Menora Egyenlőség, 1976. október (15. évfolyam, 627. szám)

1976-10-09 / 627. szám

6. oldal MENORA * 1976, október 9. ANGOLNYEL Vl) HIRDETÉSEK FELVÉTELE: 695-4456 NEW YORK OFFICE 350 Fifth Avenue Empire State Building New York, N.Y. 10001. MENORA REDUCED FOR QHCK BALE „cn BY OWNER J/OU per acre. 175 acre devel­opment investment or farm properly. 50 miles west of Sa vannah. Ga. or 45 miles south­east of Augusta. Ga. on high­way 301 south main road to Florida. 254 miles road fron­tage on north and southside of 301 also frontage on other main highways. Owner will finance 150,000 at 654% Interest for 10 years. Possession imme­diately. must sell. Also lovely 5 bedroom home in Virginia near Washington. D.C. with acreage 365.000. Contact C. M. Brtrkail )703>M7-22T0 28 THE NEW BETTER RADIANT GLASS PORTABLE HEATER — This heater operates without flame, glow or fumes. The Secret is as old as the Sun itself. Glass that produces Infrared rays. Heats people and furnishings, not afr. 1-5 Heaters $79,95 each, 6 or more $69.95 each F.O.B. Dealer & Mfg. Rep. Inquiries invited BRETTER INDUSTRIES, LTD. 84 West Park Place, Stamford, CT 06901 Dept. M. (27) 993 -8253 BRONX PROSTHETIC Custom Made artificial limbs 1 AFO Ankle foot Orthoses 2 — 2 UCBL Insert 3— 3 Night Splint 4— 4 Plastic Hand Splint 5— 5 Plastic PTB 306 EAST 149th ST. BRONX, N.Y. 10451 Medicaid & Medicare (28) UNIQUE!! - COLLECTORS ITEM — 1940 Antique Chevrolet Special, 2 door Coupe, Black, 6 Cylinder, completely reconditioned mechanically. Body & seats need some little work. Won't last at this price. Only $1,600. (603) 878-2793 (27) REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE BYOWNER - $600. per acre. 175 acres development investment or farm property 50 miles West of Savannah, Ga. or 45 miles Soth­­east of Augusta, Ga. on highway 301 south main road to Florida. 2 1/2 miles road frontage on north and southside of 301 also frontage on other main highways. Owner will finance $50,000 at 6 1/2% interest for 10 years. Possession Immediately, must sell. Also lovely 5 bedroom home in Virginia near Washington D.C. with acreage $65,000. Contact C. M. Brockman (703) 967-2270. (27) GROWING TENNIS CLUB FOR SALE! Seven acre Southern New Hamp shire tennis club with four indoor courts, clubhouse, 30 x 50 swim ming pool, and other buildings. Sportface courts, indirect light ing, ball feeding machine, video­tape facility. Clubhouse has w/w carpets, showers, lockers, cock­tail lounge, thermopanes, pro­shop. Room for further in­­door/outdoor expansion. Ample parking. Easy access to interstate §5 in a community of 70M people yearound and over 120M seasonal­ly. Here's an investment property for a group or an individual that will let you have fun while mak ing money. Offered at 1295,000. Call The Norwood Group. 116 Sooth River Rd„ Bedford. N.H. 03102 603-668-7000. .27 PAULINE LEMIRE PAL RIALTY INC., MLS REALTORS — 359 SPRUCE ST. CALL ANYTIME MANCHESTER N. H. (603: 623*3521 COMMERCIAL CORNER (2) Building« on highly traveled ro«d between Manch. & Gffs’tn. Horn. & Bualneaaea available. Many B3&. $49,500 MAKE AN OFFER Presently hotel-restaurant set-up. In good downtown location. Park­ing. fire damaged. Many possibili­ties. Call for details. INSTANT MONEY Perfect for partners. Good going Superette w/established clientele. Excellent business lo- nnn cation, high groaa $ZU,U0Q $2400 A MONTH VERY LOW OVERHEAD No experlenca needed. Worth look­$44,900 ing into! Call for details FOR SALE Illness forces sale. Spacious 3 story bldg. (Now plumbing & heating) on highly traveled Hgwy between Manchester & Concord. Suitable for any type business. Includes living quarters. Call for details. Our, mlt** it no IKMfc.iMi fhr fined quality. DEEP SEA riSH CO. 422 Cedar Lane 320 3rd Ave Teaneck — Westwood 201-836-2480 201-666-1773 Bring this ad with You (9Tj Tor special discount 11 ' Aa oV COLLECTORS ITEMS FORDS, MOD T.­­touring, an exc. car many accessories $5,000. — 1930 MODEL A, pick-up running, a good one to restore $2,500. — 1936 2 dr. trunk back sed., V-8, Blue, ready to go, $3,250. Call Owner: (802) 748-4093. (28) AL S AUTO REPAIR --­GENERAL REPAIRS, HOURS MON - FRI 8-5 SAT. 8-12, 614 6th AVE. BELMAR, N.J. PHONE (201) 681-5464 (29) MMMMMHnMM I SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY I 1977 SPRING SIMESTKR ABROAD AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS FLORENCE, ITALY LONDON, ENGLAND MADRID, SPAIN STRASBOURG, FRANCE Vortoty of court«* offered. No longuago pro* rtquitit«. Writ« for cotaloguo and application. DIVISION OP INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS ABROAD 335 COMSTOCK AVENUE SYRACUSE, NEW YORK 13210 315-423-3471 28 STORES, PROFESSIONAL OFFICE OR BOTH — Essex Junction — 400 sq. ft. painted, plus 300 sq. ft. of painted cellar. 700 sq. ft. carpeted and paneled, divided into three offices and waiting room with fireplace plus 600 sq. ft. of cellar. 1300 sq. ft. carpeted floor and walls plus paneling. Other exceptional property available. Starting At $300 To $700 Monthly — Call or write owner 197 Pearl St. Essex Junction, Vermont. Days (802) 879-6541; evenings (802) 864-7897 ( 29) MASSIVE EASTERN PINE END TABLE Approx 18"W x 27"l x 21 "H Free Form Top Thicknesses »ary from 2” to 2k" Available in DARK PINE or HONEYTONE Finish • EASY TO ASSEMBLE • “Specialists in Early American furniture” Satisfaction Guaranteed Send Cheek irk.O. for $129.95 ANDCO CABINET CO., INC. R<. 30 LeRoy, New York 14482 Dept M allN.Y.S. residents aid appropriate sales tax. Freight charges collect. Allow 3-6 weeks for delivery. 27 NOW OPENING TO PUBLIC CUSTOM TAILORING ALTERATIONS FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN FAR ROCK A WAY — 50x100. 6 rms., completely paneled, 2 bedrms, modern kitchen, bsmt. low taxes, fenced, $53,000. (212) 327-6910. (28) UNIQUE DESK NAME PLATE Great gift item Your nama Hand craltrd in ciioict ol natunl CDtfry or Maple Only ppd Mass 8aa please include 5S Seles lax Exquisite Master Tailor fea­turing custom made Styles from Paris Sc London to fit your fashionable taste or if you prefer Jacques will de­sign your own style to fit your personality. P.S. Alterations are welcome to see and compare my work­manship and LOW LOW pric­es with other tailors. JACQUES MARIN TAILLEUR COUTURIER 44 Bromfield St. (Room 601) Boston, Mass. 02108 Hrs.Mon-Fri 8.30am to 5.30pm Sat. 8.X am to 2.00 pm. 426-6763 EXCELLENT WORKMANSHIP IS MY SPECIALTY (27) SOLAR ENERGY RESEARCH CORP., INC. (SERC) We are offering to qualified business persons AN OPPOR­TUNITY in the "NOW SOLAR HEATING INDUSTRY." If you are currently involved with building products or con­tracting. you should check out our offer! Grow with the in­dustry and grow with SERC. Please forward your inquiries to: Herbert Erickson Exec.V.P. SOLAR ENERGY RESEARCH CORP. 1228 15th St, Ns. 412 beaver, Colorado 80202 (303 ) 573-540« SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE - FOR ALL YOUR OFFICE CLEANING & SUPPLY NEEDS, HONEST & THOR­OUGHLY RELIABLE (212) 854-1079 ( 30) NEW YORK AREA 3 AEROCOMMANDERS Available for block time purchase at very attractive rates: Pressurized, skyphone, A 'C, executive seating. D. W. de Lambert, Chief Pilot (203) 748-3533, Conn. AirServ. Danbury, Ct. 06810 (29) SEASON'S CREATING — CENTER SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION OF CLIFTON, N.J. 295 CLIFTON AVENUE, N.J. CALL (201) 365-1717 (2g) HUNTINGTON, L. I. EAST NORTHPORT - New 4 bedroom raised ranch and Colonial homes. Ideal Mother and Daughter on 3 / 4 acre, fireplace, den, 2 1/2 bath. Immediate occupancy from 555,900. Builder (516) 757-8538 ( 28) WE NEED YOU A non-profit educational Institu­tion, FOLK ARTS CENTER OF NEW ENGLAND, Inc., la search­ing for a New England country location (sale or donation) to es­tablish a center for preserving and teaching to all ages the Arts, Customs, Dances and Music of many ethnic cultures. Write «2 Pettier Are. Lexlagtea, Maas. I882-7144. LAS VEGAS Unique established high volume veterinary practice for aale. Home with aviary and pool can be Included. Call: 702-7S5-8170 or Write: 2SB1 S. Highland. Salt« 8. LaaVegas. Nevada 8B1M 2ft FINANCIAL ANALYST22K - Profitability analysis. Long range planning. Contact Joe Miglizzi. Availability, 750Main, Hartford, CT (203) 249-9177. (27) •3173; er shear 1817) 29 27 FOR SALE Patent Rights in U.S., Japan, Can­ada, Great Britain and Germany for a new proven Credit Card Sys­tem. Asking $150,000. P. J. Wag­­■er, SOI E. Hemphill Rd, Fllat. MI 48807, (313) 743-3000. _ Dept.M.-27 Let us be YOUR Canadian Branch! * Prestige business address in prime Toronto area. * Business phone with answer­ing service. * Secretarial service. * Staffed and eq uipped to handle all your Branch re­quirements. BUSINESS SERVICES UNLIMITED 210 DON PARK RD. Uniti MARKHAM, Ont. L3N 1C3 (4:6) 495-1811 (29) Your til Volume Auto Dlecount Center HERITAGE FORD Rte 9D North of 1-84 Beacon N.Y. Soloo A Service 831-5151, Parte 831-5162 We Dare...You Compare!! Heritage Confidence is... Get your best deal - then come see the #1 Sales Volume leader • with the largest inventory of New & Used Cars and Trucks for immediate delivery on our 6 Vi ACRE BIG LOT • Joe Romano eJohn DiStofano oDaro Fitzpatrick oRon Carpino eVin Greco eBiil Knight o Clint Thoysohn o Pete Boiettieri e Ed Del Rost o Miko Mirras o Bob Tworn low ANDREAS RIST0RAN7E Wine& Dine in a Relaxing & Memorable Atmosphere * COCKTAILS * AMERICAN MENU * SEAFOOD SPECIALTIES * FABULOUS ITALIAN CUISINE Complimentary Carafe of Wine with Dinner For Two Sunday Special Dinner $ 5.25 Your Hosts George & Andreas. Open for Dinner Daily at 4 P.M. Call For Reservations — 516-775-1333 Free Parking 127 Hempstead Turnpike, Eimont Opposite Club House of Belmont Park 28 Great Prize or award CiiliilN Woodcraft 8 Vernon Ave. Top profit Potential! BETTER MOUSETRAP. N.J. ml chine shop haa developed a unique turnkey method to manufacture a atandard disposable consumer Item. Sales through Mfg. Reps. In­dicated. Interested contacting sales group with proven national results for high ticket items. Mr. Entrepreneur contact Jim Clark at 961*862-0110. 29 Stoneham. MA 0218C 27 L P N - U to 7 SHIFT — Full time position availabla for Nurse with charge experience. Excellent salary and benefits. Call JEWISH HOME FOR THE AGED (203) 789-1650 Mrs. Robinson or Mrs. Gray. (27) SOCIAL SUPERVISOR One of Amtrict's finest dating services seeks improvement & elso desires to sponsor various'sociel activities.'We hive unlimited quality leads & a.tirm reputation. Revenues for tjrence set protect evalleble. Our Co Is seekino right individual to supervise on local or preferably national level. Top salary for outlined individual + commission COMPUTREND, LTD. approach omtinmo We have the total approach to commodity portfolio management By combining fundamental technical ond aomputer analysis, we recommend daily market positions in over 20 commodities Whether you are an individual, association, or pai ship, vn have the expertise and service you demand ortnnr-Registered Commodity Advisor Registered Commodify Pool Operator 835 Sterling Ave. Palatine, *1. 60067 312648-0188 B-Select Merchandise Co. Keefe Road Acton, Massachusetts 01720 617-369-7430 ROCKING CRADLE Authentic Colonial Reproduction Full-sized (22" h x 32" 1) handcrafted cradle in solid walnut-stained western pine and will hold a baby. $56.50 direct (plus freight). Optional mattress with moisture-proof cover, $7.50. 3-5 weeks delivery. SENlfcOUPON TODAY: ~ Pis. send____cradles (a 56.50 ..................$ ~ plus____mattresses («'7.SO 5, , Sub-Tot^ 1 ■ Mass. res. add 5% Sales Tax _----— Total ----------I enclose check/money order for: I agree to pay freight charges collect. Pis. charge my: U Master Charge it — (Checkone) □ BankAmericard ». Expiration date of either card: mo--­Signature:------------------------­_Bank fL-yr M 27 . stock options available. Webster, 21S-331-5550____ Visit Tenafly’s New Women’s Shoe Salon. Quality Shoes! The Final Touch 37 Highwood Ave. Tenafly, N.J. 201-568-2767 26 Cell Mr 29 RECCO HOME HEALTH CARE SERVICE 4160 MERRICK ROAD MASSAPEQUA H SERVING NASSAU & SUFFOLK COUNTIES CALL: .516 798-6688 27 WEST GEORGIA AREA . 32,000 sq. ft. apparel manufactur­ing facility. Excellent labor mar­ket, 5 acre plot, 180,000. Contact Tooy Deroio, Dcraio Realty. 492 Baakkead Arcane« Carrol It oa. Georgia (494 ) 834-7773. 30 WANTED Canadian Candle Manufacturer needs well established distributor for U.S. Lowest prices on pillars. Northern Candle Ltd. 90 Don Park. Markham. Oat. (419)-495-9271 28 Depilatron’s introductory offer: Come in for half an hour of painless hair removal. We’llgive you an extra 15minutes free. MIAMI Prestigious In the Loch Lomond area of Miami Lakes, one of Miami's most distinguish­ed areas. This palatial ranch features S bedrooms. 3 baths, large family room with fireplace, foyer entrance, sunken living room, large kitchen, formal dinning room, swimming pool and large screened patio. Fully equipped. All other amenities you sould expect in a luxury home $235,000. Write: Owner D.R. Foster 7020 Torphin Place, Miami Lakes. Fla. 33014 or phone 305-821-3248 27 NORTH CAROLINA COUNTRY ESTATE 38 acres with panoramic view of beautiful Blue Ridge Moun­tains. Magnificent white brick 2 story colonial home. Luxuri­ous living spaces and appoint- 16 rooms, 4H baths. ments. Over 8000 sq. ft. Beautifully maintained and decorated with antique and custom-designed furnishings (available for pur­chase). Swimming pool, guest house, farm buildings, pasture lands. $345,000. Also nearby. 34 acre farm with 1400 ft. on famous Blue Ridge Parkway. $65,000. B. G. SprlMBthorpe (owser) kway. $65,000. G Mt. Airy, NX!. 37030 a») t-------­_1»19) 780-5033 28 RESTAURANT PIZZERIA Partners opening larger operation. Sell­ing last gold mine in Bklyn. across im. Kings Plaza shopg Ctr. Newly decor, lrg. transit trade & delivery busn. plus din. area for 26. Full kitch. ovens, dough mach. dough relarder, walk in box, 24' counter. 10 yr. lease, immed takeover $120,000. Mr. Mulvihill 212-252-^990. for appt. 29 FOR SALE« Specialty Dress Shop in Historical Virginia Valley College Town. Will Sell or Lease Bldg. Excellent Location. P.O. Box 997 Staunton, Virginia oo (703) 885-2222 “PROFIT” Benefit from the exposure of one of the largest and finest retail markets on the East Coast. 30,000 people pass through our front doors each weekend. Promote your product; sell large quanti ties of inventory or any other en deavor where exposure counts t.S. #1 Flea market A Antique*. Route 1 A 18; New Brunswick. N J. 08901; (201I 840 0900. n^j 15 yean of growing profits Salt Lake City. Utah'« LARGEST recreational vehicle and trailer supply distributor annual sales $500,000-1 . Demands of an enter­tainment career forces sale. Own­er will consider stock for stock In a listed company or financing * secured offer, hoaar phase 27 4801) 377 0411 * 1 We're so sure you'll find Depilatron, the no-needles method of hair removal, so pleasant. . . so completely painless.. we're making you this offer just to try it: We’ll give you an additional 15 minutes free with your first paid half-hour appointment. And we promise you: you won't feel a thing. Because Depilatron uses no needles. Instead, an electronic tweezer touches only the hair, not your skin. In seconds, the hair slides rightout. It's safe, effective even on sensitive parts of the body- but with Depilatron, • ■ • 'll feel is the only thing v tiful! you i beautifi Call your local beauty salon listed below for an appointment. But hurry, an offer this good can't last forever. One complimentary 15-minute session per customer only. Method by BejutvcJiv. ltd. TAKE THIS COUPON TO THE FOLLOWING SALON: JOSEPH’S or LAWRENCEVILLE HAIRDRESSERS The ultimate in hairstyling ArtO-ftOA 1 07D Ik Hoir Cutting, Hair Styl-OvY^OYO- I a/ O ing, Tridioperm Natural Body Waves, Hair 1 85 Franklin Corner Rd. Coloring, Hair 6 Scaly Treatments, Mani-OPP. HOWARD JOHNSON «ra* anti Facials. retail value *ts.oo We use and recommend KtDRCrl La Barraca NOW OFFERS A Wide Selection of Home Furnishings and Gift items from around the World. 1% 10% OFF All Merchandise with this advertisement JCa (Barraca, 3nc. OAK SPRINGS OF WARRENTON, VIRGINIA A Camprahanaiva U8i Com Facility. SHuatad In Tha BaoutifulRoll­ing Hill« Of Warranton, Virglnlo, Oak Spring» Encompa»»*» A World Of Calm Saouty With CompUta Fim Safa Foellitta., Far Suttoinlng And Raatadng Haallh And Paaca Of Mind. Oak Spring» Pro* Id«« Intanaiva And Cuatodial Cara. Nuraat Ara On Chify 24 Hours A Day And Along WHh Thorn pint, Work Undor Tho RaaidatV« Paraonol Phyaicion. Staff Physician. A/. Ahaaya On Call. Oak Spring« 1» Tha Camplata Madam Concopt In Hurting And CorwaWacata Tharopy. k Offan Hoapital Quality Car«. In Homo Lika Surrounding«, At Boaaon­­able Cotit. W. Invrta You To Oak Spring.. Judgo For Your »«If Tha Baovty Of Our Facility And Our High Standard». A»k For Mia. Vlrginio lya-1066 Hasting Lane Warrington (703) 347-4770 Virginia 22186 'V 1 «7) IMPORTS. GIFTS. JEWELRY & HOME FURNISHINGS 414 Highway 75, MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP . P.O. BOX RED BANK. N.J. 07701 _____________ 842-9098 WILL TRADE Irrigbted Form Close to Denver With Substantial. . . OIL & GAS ROYALTY INCOME GOOD CROP PRODUCTION. WIU CONSIDER APARTMENTS, COMMERCIAL PROPERTY, OR ft $210,000 EQUITY Wright or Call Owner P.O.Box 27 Brighton Colo. 80601 303-659-4008 27 BEGINNING AND ADVANCED 2-YEAR COURSES DAY—EVE—FULL/PART TIME INTERIOR DESIGN— Program accredited by Foundatloi i for Interior Design Education and Research (F.I.D.E.R.). Leads to student membership in American Society of In tarior Designers (A.S.I.D.) FASHION DESIGN — Dressmaking COMMERCIAL ART— Advertising Design & Layout ALSO RETAILING ACCOUNTING MARKETING DATA PROCESSING SECRETARIAL KEYPUNCH MEDICAL OFFICE ASSISTANT FULL TIME PLACEMENT V.A. APPROVED OPENINGS AVAILABLE FOR JAN. Call or Write CHAMBERLAYNE Junior College 128 COMMONWEALTH AVE. BOSTON MA 02116 — KE6-4500 NAME .................. ADDRESS:STREET CITY .............-.... NAME.................... 30

