Kasza Péter (szerk.): Stephanus Brodericus - Epistulae (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medii Recentisque Aevorum, Series Nova XIV., Argumentum Kiadó - Magyar Országos Levéltár, Budapest, 2012)


sorella del Re di Navarra é maritata in un signor brettone.21 Rincone22 é maritato in Borgogna non molto nobilmente et Iá si sta, et alia partita non lo ho veduto né possuto vedere per la furia che questi Re me hanno fatto advenire im poste, sapendo che mon­signor governatore é Iá per assettare il tutto, il che non mancherete di fare venendovi os ad proposito, né le offerte di questi Re sprezzerete, havendone di bisogno. Tuti li altri amici si raccomandono ad Vostra Signoria Reverendissima. Alie chose di Roma pen­sate. Hoggi si attende qui la morte dei papa, et commettete al chavalieri, che ben ser- virá. Altro non so che dirmi, se non certo che per la lettera di monsignor governatore intenderete el resto. Et qui si attende resposta, et io danari, et a Vostra Signoria Reve­lo rendissima humilmente mi raccomando. Addressing in the bottom part of the letter: Reverendissimo Domino, Domino Stephano Broderico Quinqueecclesiarum domino et observadissimo. Budae 232 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy (?)' Gyula, 16 September 1534 Manuscript used: MOL, E 204, bundle 71 2 /. [The tetter is seriously damaged, about half of the text is missing.] - 2. He has heard from Transylvania only the news that Babay has brought: Gritti is in a difficult situation. Laski is imprisoned and ill as well, he has fever. - 3. Ferenc Kápolnay joined forces with the Thardassy family and seized Bata treacherously. Now he is besieging Szék; Kápolnay is a restless character, Brodarics is surprised why he expected the King to put up with all this. Now forces are sent against him too. [1.] [...] Deus etc. [,..]us vates [...] Ego habeo[...] significatam esse. Con[...] Qui est in [...] quod Samariam conveniemus. Deus properet ac secundet cetera. 21 Isabel d’Albret (1513/14-1572), younger sister of King of Navarre Henry II, the other bride candi­date of Szapolyai, married Viscount René I de Rohan in August 1534. On Szapolyai’s marriage plans in England more recently, see: Botlik Richard, Szapolyai János és VIII. Henrik kapcsolata (Adalékok a mohács utáni magyar-angol szövetség történetéhez), PhD thesis, 2010. - I am thankful to Richard Botlik for making his manuscript available to me. 22 Antonio Rincon. 1 Since the letter is seriously damaged, de addressee cannot be established unequivocally. But the closing formula clearly shows that it is a lay person. The extant part refers to persons (Péter Babay, Ferenc Kápolnay, Thardassy family) that appear in letters from Brodarics to Nádasdy several times, so it seems justified to assume that it is written to Nádasdy 2 The paper is badly damaged. The first half is missing entirely. Autograph. 428

