1990. ÉVI NÉPSZÁMLÁLÁS 24. A háztartások és a családok adatai (1993)


INTRODUCTION The results of the 1990 population census are published by the Hungarian Statistical Office in a series of publications. The first volume of this series contains the preliminary results of the census, while later a volume include the most important data combinations based on a 2-percent sample taken from the census material. As continuations of the series of publication the volumes with the detailed demographic, occupational, household, family and housing data of the 19 counties and of Budapest as well as the data collection containing their summarized, country-level information were published. Every volume of the series of publications has also the most important results of the previous population censuses adapted to the concepts used at present and to the present regional division. In conformity with its publishing tradition, the Hungarian Central Statistical Office publishes independent publications with the detailed data of the various main groups of subject­matters (demography, occupation, household, family, dwelling and building). The present volume is one of these independent publications which contains the data of households and families in more detailed and more diversified tables than the former data publications and, beyond the traditional data combinations, adopts a new approach and uses also formerly not applied criteria in the study of households and families in order to present the latter's housing conditions and socio-occupational structure. With regard to the most important data the Chapter "Summary data" of the volume makes it possible to perform comparisons with the respective results of the earlier censuses. This is followed by the 1990 combination tables, a part of which make it possible - by presenting the summary data of Budapest, the urban and the rural areas - to compare, beyond the country-level data, also the data by type of localities. The tabulated part of the publication is closed by the data summarized in county lines and by the population sizes of the localities. The volume is completed by the explanation of the most important concepts used and by a table of contents in English. 4

