Menora Egyenlőség, 1977. január-június (16. évfolyam, 641-663. szám)
1977-01-22 / 641. szám
1977 január 22 * MENORA 9. oldal ■ FIREPLACES ■ Custom Deluxe SOLID BRICK, WOOt BURNING FIREPLACE Completely Installed 2595 &UP Your choice of MODERN. CONTEMRORUT huditimií« EUlt AMERICAN STUMS SUBSTANTIAL ______ CANADIAN DIVILOFIR-INVISTOR MIKINO 1) Improved Real Estate of Investment Quality with particular Interest In Regional Shopping Malls. 2) Shopping Malls or Residential Protects In planning or under construction (preferably with major tenant commitments)., PRIMI CftmatlAi Must have potential lor long-term dominance. Outright purchase, joint-ventures, or "work-outs" considered for both active and/or stalled developments. WE ARE principal who are ready to input capital, skilled manpower and credibility earned through prior performance. CONTACT WILLIAM PENCER WESTCLIFF MANAGEMENT LTD. 1420 Sherbroofcs Street West Suite 201 MONTREAL. CANADA 4} PHONE: *14-2884)157 LORRAINE CORP fREE HOME Cull oap TATI INFORMATION Now (516) Zö5-7071 41 Calls Taken 24 Hours Including Sunday SOFT & HARD ICE CREAM STORE GOOD LOCATION, POTENTIAL & PROFIT, LOW OVERHEAD & INVESTMENT. (212) CL2-0791 43 JEWELRY DIAMOND SETTER Call for appt. (212) 947-3-114 41 "THE INN PLACE" For retired Sealer Citizens. Reservations now beinq accepted for January 1777 accommodations. Emphasis placed on Individually specialized "living" program under nursing supervision in state licensed, fully sprinklered, Victorian Mansion. Come and enioy gracious living, excellent food, entertainment in small setting, located in beautiful Southern New Hampshire town. Ratos storting ot S3S daily. For Insoectlon appointment calr Mrs. Kirouac at «03-724-4741 or write above, so Summer St., Peterbcro, New Hampshire 0345a. ■—— SUCCESSFUL HOMÉ Improvement Retail Business. Located in prime, high traffic area. Owner having management problems. Selling business at sacrifice price. Great opportunity tor husband A wife team. No prior experience needed. Will teach buyer the business Cash needed, $25,000 Call Mr John Ethengaln betwn 9-4. *,,er 7:30pm. 1-409-629-9274.______________ ^ REPOSSESS Baaks, Leaala* Caaaaaalea, Track 8 Mebllr H«t Dealer* Take Nolei The Pennsylvania Department of banking has Issued a collector-reposaesaor license to the Del-Cap Detective Agency, Inc. We have a representative In every major city, and we are Prepared to repossess any ve- Icle in the state of Pennsylvania and Arrange transport to any point in the U.S.A. For further information contact Wilfrid E. Toole, General Manager, Del-Cap Detective Agency, Ine„ TS Searle Street, Ptttstoa, Pa. 18840. 7i7-ess-a8ia 42 LUXURY Al>r. Sablet Season ar ana Bally eaas-Slete new Bind faraleklaga. I BR. tt ktk. patio, balcony o. tMe? coastal eaaaL Ft Loader dale, Fla, ocean view 3 aria to beach, boated Pool aaaaa, undercover parking, aeeprlty guard. 31400 monthly with security. Call owner: (813) 367-3889 42 Jean A'riillon is proud to announce three new arrivals • MR. DAVID —Formerly ol Sake Fifth Avenue & Flecianza Cambridge available Wed. A Sal. • MISS LILLY —Formerly ol Michel Kazan available lues, thru Sat • MISS M'ARY —Expert in the Art of Sculptured Nails available lues, Wed. A Thurs. Jean Avallon BOSTON'S ONLY HEAD TO TOE SALON FOR TODAY'S WOMEN 83 Newbury St., Boston (617) 536-6995/96 43 ' Strap Hinge Sconce Solid Pine - 28** x 4” - Soft Finish Complete With Clear Glass, Chimney, Tapered Candle •975 eo. *180° pr. Shipped Prepaid. Conn. Residents Please Include 7% Sales Tax Send Check Or Money Order To Industrial Wood Products 694 Main St., Ansonia, Ct. 06401 SEND FOR FREE CATALOGUE Many woodwear items to choose ^ from in over 1 0 different designs. jd ROAD CO INVESTOR A prolit»«* roid company at a.malar mgM' FOR SALE 1PTT PIPER SENECA II Exterior la Yellow and Black. Interior la Spice Brown, King Silver Crown Package with KN-74 R NAV, with alaved HSI, long range fuel tanka, auperaound proofing, deluxe lounge Beating, altlmatlc III-C. 55 Hra T.T.A.eT Llat price $126,981 aaklng 1118,000. Leaaeback available with guaranteed hra. Call Jaha Hoffman, Ktngatr, Inc. Ti7-3a8-aasi. -------------------------------------- 41 WANTED Resort hotel, efflclenty units or condominium units with some recreational facilities for timesharing or Interval owaerahlp conversion. Principals only. Call •17-m-d84T anytime. ^ YOGA CLASSES by JOVdSMYOIB GsntW stretch BiBftiMS to firm A too* body. Breathing, rwtaxation A moditotion techniques, to calm A rofroth mind. individual Attention StrnMsd 10 LESSONS *30 W. give Demonstrations for Qubs Ik School» Day 8 Evening Qmwi (914)723-6409 43 DNTL PRACTICE ISRAEL Viewing Knesset and Museum' For sale, (2) fully eqpd operalories. Busy prestige pract, exc earnings. For further info: (416)486-8429 42 _ OCT INTO WITH hustleTM—« 8 I HR. CUSSES ■I ONLY LOOK *25 mCMDKSTMTIMMKaorjU. JAN. 10-1M2-13-14 Kcsram-MCMiucn raun I son niun tvimi WITH PMflSSlMUL TUCKERS DANCE WORLD Studio* Hlt-lltk ML, niTI, IT. CALL 259-0433 NOW *37-6694 40 PHOKNIX BY OWNER PRESTIGE PHARMACY — $630,000 Volum* — — $130,000 Inventory — TERMS Located in recently remodeled, well-established. shopping center with 20fstores. Albert Stanley 5101 N. Central Ave. Phoenix, Az 65012 602-277-1431 41 VERMONT COUNTRY STORE BUNK BEDS AND FURNITURE TO ORDER I Handmao# — Fleavy pine finished or unfinished: 6" twin foam mattress, plain, drawers, trendte. Dinette, coffee, tree formed trestle tables. Heat. I water resistant, handrubbed. GEORGE PERKINS PO Box 114 North Conway, N.H 03860 a (603) 383-9230 42 8319 i 1 \ . jBV^lUr IS' Na4|»n U.S.C*aat Sort ImfkM Schooner Harvey Carnage 39 Waterside Lane * Clinton, Conn. 06413. Dept. M. Call 203 669-7068 42 ?r full ownership. $30,900 or S40, 000. Mtge balance assumable at 7V " Gross sales '--------------- -SWfpft1- 43' 1 RUSTPROOF YOUR CAR WITH ZIEBART AND BE SURE! It's Us. Or Rust. Auto-Inicfc RustpreolinK PRESENT THIS AD FOR 10% DISCOUNT. ON RUST PROOFING STAMFORD. CONN. 9 Elm Court (203) 3-24-2092 MOUNT KISCO. N.Y. 269 N. Bedford Rd. (914) 666-3488 BRIDGEPORT, CONN. JM 262 River S treet (203) 367-8255 42 U.S. Mortgage Syndicate Professionally managed. Excellent track record. Seeks foreign national parties for Investment In additional prime U.5. properties. 4 year record of paying 15% cash return per annum. Payable quarterly in U.S. dollars. Projected return for next 5 years 18.8%, 24.6%, 30.4%, 36.1%, 41.8% annually. CALL OR WRITE (301) 652-2996 CpOp Mortgage Investors UP c/o Real Estate Equity Management, Inc. •401 Connecticut Avenue, Suita 700 Chevy Chasa, Maryland 20815 U.S.A. 43 A RESIDENTIAL CLEANING SERVICE FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE ONLY. HOUSE BOYS OR MAIDS, INSURED — CALL ANYTTIME. (212) 877-8360 (43) COMMODITY TRADERS: Essential knowledge tor the intelligent commodity trader. Make an exciting breakthrough to success as an expert trader. Trade with trust, confidence 6 capability. Sophlscated traders boost profits the solid wev using the speciel TWIN-LINE strategy. Cash in on the exclusive technlaue used tor over 40 years by top-flight professionals and millionaires. Apply it to the stock market too! —-----r.----------—ctions with each I BUY STAINED GLASS WEATHERVANES Limited Edition Elegant, hand-blown stained glass Monarch Butterfly. Sand cast aluminum framework assures rugged durability. Height 45" Wingspan 24" Arrow 29" Edition of 500, $495 each (Other-designs from $160.) Por color photos & literature describing this and other weathervanes send . $2.00 | to Bard Prentiss Prentiss Woodworks Dryden, New York 13053 607/844-5391 Dealeriiiqmftes-iRvited 43 You receive complete instructions with TWIN-LINE daily price charts, each B'/’j" x it", clearly illustrating all BUY and SELL signals tor 22 commodities. This is a special trial subscription otter to the TWIN-UNE CHART----------->.95. The' Woodburning Stoves and Ranges Our Specialty Over SO models on display at Vermont's Antique Stove headquarters. Also, dolls, miniatures, doll houses and a general line of antiques. 43 Agapee Antiques Box 43, Saxtons River, Vermont 05154 802-869-2273 [ TWIN-UNE CHA SERVICE E CHART i lor beginners and veterans trudioi for only $9:95 SERVICE Is i... .......... .... --------1 alike. For instruction issue(Januarv) send $9.95TODAY to: TWIN-UNE Chart Service PO BOX 208 HAMPTON, VIRGINIA 23669 (804)722-6111 41 HEAT YOUR HOME WITH SEVCA’s inexpensive and exceptionally efficient wood stove patterned after early shaker design. Two chambers provides extra large heating area, better radiation, convenient cooking surface. Runs overnight. Brochures and order form 250. Dealers needed, for the U.S. and Canadian markets.. SEVCA, Box 396, Bellows Falls, Vermont 05101. (802) 463-4447 SALISBURY 42 PLAINS, GA. 900 acres for sale. Property joins the city of Plains and can be used for commercial or agricultural or recreation, small airstrip. Located on both sides of Highway 45. Call (912) 824 -830 5 or write W.O. Cochran Route2, Plains, Ga. 31780. (42) HOME CRAFTSMEN ---- Beautiful California Redwood, Exotic free from slabs, burl & roof. Makes unique tables, wall hangings, clocks, mirrors, etc. One of the largest unique selections on the East Coast. Wholesale & Retail. We will furnish finished or unfinished or build to your plans. Shipped anywhere. Freight collect. Call (215) 923-9786 (41) IDEAL BLDG LOTS 1 TO 5 ACRE LOTS AVAIL PARTNER WANTED 43 Save on Fuse I Bills it FUELMISER reclaims heat fiom furnace stack. Easy installation. Thermostatically controlled. Reduces heating costs 15%-30%. $139 up. Hiestand Distributors,iDept. M Box 96, Marietta, Penn. 17547-at area. Attractive stream, Htu] views. Priced tor ifn lovajv iTäcömefamilies." Contact owner 203-364-5222 ENGRAVED BRASS DOOR PLATE Great for home or office, Black Epoxy coated, glossy finish. Gold lettering. Adhesive backing will adhere to ?ny surface. 2" x 8" with one or two lines of engraving. Max. 15 characters oer line. Brochure available. Only $8.95 ppd. Dealers inquiries invited SWEETS SIGN SHOP, 3 Old Troy Road. Oublin, N.H 03444 41 NAVAHO BRACELET Authentic handmade American Indian, sterling silver, genuine turquoise bracelet $36.00 postpaid. We specialize in genuine Indian Jewelry, many more beautiful items for your selection ARLENE MERRIT Vernon, Vt. 05354 COUNTRY HOTEL &STC Located in foothills of Blue Mou Near resort area. PJentv ol hu fishing & camping. Lots of parklt uor & restaurant license Open 7 c week. Excl business year round for information 215-837-1544 42 RYE TOWN-Exceptional family he owned by a doctor. Beautiful condlti private setting at end of cul-de-: Livrm w/fplc, formal dinrm, famrr kitch are all large & attractive bdrms, 3 Mhs. Heated swlmmli Central a/c. Ridge 5t School Owner. Prlncs only (914IWE wM ~’41 43 MUSIC STORE FOR SAL With studio for lessons in Wesl Conn. Fully stocked. Low rent indo heat, electricity and a/c. Best busii for a guitar teacher. 203-226-9437. 4] IBLEVILD Ink it iitHHiE A colonial inn since 1795. Fine New England cooking, comfortable rooms amid a friendly, informal atmosphere. Relax before the fire. Enjoy a spectacular mountain view. Just minutes from.alpine and nordic skiing. Lodgings and breakfast and dinner Mon through Friday 5 full days only 4ioo.oo> Pat 81 ZekeTWeserve - Innkeepers Call 603/356-2752 or write Idlewild Inn, Intervale, N.H. 03845 Z CLUB OF AMERICA. World’s largest club exclusively for Datsun Z owners. Monthly newsletters, membership Card, decal, competitive events. Many local chapters. $15 yearly membership includes all of the above plus discounts on a catalog full of parts and accessories. 313 Clifton Ave., Clifton, N.J. 07011 or call our hot line phone (201) 546-0181 weekdays 9-5 eastern time.__________________ ^ CHESTER, VERMONT — 8 apartments in Victorian gingerbread house — middle of ski area and excellent year-round income-gross $75,000 year (802) 624-6798 Kent Ancliffe, Gingerbread Apartments, Chester, Vermont 05143 (42)__________________ FAR ROCK-WAVE CREST — Hi 40's Large 2 family colonial 6/ 5 plus finished basement, paneled dens, 3 porches, 3 baths, 2 car port, new appliances, walk to transportation, shopping, schools, etc. (212) 32 7-5543 ( 41) FUND RAISERS OR PROMOTION PROBLEMS» Sweep them away with a Broomshire Brush! Traditionally handcrafted in New England of finest hemp. Ideal for: . hearth . patio . boat . car gift>oxed $5.75 post-paid Broomshire Crafts Box 318 Conway MA 01341 _____ 41 Get the efficiency of a wood stove and the beauty of a fireplace with the Gibraltar IV. Racon window. Constructed of heavy steel plate - holds heat for up to 24 hours. Heats up to 16,000 cubic feet. $425.00 THE STOVE SHOP 8 River Drive (Rte. 47) Hsdlay, Mass. Call John Regish. TEL: 413-584-2810 42 Exclusive Distributor in Western Mass. 12.5% RETURN We haw- ■ -Minted number ol small apt buildings available that will produit thi» hue lath on caah return to Itir invealor. $30,000-$50,000 required - j FREE MANAGEMENT Of your building will be given if needed to warren! this excellent return on < ash NORTH ATLANTIC EQUITIES CORP. 16 30 Jettet ton Avv M B ttrlLIORS fETl CHOICE COMMERCIAL/EXECUTIVE COMPLEX Our new facility is now available for your inspection. Our cuisine is incomparable. Our service is impeccable. And our stunning contemporary decor will convince you that at Landmark II “commonplace” is not a part of our vocabulary. Write or call for a menu. We invite you to let us show you how affordable elegance can be. ROUTE 17 SOUTH, EAST RUTHERFORD, NEW JERSEY Call Mr Richard (201)438-3939 “for catering of uncommon excellence” 11. FOR SALE 4 Established Yamaha Motorcycle Dealership in North Central Toronto. Moving South due to health reasons. Write or Call: T.Y. CYCLE 8. SPORTS INC. 5906YONGE ST. WILLOWDALE, ONT. M2M 3T3 .. (416)223-6520 41 695-4456 NEW YORK OFFICE 350 Filth Avenue Empire State Building New York, N.Y. 10001. JfituL STOVES The World'» Finest Woodburning Stoves, From Norway "FOR THOSE WHO WON'T SETTLE FOR SKONO BEST" BIG SAVINGS DURING THE COMING WINTER1 ELIMINATE OR REDUCE YOUR HIGH HEATING COST with rone tine wood burning JotuL purchase ol a stove or Conbi-iire An unusual combination Th* firtbci his an unusual 4*$ign. Stove is airtight with doors dcsed. Wood bums slowly at even tamperatura. Does not |o out at night. As long is you hay* wood to bum your homa win r.eva< be cold with a Jotu! tvao.ica. The Bax Stove This Is a real fuel «aver! It burns less than half the wood for the seme amount of heat given off by all others A k, WE Cl RID & I AS Ti l.L Ml 7 4 L HE:S TO> CIIIM VI YS Every Intloiiation Constructed With Metolbastct Products . . . Fully Insulated and Fire Safe JotuL dtaler STOVES & FIREPLACES OF BERGEN COUNTY 17 JEFFERSON AVL, WESTWOOD, KJ. 666-0443 Open Mon-Fri. 12 Noon-9 P.M. 3at. 10 A. M.-5 P.M. Sun. 12 Noon-5 P.M. 42 CHESTER, VERMONT — 8 apartments in Victorian gingerbread house — middle of ski area and excellent year-round income-gross $14,000 year. $75,000. (802) 875-3416. Kent Ancliffe, Gingerbread Apts., Chester, Vermont 05143 (43) MOTEL — 2 houses, 15 units. Main highway to Atlantic City, 2 gas tanks in ground for gas sales, 6 acres plus or minus. Owner retiring. $150,000 or best offer and will hold mortgage for qualified buyer. (609) 629-6022 (41) A & M FURS INC. — All work done on premises, storage vaults on premises. Restyling and Remodeling. New Garments Custom Designed. Ready to Wear in the Latest Style. 41-16 Main St. Flushing, N.Y. FL-3- 52 3 5 ( 41) DIX HILLS - MELVILLE ---- Under construction, 1 story Mini Mansion on 5 wooded acres. Approx, 12,000 sq. ft. of living space under I roof, featuring 5 BR., 8 full bath, kitchen with Cath. Ceil, and sky light that overlooks 35/35 atrium. Full Bsmt. and 20/40 indoor pool. Giant size rec. room 44/44, 16 ft. high with full brick fireplace, oversized 3 car garage. Must be seen. By appointment. Principals only. Call Mrs. Janis, ALJAN REALTY — 212-459-1301 (43) CAMPTON N.H. — off Rte. 3, 4 yr old 8 rm, 4 BR, 2 bath, Kit, LR plus garage plus 3 rm apt. $54,900. Near Ski 93, New Hampshires most popular recreational area. Builders own home also available — many beautiful lots. For Appt. (617) 762-3991 (43) STATIONERY STORE — Queens, busy shopping area, nr all transportation. 7 days. Approx $8000 weekly volume. Long lease. Must sell due to illness. Double store - 40 ' x 50'. We carry all top brand merchandise including Hallmark cards, Russel Stover Candy, etc. We also sell all kinds os gift items, cigarettes, cigars, etc. $275,000; $75,000 cash, negotiable. (212) 738-6795 (41) EXCHANGE — 28 plus or minus - acres Atkinson, N.H. on Mass border 40 mi Boston. $49,000 plus value. Exc appreciation for luxury motor home, boat or, what have you? (617) 927-0233 (43) SADDLEBACK MOTOR INN—Overlooking Rangeley Lake, Housekeeping Units TV in all Units, Cocktail Lounge — Dining Room, Skiers and Snowmobiles Mid-Week Package Plans Available on Request. Tele: (20 7) 864 -3434 Rangeley, Maine04970(42) 1924 STEARNS-KNIGHT TOURING CARBeautifully restored maroon with black trim. Black fabric top, wood spoked wheels, leather seats, truly one of a kind. $19,500 Call owner (617) 352 -2792 ( 41) “OCEAN STATE- LAND AVAIL. — Sun 8t Surf, 1 1/ 2 acre beach lot directly on Atlantic, Block Island viewl $75,000. Also many naturally wooded lots. 1-4 acre tracks, privacy some with ocean view; all within 5 min. from beaches plus fresh water lakes, plus boating, fishing, skiing. High elevation, well drained, Individ. wells with excel, water. Financing avail. Start: $8,000-up. Owner: George Greene, PO Box 47 Charlestown, RI. Call (401) 364 -74 2 5, 364-3546, SMALL TEXTILE CO. WANTED — Interested in purchasing textile converter type operation. Prefer northern Gulf Coast of Fla location. $500,000 to $1,000,000 range. Contact IBD Group (201) 575-0955 or write Box No. JM 320 Rm. 915, 350 Fifth Ave., NY. C 10001 (43) WOODCRAFTS from FINLAND-FINNIDEE KITS. — Lamp shades, baskets, ornaments, mobiles, bird feeders, woodflligree, flower planters, mosaics for children and flexible wooden strip. Free brochure — low prices. Finn-Matkos, Inc. 241-24 Hamilton Avenue, Stamford, Conn. 06902 (42) INVENTION — Attention manufacturersinvestors! 68 year old inventor retiring. Ambix Corporation and many patents for sale. Valves — Electric heater — gas heater - Heat transfer - Desalination. No capital equipment involved. Write: AMBIX, 346 Barbour Road, New Britain, CT. 06053. Phone before 10 a.m. at (203) 223-0095. Ralph D. Cooklsley, President. (41) CIGAR STORE — Sundry items, corner store, rent $900. Sales per wk over $3,000 w/hi profit. Illness forces sale. Cash $25,000. Price $65,000. (212) 242-4240 7am-7pm. (41) LIVINGSTONE LODGE ---- 2285Ft. Lake Front $350,000 takes all. Great year round potential with fantastic recreational possibilities. N.H. Summer Resort on a 6 mile lake. 42 acres, 11 buildings, 14 mi. S. of Dartmouth Col. Good buildings sleeps 30/40. Write owner: E: Livingstone, 915 Washington Ave. Ho-Ho-Kus, N.J. 074 2 3. (41) CANARSIE — 2 family brick, 6 & 6 plus 3 walk-in, 10 years young, 2 car garage, near schools, transportation. $68,000. (212) 241-7297 ( 41) COMMERCIAL PROPERTY LISTING - For sale or lease. Commercial property, 932 New Britain Avenue, West Hartford. 1/2 acre paved lot, 7,000 sq. ft. building. Ideal location for car dealer or retail sales outlet. $175,000 or 1300/ month Net Net Net lease. Direct from owner, (203) 522-3221. (43) KLEIN ---- Moving & Storage Corp. D.O.T. 194. Professionals in Serving You LOW LOW RATES. (212) 860-4948 (212) 277-0025 ____________________________(44)