Kasza Péter (szerk.): Stephanus Brodericus - Epistulae (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medii Recentisque Aevorum, Series Nova XIV., Argumentum Kiadó - Magyar Országos Levéltár, Budapest, 2012)

Principles of Publication - Acknowledgments

Péter Tóth, and István Lázár for assisting me in deciphering some difficult parts in the texts. Without them there would be more lacunae in this publication. Thanks are due to several past and present doctoral students at my faculty who spent long hours with me checking transcriptions. Special thanks go to Csaba Reisz T., former director of the National Archive of Hungary, without his tireless enthusiasm this volume would have gone to the printer much later. Several scholarships helped me to carry out the research that covered half of Europe: Klebelsberg scholarships enabled me to visit Rome, Munich, and Nuremberg. Several CH grants and one OeAD scholarship made work in Viennese archives possible. I could visit Croatia and Poland with the help of MÖB scholarships. In the last two years, which I spent organising, transcribing, and annotating previously collected material, the Bolyai research grant of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) provided support. I received great help from the staff of the National Archive of Hungary (MOL) who obtained copies of some letters kept in Berlin, Pozsony, and Simancas. I am grateful to Zsuzsa Kovács, Agnes Máté, and Levente Juhász, who obtained copies of letters kept in the Ambrosiana in Milan, the Archivio di Stato in Florence, and the British Library for me. Special thanks go to Teréz Obomi, who selflessly made the letters she had found in the Strozzi archives in Florence available to me. I would like to express my thanks to Enikő Békés, Zsuzsanna Kovács, Péter Kulcsár and Szabolcs Varga who were generous with their time and effort in proofreading the manuscript. Their useful comments and advice helped improving it. Last but not least, I am immensely grateful to my parents whose support enabled me to become a philologist, and to my wife Sára - her patience and love provided the firm background without which this book would never have been completed. 25

