Menora Egyenlőség, 1988. június (27. évfolyam, 1223. szám)

1988-06-10 / 1223. szám

1988. június 10. MENÓRA 11. oldal *€cj Unton c^venue D U F F E R I 'k'-jA N S T R E E T TEL. 63Ü-299Í 630-2951 Consumer* Electronics Ltd. COLOR TV - STEREO - HI-FI - VIDEO RECORDS ffgtTM AuTH0R|ZE SERVICE 3600 Dufferin Street, Downsview, Ont. IVI3K INI Manufacturers of fine picture frames and framed articles jjfm Atout Picture Framing Warehouse Ltd. 30 per cent discount TEL: (416) 787-8053 2915 DUFFERIN STREET TORONTO, ONT. M6B 3S7 THE FIRST PICTURE FRAME WAREHOUSE Over 800 samples to choose from Fine Art prints, limited editions Photo and picture frames 30%Discount on stock frames We stretch needle-point and petit-point 492 Lawrence Ave. W. Lawrence and Bathurst 781-9141 irániéi í FINE FURNITURE LTD. CANADIAN & AMERICAN IMPORTS 3321 BATHURST TORONTO. ONT M6A 2B7 TEL 789-1603 PETER FRANKEL Arthur Weitz Family Opticians 3181 Bathurst St. - 781-3431 and jFocus Optical Labs 243 Wilmington Aw. — 630-7911 legye majdnem láthatatlanná szemüveg lencséjét! TÜKRÖZÉSMENTES BEVONAT F csak $ 45.- ezen kuponnal VASÁRNAP IS NYITVA RAISINS ALMONDS and MORE Bulk Foods - Kosher Cheeses - Candies Natural Foods, Sugarless and low colesterol items GIFT BASKETS 3501 Bathurs St. Open Sundays 782-7258 Linda or Steve iff/and SPORT TECH 3780 BATHURST ST. 631-6644 SERVICING: • SKI’S • BIKES • RACQUETS • GOLF CLUBS — PICK UP AND DELIVERY — 1 HOUR PRO SERVICE THE $10.00 TUNE-UP SHOP B A T H U R S T 5 T R E E T ^ita <-Sunil 3(. Clal laCoity OPHTHALMIC DISPENSER TEL. 787-0031 Gfiticai 1613 EGLINTON AVE. W. (near Oakwood) Toronto. Ont. M6E 2H1 * NATURAL FOOD MART 484-7762 270 Eglinton Ave West (AT Avenue Road.) Health Foods Herbal Cosmelics OPEN Vitamins •' Fresh Carrot Juice 9 to 8 Ginseng Frozen Vogurt 7 DAYS Herbs spices Much Much More \ WEEK Music Lessons at MASON’S MUSIC ESTABLISHED IN 1953 1588 Eglinton Ave. W. (at Oakwood) 787-1031 • Guitar Modern and Classical ■ Piano ■ Organ • Electric Bass • Banjo-Tenor & Bluegrass ■ Mandolin ■ Drums > Theory & Harmony Beginners through Advanced - All Agee ‘All teachers are professionally trained experts in their field” No contracts IY1ÉNOR/ DRAPERIES . RUSSIAN & ROMAN SHADES . • VERTICALS & VENETIANS • WALLPAPER • • CUSTOM BUILT FURNITURE • CARPETS & RUGS • INTERIORS Window and Wall Coverings Ltd. 1750 Steeles Ave. W. Unit 3. (West of Dufferin St.) Concord Ont. L4K 2L7 (416) 669-6681 875 Eglinlon Ave. W. Unil 10. (at Bathurst St.) Toronto Ont., M6C 2B9 (416) 783-3377 NORTH BATHURST CYCLE & HARDWARE NEW and USED BICYCLES SALES and SERVICE D. DOVE PHONE 781-6333 OPEN SUNDAYS 3549 BATHURST STREET TORONTO, ONT. M6A 2C7 FIZESSEN ELO LAPUNKRA Dairy Treats A European Cafe and Bakery 3322 Bathurst Si. Toronto, Ont., Canada M6A 2C6 Specializing in: * Bourekas * Croissants (with lOOVo Sweet Butter) * Danishes All Baked Goods Are Baked and Prepared Daily on Premises ^OR °lher localion sZhvlo'T* 7241 Baihursl St. VYISRAEL Thornhill. Chaba Gate N. ,€ 764-0582 Telephone 792-5334 • French Pastries and Cakes • Continental Coffees • Salads and Sandwiches • Catering Qibtejdma's QfCcalth (^foods NATURAL FOODS AND VITAMINS PROTEINS AND BOOKS BUS: 782-7350 S. FRIEDMAN 3415 BATHURST STREET TORONTO, ONT. M6A 2C1 OatCD FRUITS, NUTS, SPICES, CANDIES Telephone: 789-7173 J. SCHNOLL 10 j/6 off with this add 3413 BATHURST STREET TORONTO. ONT. MSA 2C1 NEW LOCATION: 7241 Bathurst St. Dor all youx (Baiiny ^Requirements and hrVert (Indian Qood- rtujl Contact znez i (13alls 1639 EGLINTON AVENUE WEST TORONTO. ONTARIO 782-7850 782-8595 The Beat Lobster Dinner in Toronto is right where you'd expect RESTAURANT Open from 5:00 p.m. 7 days a week 1962 Avenue Road - 787-3211 5 blocks south of Hwy. 401, North Avenue Road Appliance Service Co. Ltd. APPLIANCE SALES and SERVICE SUNBEAM AUTHORIZED PHONE: 781-9389 1808 AVENUE ROAD TORONTO, ONT. M5M 3Z1 Black Cat THE FISH & CHIP REST. We Serve Halibut Only 1929 Avenue Rd. 789-1555 Yiorgos cJJfe @o66far specializing in custom made boots and shoes specializing in orthopeding shoe repair 675 St. Clair Avenue Wesl Toronto, Ontario M6C 1A7 (416) 656-3843 GEORGE ASLANIDIS Specializing in Hungarian Dancing Boots St ^l&ir oweaue A V E N U E R O A D

