Kasza Péter (szerk.): Stephanus Brodericus - Epistulae (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medii Recentisque Aevorum, Series Nova XIV., Argumentum Kiadó - Magyar Országos Levéltár, Budapest, 2012)


mecum ferre. Quas vobis rursus restituam. Non enim credo argentum comitum Petene- dorum3 mihi debere esse hereditarium. [2.] Praeterea mittat ad Debreczen, vel ducat nepotem meum Georgium Brodaryth,4 quem volo mecum ducere, ut videat mundum et rursus vobis dabo. Malo enim eum 15 apud patruum educari, id est apud te, quam apud patrem, Stephanum Brodericum. Et cum his me Vestrae Dominationi commendo. Ex Alba lulia 23. Augusti 1531. Servitor Stephanus Brodaryth subscripsit On the back side: Magnifico domino Thomae Nadasdino thesaurario regio, domino uti fratri honorandissimo 141 István Brodarics to Paulo Casali1 Körösbánya,1 2 27 September 1531 Manuscript used: BL, Bibliotheca Cottoniana Vitell. B. XIII. föl. 140r 141 v3 /. Assures Casali about King John s good Will towards him and all his brothers. - 2. Since King John is inclined towards peace with Ferdinand, he is asking Casali to intervene with the Pope so that the Pope instructs his legates in the courts of Charles V and Ferdinand to foster talks with envoys of Szapolyai. - 3. Luski travels to Speyer to negotiate: Brodarics is going to follow hint soon in the company of a distin­guished Baron, who is a relative of the King. No envoys are sent because they would he captured: this way they are trying to avoid repeating the failure of Brodarics who chased the courts of the Pope and the Emperor in Bologna. - 4. Archbishop Várday. who has betrayed both Kings, would readily return if he found a way to be pardoned. - 5. Differences between the Voivod of Moldova and the King of Poland lead to armed ' The Nadasdy family traced its descent back to comes Petendi. 4 György Brodarics might be the son of one of the sons of Mátyás Brodarics from his first marriage. Nádasdy’s correspondence provides data that show that György was in his service: he mentions in 2 letters to Prior of Vrána János Tahy in early November 1531 that he is sending his familiaris György Brodarics to Tally with a message. (Compare: MOL, E 185, Letters of Tamás Nádasdy to János Tahy. On the family situ­ation of Brodarics see: Kasza Péter, Egy karrier hajnala. Adalékok Brodarics István tanulmányainak és családi viszonyainak kérdéséhez, Századok, 2008, 1203-1208.) 1 Paolo Casali was the Legate of King of England Henry VIII in Rome. He and his brothers also represented the excommunicated János Szapolyai, whose possibilities in diplomacy were limited. On the diplomatic activities of the Casali family see Catherine Fletcher, War. Diplomacy and Social Mobility: the Casali Family in the Service of Henry VIII., Journal of Early Modern History, 2010, 559-78. 2 Today: Baia-de-cris, Romania The letter is in Italian originally, and has two versions of Latin translation kept in Vienna (see HHStA, Ung. Akt. Fasc. 18. Konv. D, fol. 68r-v, and fol. 70r—v.) Since the original, kept in London, is seri­ously damaged, only parts of it can be read and interpreted. Because of this, it seems justified to publish a Latin translation that makes interpretation easier. 275

