase in sales. Stores, in fact, are full of shoppers from Thanksgiving time in late November until the day before Christmas. This situation has caused many religious people to complain that the religious meaning of Christmas is being subverted, that Christmas has become "commercial." Despite the criticism, Christmas shopping is a major activity of many Americans in the month of December. Gifts are given to children, members of the family and close friends. Most Americans send greeting cards to their friends and family at Christmas time. Some people who are friends or relatives and live great distances from each other may not be much in contact with each other during year - but will usually exchange greeting cards and often a Christmas letter telling their family news. The decorating of homes for Christmas is very common. Most American who observe Christmas have a Christmas tree in their homes. This may be a real evergreen tree or an artificial one. In either case, the tree is decorated and trimmed with small lights and ornaments. Other decorations such as lights and wreaths of evergreen and signs wishing a "Merrv C hristmas" can be found inside and outside of = jMkL The Christmas dinner n In the U S. includes turkey or ham, potatoes and pie. Cakes are of course, a must for the occasion. The menu also consists of a lot of desserts such as the "Crostoii," a fried bread spiced with orange peel (as made in Italian-American communities) or the "Pfeffcrnuesse," a bread full of sweet spices (eaten by German-Americans) or the "Berlinerkranser" - a Norwegian wreath-shaped cookie. Baked breads and cookies are also part of the dinner list. At Christmas Eve gatherings adults drink eggnog, a drink made of cream, milk, sugar, beaten eggs and brandy or rum. After dinner on Christmas Eve, children go to bed early but not before hanging up their stockings on the fireplace or the end of their bed to be filled with gifts and goodies by Santa Claus. On the following morning, children wake up to look for their desired items in their stackings and also find nicely wrapped presents under their Christmas tree. 1 Christmas celebration in England w* Christmas is celebrated on the 25th Decentber.During the weeks before Christmas day, the people send cards, watch nativity plays and go to carol services. They put up special Christmas decorations in their homes and churches. A traditional English Christmas Dinner The Christmas Dinner is the main Christmas meal and is traditionally eaten at mid-day or early afternoon on Christmas Day in England, and also in the rest of Britain. A traditional English and British Christmas dinner includes roast turkey or goose, brussels sprouts, roast potatoes, cranberry sauce, rich nutty stuffing, tiny sausages wrapped in bacon (pigs in a blanket) and lashings of hot gravy. For pudding (dessert) we eat a rich, fruity pudding which is doused in flaming brandy said to ward off evil spirits. This rich, fruity pudding is called the Christmas Pudding. A Turkey Wishing Tradition A Christmas tradition involving the turkey is to pull its wishbone. This is one of the bones of the turkey which is shaped like the letter ’Y\ Two people will each hold an end and pull. The person left with the larger piece of the bone makes a wish, copyright of projectbritain.com Christmas Crackers It is a brightly coloured paper tube, twisted at both ends. A person pulls on each end of the cracker and when the cracker breaks, a small chemical strip goes “Pop” and the contents fall out,as a colourful party crown, a toy ! or gift and a festive joke,written on a slip of paper The gift in a cracker depends on how much you have paid for the cracker.The more you pay the better the quality of the gift. Traditionally a Christmas cracker is placed next to each plate on the Christmas dinner table. Crackers are very traditional items to have at Christmas. Christmas celebration in Canada Many Christians in Canada mark the birth of Jesus Christ-A* RESH ZONE on December 25, which is known as Christmas Day. It is a day of celebration when many Canadians exchange gifts and enjoy festive meals. The traditions centered on Christmas gifts in Canada vary a lot between families. In some families, a mythical figure called Santa Claus brings gifts. He travels on a sleigh pulled by reindeer, enters homes via the chimney and leaves presents and candy in Christmas stockings or in a pile under the Christmas tree. In other families, individual members exchange carefully selected gifts. Popular gifts are toys, games and candy for children and clothes, music, alcohol and practical or luxury items for adults. Canadians may open their presents on Christmas Eve after a special church service or during the morning or after lunch on Christmas Day. Christmas menu In Canada the traditional Christmas dinner is roast turkey with vegetables and sauces. For dessert it is rich, fruity Christmas pudding with brandy sauce. Mince pies, pastry cases filled with a mixture of chopped dried ffuit.Some people consume large quantities of food and drinks on Christmas Day. The day may start with a cooked breakfast, such as ham and eggs or pancakes. Lunch is often a very large meal with a stuffed or dressed roast turkey, potatoes, a selection of vegetables and cranberry sauce and gravy to add flavor. After the savory part of the meal, plum or Christmas pudding is traditionally eaten. Some families also eat a large evening meal, perhaps based around a leg of pork or ham, or re-heat the leftovers from the lunch. During the day, many types of sweet and savory snacks are served, including candy, oranges or mandarins, nuts and butter tarts or shortbread. Christmas celebration in Australia Fin Australia, Christmas comes in the middle of the summer holidays! Children have their summer holidays from early to mid December to early February, so some people might even be camping at Christmas! Australians hang wreaths on their front doors and sometimes go out Christmas carol singing on Christmas eve. People also decorate their houses and gardens with Christmas trees and Christmas lights.In each State capital city there is a large Carols by Candlelight service.Many towns, cities and schools also hold their own Carols by Candlelight services, with local bands and choirs sometimes helping to perform the Christmas Carols and songs. As it is the middle of Summer in Australia at Christmas time, the words to the Carols about snow and the cold winter are sometimes changed to special Australian words! There are also some original Australian Carols. When he gets to Australia, Santa gives the reindeer a rest and uses kangaroos or ’six white boomers' (a popular Australian Christmas song!). He also changes his clothes for less 'hot' ones!On Boxing Day most people go and visit their friends and often have barbecues at the beach.Most families try to be home together for Christmas and the main meal is eaten at lunch time. Most people now have a cold Christmas dinner, or a barbecue with seafood such as prawns and lobsters along with the 'traditional english' food. On Christmas Eve, fish-markets are often full of people queuing to buy their fresh seafood for Christmas day.Australians often have Christmas Crackers at Christmas meal times. M 1 T S H O V E L C O M F R E E z E B O O s K 1 L C S K A T E P H L S T A 1 c E P L C k A K N T K f A X B B o O T S O E E Q R s l D t w B X W N H A F s L E D c O D L S Find I Hets« wQsfdi m VFowsfe £ BOOTS COLD HAKE F?£E2S. HA? ICE M3TÜNS PLOW SCMf SHOVEL S£A1S SKI SLED SNOW old those you love dose to you ppredote what others do for you ond tell them, roy for those that aren't with you lease don't take your blessings for granted fou can't moke it perfect, that's not reality. elebrate the day ond it's true meaning, ug someone that needs encouragement, «member those Htot left you a legacy it's not about Ml.„.remember. avor the moments with family and friends. Tolerate the inronvenienres. Sake the best of your situation. Ask for forgiveness, if s o gift you receive. Say the words “t love you" often ANGIE

