Menora Egyenlőség, 1975. január-június (14. évfolyam, 543-565. szám)
1975-02-15 / 548. szám
10. oldal MENORA * 1975. február 15. jÁNQOLNYELVÜ HIRDETÉSEK FELVÉTELE: MINORA 695-4456 NEW YORK OFFICE 350 Fihh A venu« Empire State Building New York, N Y. I0Ö0I PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING Industrial, commercial, residential, fully Insured. Free estimates. Call now (201) 943-0308 (49) NEW YORK BOY. GEE. GREAT. Unreal, That's what you will say about this land. Sports enthusiasts, investors and retirees. Beautiful country-featuring skiing, snowmobiling, hunting, An 18 hole golf course near-by. Also a horse track. Over 5,000 acres for your choice. Minimum 10 acre lots at S500 per acre. Two 512 acre exceptionally beautiful .lots at $14,000 each. Owner will finance. Property is in Malone, New York, near Lake Piacid. Malone is 73 miles from Montreal site of '76 Summer Olympics. Qualified interested buyers will he flown to property at our expense. Call now to have first choice on lots. J.F. Donahue Agency, MLS-Realtor-lnsur( 203) 583-8227 ( 49) NIGERIA — In the oil booming country of Nigeria, if you're interested in marketing your products, such as entertainment, electronics, industrial light t, heavy machinery, A/C for cars, mini calculators, washing machines, educational materials, consult Akinolacr wrjfe Ajetunmobi 201-242-3799. ‘ 18 Shanley Avenue NEWARK, NJ. 07108 ( 50) NORTH JERSEY ALL SERVICES Exterminators Mice, Roaches, Ants, Tormltes, Water Bugs, etc. Commercial M Per “ Month On Any Size Apartment Fully tneured Ne Job Too BIB or Smell Residential M Per * Month On Any Small Business All Work Guaranteed (Free) Rodent Poison CALL (201)451-5669 (52) 1 Plumbing & Heating Upatk Piping & Heating Co. .MODERN BATHS HOLLYWOOD KITCHENS KEFtPING & JOBBING FREE ESTIMATES W No job too small or too bif (212) 252-4494 HOUSE CARPENTRY CONTRACTOR - Aluminum products — Specializing in Siding & Roofing, Commercial, Residential, Industrial, Excellent work — Free estimates — Call Bob now: (201) 435- 1527. (48) DRUG STORES BOS & VIC. - SEVERAL GOOD VOL. LOC. CALL PROFESSIONAL EXCHANGE. DEPT. M. P.O. BOX 1575, BOSTON, MASS. 02104. (617) 536-6856. (50) J"bOB'S pvt car SERVICE * J Location: 150 Beach 07 St., Rock- ■ way. Make reservations^ now .for | local or long distance traveling. 10% Reduction W/This Coupon (212) 945-1410 (212)945-6592 (212)945-6636 BUSINESS & INCOME TAX Professionally done In your home, day or night - Serving N.Y.C. and NO. N.J. VERY REASONABLE. CALL .NOW: (201) 838-6210. (57) NEW 1975 EDITION American Franchise & Business Opportunity Directory. Fully researched, hundreds of opportunities, full or part time Includes descriptions, addresses and Investment If required. Send $2.95 in Bapl Publications, 880 Boston Rd., Billerica, Mass. 01866. (49) CAPE COD — Good location—Top Income. For discount housewares or hardware store. One of Cape Cod*s busiest areas. 27,000 sq.ft. Commercial building with 3 stores (1 rented) & family house (2-4 room apartments). $125,000. Takes all. Write owner Box no. 297, Waquolt Hway. Falmouth, Mass. 02540, or call (617) 540-1331. (48) INCOME PROPERTIES — Be your own boss part or full time, $30,000. Project $3.000. Cash req. Sales oriented individual a natural $40,000/yr potential. Financing avail to qualified persons. Call 988-8000. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. • (49) Best wishes and greetings on Brotherhood Week Open Time Cher 4. on Mfg. Co. Ins. 14« (Memo Street Pro». R. I. W»0* T0LNO.121-S2M area cod« 401 Mly ■xpwWrxvd In cootufflo |«Mlry. m we bUld combination tooia am) run mam, alaa •aeonaarvoparabona. (49}J 1OO Zoned Acres Permits 871 units-condos, P.U.D., single family etc. Finest prestige ares in the Salt Lake City valley. Near freeway access, superb view. 15 min. from Mormon Temple, 5 min. from center of population. S.L.C. valley. 20 min. to skiing. Oakbrush & natural vegetation. Terms to right party. Mr. Gustaveson (801) 272-1000, 277-4998, Mr. Snarr (801) 278-8900/ 277-7212. (x). ^■—7 PAPER HANGING PAPERHANGER Residential Commercial Manny (516) 666-5464 All T ypes wallpaper, Vinyls, Handprints, Flocks Foils, Mylars and Fabric (34) TRANSFERRED TO NY AREA? Consider SMOKE RISE, one of the finest Club Plan Communities in the U.S. Over 20 executive homes for resale as well as new homes for your immediate selection. Smoke Rise residents enjoy security and privacy with a Gate Entry. A Village Inn, Boatipg, Riding, Tennis. Crystal Clear Lake & Beach, in 3500 acres of natural beauty. Homes starting in the $70's on minimum 1% acre lots. Call collect (201) 838-4900—color brochures. SMOKE RISE COMPANY At. 23, Klnnelon, NJ. 07406 (48) Professional MAILING SERVICE, AUTOMATIC INSERTING & LABELING — 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., 142 Union Ave., New Rochelle, New York. — Telephone: (914) 235-8210. COMPASS FOREIGN AUTO PARTS LTD. 99 GLEN ST., GLEN COVE, L.L — CALL: (516) 759-0556. (x) JOHN'S SHOE SERVICE - Quality Shoe Repairing A Dyeing. — 51 Newton Lane, East Hampton, L.I. — Tel.: (516) 324- 9823. (x) LONG ISLAND RUBBISH REMOVAL - 410 LIVINGSTON AVE., WEST BABYLON, L.I. - Call: (516) 665-7555. (x) ZEUS SERVICE CENTER - General Auto Repairs. Road Service — Tires — Batteries and Accessories. Open 6 days a week. — 2323 Flatbush Ave, Bklyn, N.Y. Phone: (212) 951-8549. (x) BUSY CORNER FRUIT STORE - 4001 13th Ave. cor. 40th Street, Bklyn, N.Y. Finest of vegetables, fruits and produce. Free deliveries. Tel.: (212) 438-9774. (x) BAY SHORE BAKE SHOP - 1183 Sunrise Highway, Bay Shore, L.I.,— Bread, Rolls, Pies & Cakes. Finest of Birthday & Wedding Cakes.-(516) MO 5-9689. (x) CARVEL ICE CREAM - 93-10 37th Ave. Jackson Heights, N.Y. — Open 7 days a week. Kosher Ice Cream. We cater to all social functions. Telephone: (212) 429- 9588. (x) LONG ISLAND HOTEL SUITED FOR TRANSIT OR SINGLES FOR SALE OR LEASE COMPLETE KITCHEN FACIUTIES DINING ROOM AND SITTING ROOM 7P SPACIOUS SLEEPING ROOMS MOSTLY WITH PRIVATE OR ADJOINING BATHS FULLY HEATED SUITED FOR AU YEAR AROUND LIVING FIRE SPRINKLERS THROUGHOUT HALF BLOCK FROM OCEAN AND BOARDWALK FOR INFORMATION CALL OWNER 9:30 A 4:30 PM AREA CODE (201) 846-1282 (51) BOSTON COLLEGE WEEK-END SEMINAR CROSS-DISCIPLINARY APPR0ACHES/REIIGI0US STUDIES FOR TEACHERS OF ENGLISH/RELIGION FOUR FRIDAY TO FOUR SATURDAY Feb. 7-8, Anthony Padovano, American Lit., March 7-8, Thayer S Warshaw, Religion/Public Schools, April 11-12, Thomas Barton, H.S.’ Curric./fieligious Studies. Also, 4 Summer and/or acad./yr. degree program in Religious Eduation. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION, Dept. A.C. Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA. 617-969-9100, X2484. PAINTERS, DANCERS, ACTORS, MUSICIANS, PHOTOGRAPHERS have a special way of looking at life and it shows up early. The National Pre-College Program in the Art» combines academic studies with professional training in the arts. Classes are flexibly scheduled to allow plenty of time for lessons, practice, rehearsals, trips to museums, concerts and shows, visits by professional artists. And always, since this is a residential school, there’s the comtaderie and stimulation of other young student-artists. w For catalogue write: Sydney Eddison Box C National Pre-College Program in the Arts Washington, CT 06793 (49) YALE Summer Language Institute June16-August8 Intensive courses at beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels in the contemporary languages of Europe. Elementary Classical Greek and Latin. Elementary Arabic and Hebrew. Mandarin Chinese and Japanese at intermediate and advanced levels. In addition, reading courses in French, German, Russian, and Spanish for graduate students preparing for language examinations. Please address Inquiries to: Charles A. Porter, Director Summer Language Institute Yale University 405 Temple Street New Haven, Connecticut 06520 203 -436 - 4632 Arabic Bulgarian Chinese , Czech Dutch English Language and Orientation French German Greek Hebrew Elementary Only Hungarian Italian Japanese Latin Lithuanian Polish Portuguese Russian Serbo-Croatian Spanish Swedish Ukrainian (x) SEA VENTURE SEAFOOD AT ITS FINEST WITH A DIFFERENCE . . . and the "difference” ia intimate atmosphere, gracious, unhurried service, piano music nitety. Host, Bob Steiger» wald, former owner of Sam’s A Nickels Steak House. 1359 1ST AVE. at 73rd ST. # 737-9660 (51) THE GRASSROOTS PROJECT IN VERMONT it a 30-week residential program of instruction in are» of agriculture, forestry, wildlife management and conservation communications for the individual seeking academic background practical training and employable skill experience in the conservation occupations and related fid<k. It u designed for the young man or woman who b a high school senior or recent graduate in the liberal arts,, but others may qualify. School and college credit available. It it operated bjr an accredited-non-profit educational imtitution, with terms beginning September and Januvy. Scholvship aid is available. Foreign students are encouraged. Fer further information write: STERLING Box 160 Craftsbury Common,’’Vermont 05827 (x) EAGLE HILL SCHOOL HARDWICK, MASSACHUSETTS 61037 1974 FOR THE CHILD WITH A SPECIFIC LEARNING DISABILITY For the child with e specific learning disability. Eagle Hill School offers a. unique experience. The program* are designed to meet th* needs of boys and girls of high potential who are falling behind In school. These children have a learning difficulty often referred to ae ‘dyslexia’, ‘minimal brain dysfunction’, or' *peroeptual handicap’. Our structured curriculum builds a basic foundation of academic eompatanc* for each student. Extra-curricular and outdoor activities complement the educational program in strengthening each child's aelf-aataem and provide him or her with an enjoyabl* and prAOtable summer. Tutoring, mathematic«, handwriting, spelling lab, literature, grammar and composition, physical education, motor training, instructional swimming, photography, film making, music Instruction, typing, drama, woodworking, metalshop, crafts, biking, tennis, hiking,eamping,mountain climbing,horseback riding, concerts, •nd other «ports of aR kinds. Fleas* addrasa inquiries to Charles H. McDonald, Headmaster, . Eagle Hill School Summer Program Eagle Hill School, Hardwick, Mas«. 01037 (x) Th* &/i/iccAcuf (Lfee/'fi J$ucctaficH presents: :: Th. OPERA ORCHESTRA OF new york production of “LA FAVORITA” Dountti t nraly hiard operatic maslarpiaca in concirt » starring , ;; SHIRLEY VERRETT. ALE RE DO KRAUS. PABLO ELI ’IRA. :: JAMES MORRIS, VERA ETRUSCA. J0HXATH0X RIG0 :: eve Queller. Music Director, conducting the opera or:: CHESTRA 0E NEW YORK and THE BR00KLYX COLLEGE :: CHORUS ’; Sunday, March 2at 2 00 p.m, at the Bushnell Memorial Hartford Conn. ;; Orchestra: $10.00 — First Balcony: $10.00. $9,00, $7.00 Second Balcony: $5.00. $4.00, $3.00 •• * Tickets now available by phone or mail at the: Connecticut Opera Association 15 Liwis Strut. Hartford. Cl. 06103 Tel: (203) 527-0713 U ♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a»♦♦♦♦♦♦44♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»♦♦♦»♦ BAVARIAN FURNITURE —Importer with large Stock ofbeautifully Hand Crafted and Decorated Furniture, occasional pieces, and suite clearings available. Antique Reproductions. All Top Quality and can be resold for top dollar. Priced to sell Must make room for Additional Items. Call (203) 322-3182. Or write 7309 Cortland Ave., Stamford, Conn. 66902. (x) NEW MEXICO — Multi fam lot In horizon dev, near Albuquerque Adi lots selling at $4,600, Forced to sacrifice at $4,000. Also avail Acreage plus 2 sing family lots. Owner (201) 652-6592. (49) ■ Ask for rales for Wqstfcrn Union I I Telepram Delivery Sefvice. 1 Phone Svce 24 Hrsl A Day L. ---------------------FLORIDA - POMPANO BEACH, 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo, swimming pool and deep water dock, easy access to ocean right outside your door. $1,000 per month, 2 month minimum. (617) 775-8146. (49) JULIO DORCELY 103 Malta St. Bklyn Constructions, Additions & alterations Plumbing & roofing violations corrected Lie. No. 732)53 Call (212) 257-6150 or (212) 257-5633 (49) Mortgage America Corporation OFFERS FUNDS FOR: NURSING & HEALTH CARE CENTERS MEDICAL HOSPITALS OFFICE PLAZAS APARTMENTS INDUSTRIAL PARKS MOTELS A HOTELS CALL: Mr. William Barauki (313) 961-2635 3300 Cadillac Tower Detroit, Michigan 48226 (49) FOR SALE 1000 acre operating farm in Wayne County. New York. 750 acres crop land, modern hog complex. grain storage and drier. Full line of modern -equipment. Midway between Rochester and Syracuse excellent road frontage. Facilities for 3600 hogs, rolling hills. Ontario Silt loan suitable corn, wheat or soybeans. Please contact: Ontario Hills Farms, Inc. c/o Anthony J. La Scala, Preside at R. D. #2 Gonhen, New York 10024 014-374-3061 tW H&H CLEANERS nard Avenue, Freeport, L.L LEAN HOMES & OFFICES rs exp. Reasonable rates 6-546-9379 or 516-546-5827 (53) Yale summer term Humanltia* Center Interpretation and Criticism The Creative Procesa: Theory and Practice Europe and America Social Science« Center the Family Values and Institution* Public Policy and Decision Making Natural Science« Center Environment and Natural Resources Genetics and Biochemistry Special Program* In Humanltle* and Social Science* Center* History and Public Policy China Basic courses such as English pros* style, etatistics, introductory economics, organic chemistry, general physics, and introductory calculus will be offered in each center. Interdisciplinary curriculum designed and taught by members ol th* Yale College faculty. Student* will study and live in three of Yeie'a residential colleges, organized for the summer Into three Centers: N Th* Humanltle* C*nl*r, Social Selene** C*nt*r, •nd Natural Science* Center. A full program ol extracurricular and recreation*' event* will be offered. Classrooms sir-conditioned. June 2 to August 1f Visiting student* will ba accepted for full-tima and part-time study. For application Information contact: Christopher T.B. Murphy Director ot Summer Term Admissions 1502A Yale Station 3J blew Haven, Connecticut 08520 (203) 432-4229 (*) RETAIL SPACE MANCHESTER, N.H. Now leasing stores 1,500-12,000 sq. ft. • Join K-Mart, P & C Supermarkets & other leading national tenants • Excellent location situated at the interchange of Rte. 1-93 So. Willow St. • Vz Mile of unobstructed visibility from busy Route 1-93 • Over 16^,000 people within 10 minutes driving time • Free parking for over 650 automobiles For details contact: Frank Hagan Jr. HAROLD'S with QUALITY KOSHER MEATS Under strict Rabbinical Supervision — Rabbi Joseph Mowshowltz. Inspected regularly by a Mesglach. — Self Service. Serving the Community 40 years. We accept Food Stamps. Money saving Specials while quantities last. Sale Tuesday thu Friday. Many unadvertised Specials. Custom cuts available. — Phone (201) 796- 0003. — 19-11 Fair Lawn Ave., Fair Lawn. Route 208 North. Fair Lawn Ave. Exit. Fair Lawn. — Hours: Monday & Tuesday 8-6, Wednesday & Thursday 8-8, Friday 8-4, Sunday 10-2. — Ample free parking front and rear. (51) PA ZZA \ £U TIES DEVELpPf & MANAGEMENT Look what grew up in your backyard! r A major private university! If you’ve been thinking of the University of Bridgeport as a local institution intended primarily for residents of Bridgeport and its environs, you’d better take another look! A comprehensive university with seven colleges where you can choose from 750 courses in more than 60 majors offered in Arts, Humanities, Science, Business, Education, Engineering, Health Sciences, and many dther specializations. Call, write, or stop by: Dr. Donald Kern (203) 576-4554 Dean of Admissions Wahlstrom Library University of Bridgeport Bridgeport, Connecticut 06602 Just a few blocks from the Connecticut Turnpike at Seaside Park on Long Island Sound. (x) 1895 Cenfre Sf., W. Roxbury, Mom., 02132 Tel. (617) 325-0800 (49) GREENBURGH TRUCKING COMPANY. - Local trucking. — 26 Greenvale Circle, Greenburgh, New York. — For fast prompt service call: (914) WH 8-0949. (54) TOP INVESTMENT - BUSINESS OPP. 9200 & Soft brick bldg, with 220 V. elec. & 72 ft. frontage on 2.73 acres. Route 202, New Milford, Conn. Top traffic and Income area. Orig Owner. 53 years. Ideal to continue. Present bus. or build, for discount operator Restaurant. Office Bldg, etc. $500,000 Firm. Write Owner: 91 Park pane. New Milford, Conn. 06776. or Call: (203) 354-4729, or (203) 354- 3053. (50) DESALT SEA WATER OK Pl'llIFY WASTi: WAT Ell 1,000 to 1,000,000 gut/day unit cest nlit. 2/3 less than competition. Built in aht. 90 days not 1 yr 85Vr iifOd water not. l.>%. License to Mfr Partner wanted. 8 Livingstone St., Newark, N.Y. 07103. (201) 242-3230 or Eve. 673-5407. (x) SHREWSBURY, VERMONT — 10 min from Rutland. 3 parcels of land: 16 acres, 14 acres & 11 acres. $800 per acre; on town gravel rd., good fishing & hunting. WILLIAM C. MCNAMARA, 10 Alfa Terr., Rutland, Vermont, 1 (802) 773-2928. (49) Sound's good at T At Tanglewood, bird calls and rustling leaves are a delightful counterpoint to some of the most glorious music in the world. Tanglewood, in the Berkshire mountains of western Massachusetts, is the summer home of the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Here for the tenth year gifted young musicians have the opportunity to study and perform with members of the Orchestra and concert artist/instructors from Boston University. If you take music seriously, Boston University Tanglewood Institute is a sound investment. June 29 through August 24,1975 Young Vocalists Program. High school Applied Music. Experienced instrusingers work in small chamber mentalists participate in private Young Artists Instrumental Program, ensembles and in the Boston lessons and in-depth study with High school in University Tanglewood Institute full music facuUy. small groups and with the Young Chorus. ( Piano and Harp Seminars) Artists Symphony Orchestra. Norman Dellojolo Exec, Director For further information: Jerry Straus Boston University Tanglewood Institute, m-75. 855 Commonwealth Avenue*Boston Massachusetts 02215 .______________________