Kasza Péter (szerk.): Stephanus Brodericus - Epistulae (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medii Recentisque Aevorum, Series Nova XIV., Argumentum Kiadó - Magyar Országos Levéltár, Budapest, 2012)


optimis ffuatur. Dominationibus autem Vestris magnas habeo et ago gratias, quod me tanti gaudii sui fecerint participem, maiores autem agam, si deinceps id, quod prospe­rum de rebus serenissimi regis sui audierint, mecum communicare non praetermittent. Interea me illarum benevolentiae et amori fraterno commendo easque felicissimas o esse et optime incolumes vehementer desidero. Datum. 125 István Brodarics to Piotr Tomicki and Krzysztof Szydlowiecki Buda, 29 September 1529 Manuscript used: BN T. 10. föl. I93r-v.1 Published: Acta Tomiciana XI. 274. I. King John got the crown back in Visegrdd. He announces a national assembly for Luke s Day. He handed the castles occupied in Hungaty over to the Turks. The Sultan is still besieging Vienna, his armies are ravag­ing Austria, but he is heading home soon regardless of whether he will have a clash with Ferdinand's troops or not. Péter Petényi is a prisoner of the Suhan. Archbishop Várday has askedfor the Sultan s intervention far Szapolyai to forgive him. - 2. Tamás Nádasdy, Ferdinands Constable in Buda escaped execution and ran to the tent of Szapolyai; he earned the King's grace just because he was ready to defend the Buda castle loyally till the hitter end. — J. Gritti is in Buda. His father the Doge says in his letter that Emperor Charles arrived in Genoa with 7000 soldiers only, but he expects 12.000 more from Germany. The allies, however, have an enormous army. Sons of King Francis are staying in Flanders with High Princess Margaret until a ransom of 2 million gold pieces is paid for them. - 4. He is frequently ill so he does not feel he is able to take upon himself the burden of envovship that Szapolyai wants to commit him to do. Reverendissime et Illustris ac Magnifice Domini mihi Colendissimi. Salutem et servitiorum meorum commendationem. [1.] Nos cum domino oratore1 2 regis Christianissimi venimus huc paucis ante diebus regia maiestate existente tunc Wissegradi, quo pro corona recuperanda fuerat profecta, 5 qua recuperata et castro Wissegrado diligenter munito maiestas sua rediit.3 Sunt apud eam non pauci ex dominis, inter ceteros autem magnificus dominus loannes Banffi,4 servatae fidei singulare exemplum. Indicit maiestas sua omnibus dominis et regnicolis 1 Further manuscripts: BJ 6551 fol. 857-858; BK 226 fol. 657-658; BCzart TN 43. fol. 421-423. : Antonio Rincon, French legate. 3 Szapolyai reported on regaining possession of the capital Visegrád and the crown to Tomicki on 28 September 1529. Compare: AT XI. 273. On the fate of the crown in 1529 see Varga Szabolcs, Volt-e a Szent Korona Pécsett 1529-ben?, Pécsi Szemle. 2009 Spring, 18-24. 4 János Alsólindvai Bánffy (7-1534), Cup-Bearer (1508-1526), Royal Chamberlain, Comes of Verőce, the leading figure of the Szapolyai party in Slavonia. Palatine of Szapolyai from 1530 until his death in 1534. On his legendary loyalty see Zermegm János, Emlékirat a Ferdinand és János. Magyarország királyai között történi dolgokról = Kulcsár Péter, Krónikáink magvarul 111/2, Budapest, 2007, 144-145. 250

