Petrőczi Éva: "Nagyságodnak alázatos lelki szolgája” Tanulmányok Medgyesi Pálról - Nemzet, egyház, művelődés 4. (Budapest - Debrecen, 2007)

Parallel Lives Lewis Bayly: The Practice of Piety, Pál Medgyesi: Praxis pietatis

Parallel Lives Lewis Bayly: The Practice of Piety, Pál Medgyesi: Praxis pietatis tence of the same, very painful element in their lives: they were both creat­ing and also publishing in a highly dependent position. All these analogies must be taken into consideration if we want to find an answer for the „se­cret” of Medgyesi’s unusually excellent interpretation. Lawrence Venuti’s (originally Goethe’s) words about „the translator’s invisibility” can be ex­perienced in the Hungarian version of The Practice of Piety 7 7 VENUTI, Lawrence: The Translator’s Invisibility, Routledge, London, 1995. 92

