Menora Egyenlőség, 1975. január-június (14. évfolyam, 543-565. szám)

1975-01-11 / 543. szám

10.oldal ANGOLNYELVÜ HIRDETÉSEK FELVÉTELE: MtNORA 695-4456 NEW YORK OFFICE 350 Fihh A vertu« Empire State Buiiding New York, N Y. l'JOOI TAX ASSISTANCE Accountants with big ”8“ and controllingship experience avail­able for schedule preparations, monthly closings, financial analysis and tax pre­paration on a temporary basis. ACCOUNT­ING FOR MANAGEMENT, INC. 617-659-2892 (44) PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING Industrial, commercial, residential, fully Insured. Free estimates. Call now (201) 943-0308 (49) CLOSEOUTS BOUGHT AND SOLD Incl. Canwfd fruits, foods, juices, boxed candy, pet foods, boy's & men's denims, corduroys, slacks, sweaters, electronics & novelties. Will pay top dollar — write or call (617) 64^-9678 AMERIC INTER­NATIONAL CO. 141 Mass. Ave., Arlington, Ma 02174 (44) CARVEL ICE CREAM 93-10 37th Ave. Jackson Htgs, N. Y. Open 7 days a week — Kosher ice cream WE CATER TO ALL SOCIAL FUNCTIONS Tele: 212-429-9588 (*) JULIO DORCELY 103 Malta St. Bklyn Constructions, Additions & alterations Plumbing & roofing violations corrected Lie. No. 732153 Call (212) 257-6150 or (212) 257-5633 ' (49) BAY SHORE BAKE SHOPPE 1183 Sunrise Highway Bay Shore, L. I. Bread, rolls, pies & cakes finest of birthday & wedding cakes (516)M05-9689 (x) ZEUS SERVICE CENTER - general auto repairs road service — tires — batteries and accessories. - Open 6 days a week 2323 Flatbush Avenue Bklyn, N.Y. Tele: (212)951-8549 (x) BUSY CORNER FRUIT STORE 4001 13th Ave. Cor. 40th Street Bklyn,N.Y. Finest of vegetables, fruits and produce Free deliveries Tele: (212)438-9774 (x) NEW SHOPS AVAIL, in an established prestigious shopping village. Serving the prosperous Main Line communities since 1966. We are presently expanding with new building at SPREAD EAGLE VILLAGE where the natural beauty will be a source of inspiration to you and your costumers. (215) 687-2828 (45) For the Man Who Has Everything and Wants to Keep It. GET THE TAX SHELT­ER BENEFITS MILLIONAIRES RECEIVE For only $50 per year! Send ckeck to: Int. Law & Tax Haven Review at 3 W 83 St. for this informative newsletter, or contact Joel Levine at 873-6312/11 (46) PLUMBIN G - ANY TIME NO JOB TOO SMALL - TOO LARGE, ALL TYPES (201)861-4171 - VINNIE (45) AMATO’S RESTAURANT 330 Merrick Road Amityville, L.I. Finest of Italian cuisine — original recipes. Week end res. requested Call (516) 598-2229, ask for Dorothy or Frank Amato (x) BIG PIG INC. 113-02 — N.Y. Blvd Jamaica Southern Style foods chicken & ribs WE SPECIALIZE IN TAKE OUT ORDERS. Tele; (212)526-8843 (x) RIC-LAR INC. General Con­tractors, Fire Rebuilding spe­cialists, 10 Grace Street, Ir­vington, N.J. Phone: 201-373-8043 (45) JOHN A.'JUNGERMANN & SON INC. ESTABLISHED 1935 Finding the answer to poor trucking problems is our business. We specializ­­in Long Island, N.Y. & interline delivery. Call us for quick efficient service at competitive rates. Commercial & indust­rial. 215W. HOFFMANNAve,Lindenhurst, L.I. Call (516) 276-5555 (43) OWNER OPERATORS — LOW LOW IN­FLATION RATES. 'Complete trucking direct service. Express lines. Steady contracts accepted. Daily pick-ups de­livery. Service for N.Y. and N.J. Call (201) 256-6931 or (201) 646-9000 and leave message. ' (46) DELRAY BEACH OCEANFRONT HOME 2 story 5 BR, 5 Bth on 100x230 lot with seawall. Private beach. Sep­arate bldg), houses garaee, His & hers cabanas, guest room. Deed permits building add’l house on property. Property rented Feb & Mar at $1,800 per mo. Can close Apr 1 on quick deal. First $189,- 000 takes all including furniture. Call (305) 762-6883 ^44^ CASSETTE TRANSCRIBER-RECORDER Modal #2702. lue. IM »1*9.95 Sug. list may no) be prevalent in all wet if ‘ • 3% (or shin Pina, D. C. RES- 5% Tax 3-WAY AIR SUSPENSION SPEAKER SYSTEM THE HSS-1 12" HIGH COMPLI­ANCE WOOFER, 6" ACOUSTICALLY ISOLATED MID­RANGE, 4"FLARE CONE TWEETER (AIR-TIGHT, GLASS FILLED WALNUT VINYL CABINET) ___ 24" x 14x11". Freq. Beige Qrtnctom range: 30-22.000 HZ, CROSSOVER: 2 A S KHZ. MIN. POWER S WATTS. 25 CONTINUOUS. IMP. 8 OHMS. (5-year goarantea)(INaUDESCONNECTING CORD) (3.00 PER SPEAKER SHIPPING. 5.00 OVER 600 MILES). Quantity One 2uo 4uo 12up--- 6995, 49H 44.95 39.95 welcome-Frt./Ppd. 24 Spkra. CASSETTE LABELS Plain while cassette labels, Norelco cas­sette cleaners, paper mailer boxes, (holds Norelco type plastic box) famous brand cassettes. "Like new" 10H metal reels. Send for open reel and cassette discount catalog. Quantity... -10-99 100 1000 10M raiiitln Label* (Multiple* of 10) .02 .015 .01 .007 NonteoCaeaette Cleaner .00 .55 .50 .45 CwaaSa PgiarMalarIxmae .025 .022 .02* .011 •Scotch C*M*tt*SC90HE 2.50 2.44 2.50 2.34 10K”MM.NWHde.Uked 1.00 .00 .50 .75 •Buy 10. SCebHE, Oat 5 Fie* Pkw Poetaga by Weight and Zona ----Order. 99.00 ■ay 3 MPEX #314 "20/29+" MO at tLSS. BET ONE FMEE Plusl a Stacketto Storage Case $15.87 Value STACKETTE OFFER LIMITED TO #370. ANO #364 8ERIES. AMPEX •370, 060 STACK ETTE DEAL IS: BUY 6 £ 990 GET ONE FREE. TOTAL COST FOR 4 WITH STACKETTE IS 32.97; AMPEX •370, C-90 STACKETTE DEAL IS BUY 3. C-90® 1.33 GET ONE FREE, TOTAL COST FOR 4,33.99. Mall orders, add 700 for shipping 1st 8TACKETTE deal 150 aa.Add’1 deal: SAXIT0NE 1776 Columbia Road, N.W. Washington, O.C. 20009 m Atm 202-462-0800 JsM]NjSTj»JpjmWTS__. Squash Blossoms - Fetishes - Nugget Necklaces Hishi Beads - Bracelets • Rings—Earrings Kacltina Dolls, Rugs. Pottery, Paintings & Sandpaintings Collector's Items Located HANDCRAFTED BY Navajo - Hop) - Zuni - Santo Domingo cyj-ixitaqz Coxnvi "Homo of Authentic Indian Jewelry" Cm mere* Avenue, Danielson Conn. 00239 Star* Hour« Monday-Friday 10-4 Other Havre AvaSaM* by Spaiilnhwal Cab anyth**, (203) 774-7084 Aak lor Barbara (Ru4u House carpentry contractor — Aluminum products — specializing in siding & roof­ing, commercial, residential, Industrial, excellent work — free estimates — Call Bob nOw (201) 435rl527 (47) RUBBISH REMOVAL you'll call. I'll haul basements,, attics & garages cleaned out Reasonable rates, 24 hour service — also snow removal. Call Big Al's 516-546-96 56 (47) FLOOR SANDING & FINISHING WAXING RUG SHAMPOOING, commercial and re­sidential. Complete janitorial service. Free estimates, low rates. Porterhouse Maintenance (201) 926-6173 (46) .RESIDENTIAL HOTELS HOME for Sen. Citizens. All facilities avail. Soc. Sec. accepted. The Claridge Hotel, Lakewood, NJ, 605 Madison Ave, Lakewood, NJ, 08701.(201) 363-1100(47) MASON — BUILDER — PAINTINGS PATIOS, SIDEWALKS, FIREPLACES, STONE WORK. ALL INSIDE SERVICES, special winter rates Call (201) 274-8555 after 3 P.M. (45) RECESSION BUY^44) 2 BR, Condo, on harbor at Har­­bortown, Sea Pines, Hilton Head, S.C. $98,000. Completely furnished, carpet, drapes, matching1 spreads, china, silver, etc. Bring your own financing. Call (012) 232-1581. BROOKLIN, MAINE, 35 acres of land, ten room house. Possible mining area with mine started. $75,000. Call Ben Cooper, 617-888-4421 or write Gen. Del. Sandwich, Mass. 02563 (43) 1742 COLONIAL (44) Fully restored. Located Granville, Mass. Berkshire Foothills. 4(4 Acres, additional acreage avail­able. Frontage & topography as­sure privacy. 10 Rooms + 2 room apartment over garage. $801000. Financing available. Broucnure upon request. Owner: Colvin, Post Bond, Old Lyme, Conn. 06871. Call (203>-399-0300 or Eves 434-9300. YOUNG GROWING BUMNESS — Seeks person who would like to live near Hanover or White River and has ability to set up and direct a sales force covering Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Adlron­­dacks, New York. SIO.OOO Invest­ment required. Once in a lifetime opportunity for the right person. Call for appointment. (802) 295-5481. or send resume to: Philip W. Gar­­ran Sr., Northern Brochure Dlst., Co., Inc., P. O. Box 767, White River Jet., Vt. 05001. (44 INTERIOR PAINTING Specializing on hallways, carpentry — Commercial - industrial - residentla,’ FREE ESTIMATES (201)864-3882 (44) WINTER INDOOR PAINTING SPECIALS Our price is the lowest — Serving all of Hudson County — Industrial, commer­cial, residential. Free estimates. Call (20b 432-7923 (43) APPLY NOW FOR i FEBRUARY, 1975, CLASSES J| LEWIS UNIVERSITY ----” AND ITS COLLEGE OF LAW • Environmental Law Center • Women's Law Center • World Law and Human Rights Institute • Institute for Rational Legal Counseling • Aviation Law • Insurance Law • Paraprofessional Training Center Generalist/specialist track programs available, plus pro­grams for mature and second career students. Day, Saturday and evening classes at 128-acre suburban campus with on-campus dorms and board available. Write or call: Lewis University Rt. 53 at Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, III. 60137 Telephone: 312-858-7200 GOLD — SILVER from ENGELHARD World's Largest Refiner of Precious Metals] NOW — IN MIAMI through their distributor — dtoler BRITISH METALS CORPORATION County National Bank Building N.E. 167th Street at Bth Avenue North Miami Beach, Florida 33162 Phone: (305) 653-3039, 3031 Engelhard, recognized world leader in pre­cious metals, through its distributor, British Metals Corporation, has opened its new of­fices here in the Miami area. A TRADING MARKET will be available to the public and to industry for the BUYING and SELLING of GOLD and SILVER using the daily world published ENGELHARD price. While GOLD will be legally available to the public soon in stamped, registered bars of the highest puri­ty, SILVER is available immediately. Call us or come to see us now — Before The Rush — to discuss protection of your dollars through PREVIOUS METALS. Phone (305) 653-3030 for: 1. The daily ENGELHARD GOLD and SIL­VER prices. 2. GOLD and Silver ordering information. 3. Cash for GOLD and SILVER scrap. Same day service. | SEASONAL GIFT ITEMS | £99+ Fine Silver Ingot 1 Troy Ounce Highly polished, ENGELHARD engraved — $10 each. Limited quantities available. Also 10-25-50-100 Troy Oz. Registered and cer­tified ENGELHARD SILVER bars, 999+ Fine. /44) Phone and Mail Orders accepted. ' 1 *164* New York Hair Center 133 WEST 72nd St., Suite 603 Introduces The Ultra Skin Hair Replacement We think it's Complete Price abou( time 100 someone CUT the excessively high price of a man’s hair replacement. Never before has such a fantastic offer been extended at such an un­believably low price. Totally unde­tectable. Sleep in it, shower, or swim. It won't come off. No matter how messed nothing is visiblel No­thing but hair and scalp. Allwewant is a chance to prove it... And when your hair replacement is completed if you are not 100 % satisfied in every way you pay nothing, not one cent. For more information call 799-9204 or stop in at New York Hair Center 133 West 72nd Street * FOR MORE INFORMATION NAME-------------­ADDRESS----------­OTT---------------------PHONE.,—-----——— READY FOR GOLD BULLION? Legal on December 31 I, 5, and 10 oz bars Available Now 5, 10, and 20 Gold Reichmarka Restruck from Original Dies of 3. H. Mayer Mint Austrian 1 and 4 Ducats Austrian 100 Corona French 10 Franca and Maxican 50 Paaea Writ« for Free Brochure Dealers Inquiries Invited Delivery Guaranteed SOLD BULUON INTERNATIONAL LTD. Suita 2I3A State Tawar Building Syraeusa, N. Y. 13202 Phene (SIS) «22 155« Telex 937464 Affiliate of 3. H. Mayer Mint Pforzheim, Watt Germany •___________x JOHN S SHOE SERVICE Quality shoe repairing & dyeing 51 Newton Lane, East Hampton, L. I. Tele: (516)324-9823 x 5000 4- 1 assorted executive pocket calenders. 5000 months available at a glance. Georgeus blue vinyl lovers,.Could be sold for .50 to $10.00. Each absolutely great for your salesmen to use as give aways for their costumers. Can be Im­printed ready to go at a great price for Immediate sale. Call Irene Topps, (201) 843-6464 (43) KAIN TYPING & SECRETARIAL SERVICE TYPING TRANSCRIPTION IBM SELECTING I I WORK GUARANTEED LOW RATES CALL (212)899 - 1592 (45) M & H CLEANERS 96 Leonard Avenue, Freeport, L.I. WE CLEAN HOMES & OFFICES 15 years exp. Reasonable rates Call 516-546-9379 or 516-546-5827 (48) BIG COST LA BOR SAVINGS ON HAND ASSEMBLIES ELECTRONIC ELECTRO MECHANICAL SHORT Of LONG RUNS KICK-PRESS Operations and other production requ­irements within 48 hours C all or write INNER CITY INDUSTRIES (203) 777-6457, 46 Bristol Street, New Haven Conn. 06515 (3) THE OFFICERS, EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS AND STAFF of LOCAL 32-J Service Employees International Union AFL-CI0 237 East 36th Street New York City 10016 SEASON’S GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES TO OUR THOUSANDS OF MEMBERS AND FRIENDS JOSEPH J. BAUMANN—President & Business Manager DOLORES DRAPALA-Secretary-Treasurer DONALD F. MUMM-Vice President CHESTER W. BROWN-Vice President LUCILLE PEARSON SMITH-Recording Secretary ANGELO DE CRISTAFORO-General Organizer EXECUTIVE BOARD Marie Farkas Moravec Walter Fugowski Ella Orange Isabel Taiitt Blucher Lawrence Evelyn Szagolowski Jane Smalls BOARD OF AUDITORS Mary McNulty-Blanch Thurmond-James Daly Jean Koeur Elinor Fey Pauline Slisky Mattie Lester Peter J. McManus (x) Get Acquainted Special! WASH, WAX AND POLISH YOUR KITCHEN FLOOR *4.50 ^ (wet stripping extra) ICall anytime Phila. (215) 896-5758 MEDFORD 396-2290 QUINCY 479-1123 BROCKTON 583-0231 1(617) ATTLEBORO 222-6301 LOWELL 452-5221 WELLESLEY 237-4882 SALEM 744-3609 ..... "WE SERVICE ALL FLOORS, AND SMALL BUSINESSES ARE OUR SPECIALTY" 1 (44) One-Stop nu\\uuu\\\\\u\\\tuH\mu\\\\\\a\unv Shopping Center L&M is an unequalied single source for all your fastener needs For all industry, we provide a complete line of corrosion-resistant fasteners of stainless steel and non-ferrous metals. We offer immediate delivery from a vast inventory of standard military and commercial hardware and tools. For special applications, we fabricate fasteners to your prints. Write or call today for the one-stop shopping center’s complete product catalog. asts FASTENERS Cal* tor*aS col'60’ , act'°n-L&M Fasteners Inc. 463 River Drive (P O Box 357) Garfield, New Jersey 07026 (201) 546-6000 (45)

