Műtárgyvédelem, 2012-2013 (Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum)

Két, hőtől károsodott ájtatos könyv restaurálása

Műtárgyvédelem 37-38 than in the case of Prayer book no. 1, meaning that it could be softened slightly and pulled into shape. It absorbed the humidity necessary for this in a closed cabinet above a solution of sodium chloride that gave a level of humidity of 74 per cent. The wet cleaning of the leather was performed using emulsion, while vegetable-tanned leather was employed to back the gaps and to make the new spine. The restoration of the textblock and the binding was performed in ways which preserved the original construction solutions. As a result of the interventions, the condition of the books was stabilised, and they became accessible to researchers. A szerző cime/Author’s address: Ruska Lívia Papír-bőr restaurátor művész/Paper-leather conservator MA Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár Országos Levéltára 1014 Budapest, Bécsi kapu tér 2—4. E-mail: ruska.livia@mnl.gov.hu 108

