Műtárgyvédelem, 2010 (Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum)

Hugyecsek Balázs - May Zoltán: Herendi díszkancsók restaurálása

Műtárgyvédelem 35 porcelain set consisting of a total of five pieces that was designed in the 18th century by Johann Joachim Kaendler, the chief modeller of the Meissen Porcelain Factory, and intended as a present for King Louis XV of France. The ornamented jugs had been restored previously. At a number of points, the earlier additions had at the time of their fashioning damaged the original surfaces. Later on, this damage had been painted over. Intervention was warranted by damage to the old additions as well as by their inexactnesses, and also by designs that differed from the original ones. During investigation of the materials used, it emerged that the ornamented jugs had, unusually, been fired at an approximate temperature of 1100°C only. In the course of further (XRF) investigations, light was shone on the colour-giving con­stituents of the glaze, and on the materials used in the earlier repairs. The plaster additions could be removed easily by means of moistening and pris­ing along the edges of the joins. For the making of the new parts, ornamented jugs at the Herend Porcelain Museum were used as analogies. The negatives were made using silicon rubber, which could be moulded and spread. The repairs were made from two-component epoxy resin that was coloured before use. Retouching was performed using water-based acrylic paints. As a coating with a shine matching that of the original glaze, two-component polyurethane enamel resistant to ultra violet radiation was applied. The adjustment of the additions to the correct shape and the treatment of their surfaces were in most cases performed before they were fitted to the ornamented jugs. As a result of the restoration, the jugs now have lasting and exact repairs which faithfully reflect the state of the artefacts in 1846. A szerzők cime/Authors’address: Hugyecsek Balázs Szilikát restaurátor művész/Silicat conservator MA Szabadtéri Néprajzi Múzeum, Szentendre Tel.: 06-26-502-543 e-mail: hugyecsek.balazs@sznm.hu May Zoltán PhD MTA Kémiai Kutatóközpont Anyag és Környezetkémiai Intézet 1026 Budapest, Pusztaszeri út. 59. Tel.: +36-70-245-9035 e-mail: mzozo@chemres.hu 154

