Erdély településeinek vallási adatai 1880–1941 II. kötet (2001)
CONTENTS Volume I. Preface 7 Methodological notes 11 Tables 1. Summary data 1.1 Population by religion, county and county town, 1880 1.1.1 According to the originál publication 16 1.1.2 According to the territorial used in the volume 18 1.2 Population by religion, county and county town, 1910 20 1.3. Population by religion, county and county town, 1930 1.3.1 According to the originál publication, in figures 22 1.3.2 According to the originál publication, in percentage 24 1.3.3 According to the territorial used in the volume 26 1.4. Population by religion, county and county town, 1941 1.4.1 According to the originál publication 28 1.4.2 According to the territorial used in the volume 30 2. Detailed data by locality Left bank of the Tisza river Bihar county 34 Máramaros county 126 Szatmár county 142 Szilágy county 194 Ugocsa county 248 Angle of the Tisza and Maros river Arad county 252 Csanád county 294 Krassó-Szörény county 296 Temes county 366 Torontál county 402 Volume II. Region beyond the Királyhágó (Transylvania) Alsó-Fehér county 8 Besztercze-Naszód county 42 Brassó county 66 Csík county 72 Fogara s county 90 Háromszék county 108 Hunyad county 134 5