Menora Egyenlőség, 1974. július-december (13. évfolyam, 518-542. szám)
1974-07-06 / 518. szám
1974. július 6.MENORA 9. oldal ANGOLNYELVŰ HIRDETÉSEK FELVÉTELE: MENORA 695-4456 NEW YORK OFFICE 350 Fifth Avenue Empire State Buiiding New York, N Y. 1'XX)I "YOUNGEST FRENCH RESTAURANT IN TOWN" La BOHEME 988 Madison Ave. (77-78 St.) Res. call 628-3008-9 Host: Andre Edman Intimate Atmosphere Delicious French Cuisine Banquet Facilities (18) liover, Uelnwnre—buy from principal«, fully approved project, 1- 376 Barden apartment lots. 16S s.f. lots, all warranties, $ 1.7őu.iMiO— terms available t all Itls-tMU-iluio. (21) DRAPERY SHOP FOREMAN Experienced person needed to work with Work Room Manager In supervising the making of draperies, scheduling of Installation and general office supervision. Candidate should have experience and ability to become Work Room Manager. We offer many employee benefits. Including sick leave, vacation and store discounts. Apply to personnel, or send resume. Call 650-0200 ext. 204. W. & J. SLOANE, INC. 1112—19th St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 (19) MOBILE MINI Sailboat Rental Systems — Original Concept. High Potential. Tax Benefits. U-SAIL, INC. P.O.BOX 11202, SANTA ANA, Ca. 92711 (18) PAPERMATE MARKER SALE SAVE 40 to 50% Flair Reff. 49o now 28c ea. El-Marko 69c now 28c ea. Wrlte-Broe. pens reg. 19c now 11c ea. All Items must be ordered on dz, lots. All colors avail. Min. order' $25.00, all orders over $75.00 pre-pald. Fall, 420 SE 6th St., Grants Pass, Ore. »7826. (803) 470-3344 (19)! SPRIIJG FURNITURE — Clearance Sale. At 82 Essex St., Jersey City, N,J. Clearing our floor of discontinued merchandise and floor samples. Our prices reduced for fast clearance. Many oneof-a-klnd Items. — (201) 333-0486 dally Mon-Frl 9 a.m.—7 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.— 5 p.m. (21) SKNBCA CHALET RESTAURANT— Located at the Intersection of Routes • end 21» In the heart of Klnsua dam. Orest for hunting and fishing resort area. Lounge and dining room newly remodeled. 2 bars complete with stools, Honor and bear license. 33 scree of prime develonment land. 10-slot trailer court and 5-room adth'atool house on property, good Income. Ägood business. Reason for — have other Interests, it Interested, call (814) 778-9992. b Kane, Pa. Ask for Angelo Giordano. (18) UNIQUE MONTGOMERY COUNTY 16 Acre cleared licht Industrial site, 900 Ft. highway frontage, adjacent county airpark. aircraft easement to taziways. 35 min. by Expressway to Wash., D.C.. Owner financing available. Call (301) 634-0500 Ext. 207. (x) BROOKVILLE—MU fTONTOWN •NEW CUSTOM BUILT • RANCH & COLONIAL • ON 1-2 ACRE SITE • JUST 12 HOMES ON • A CUL-DE-SAC ST. • In Established • SECTION OF-OLD • MUTTONTOWN • 6 SITES STILL • AVAILABLE, INCLUDING • RANCH & COLONIAL • MODELS IMMED. OCCUP $99,500 TO $102,000 Sterling Ridge Estates Dir: L.I.E. to exit 41N (Rt. 106 No.) North 2 miles to Muttontown Rd. Right (east) approx 1 mile to Sterling Ridge Estates (lust beyond Woodcrest Country Club on left) Models open daily except Thursday. Model Home No. 516-364-9260 MISCELLANEOUS — 410 Amsterdam Ave. 799-0046. — Wants to Buy Furniture, Antiques, Brlc a Brae and Complete Apartments. Top Prices Paid. (18) BERGENFIELD, N.J. — 6 room house with attached store. Approximately $75, 000 a year gross at 30%. Protected residential area. $42,900 for house and business. Call owner (201) 445-8762 (22) Client seeking plantation, timber,, mnd rnneh lands, minimum 8,000 ncrea. Contact I John L. Jonea Real Estate 8380 X. Central Expressway Suite 880 Dallas, Texas 78206 .... 214/601-6053 (2D _ FURNITURE STORE iSfabllshed Retail furniture Store for sale, has fantastic location approx. 10,000 to. ft. of medium to high furniture. Exclusive decorating operation with I a v o 1 v vignetted groups. Special lighting Swedish fireplace. 3 open offices end private office. Quadrasonlc Stereo system. Well stocked, self service Bar, Haavy shag carpet thru-out. Parking lot. 2 shipping and receiving rooms. In feet one of Orteon's Finest Stores. Plus adjoining property Is a 4 hr., house. Owner says "I'm going to soli is a package deal. I'm leaving Oregon" Everything stays to continue Business. Delivery Van. Office giloment, catalogs, swatch«, even > approx. S2S0& to *300,000 yoaroparatton. Complete with proper> stock end Inventory. Will accept property In Arizona, Nevada or somewhere with warm winters for pert payment. Terms available. By OWNER mm Firm. Call (533) 30-4224 ANOTHER FOUR 5EASON CONCEPT Featuring an enclosed Mall, In Sullivan County's largest Shopping Center Complex Offering enclosed, fully carpeted, heated Mall with Indoor music. Security guard on premises. Approximately 1800 car parking area. Outside lighting. Planned advertising program. Limited apace available for the foolowlng: Sporting goods, Audio, Card & gift. Carpet, Furniture, Fabric, Corsetler, Ladles apparel, Children, Boutique, Brldeal, Tuxedo, Knit store. Kosher Chinese Restaurant, Amusement, Travel, Real Estate, Insurance. Will divide space. Limited time only. — Call Ralph (914) 794-0610 - (516) 432-3481. (18) SANG KEß, CHINESE RESTAURANT - Open 6 Days a Week. 796 Bloomfield Ave. West Caldwell Shopping Center, West Caldwell;"NTT. — We Specialize In Take- Out Orders. Hours delivery from 11 a.m. 'to 11 p.m. (x) TWIN CITY APPLIANCES - All major Appliances for the Home, TVs, Airconditioners, Fans, Perfect gifts for anniversaries, weddings, birthdays, Toasters, Toast-ovens, Mixers, Blenders, etc. Ideal for bridal showers.—211 Thomas Ave. Lyndhurst, N.J., Daily & Sat. 10 a.m.— -10 p.m. Closed Sundays. (201) 935- 3843. (20) SILVER! Opportunity to establish small business to reclaim silver from an unending supply of used x-ray and photo film and solutions. No experience necessary. You will become an Associate Manufacturer hacked by a sound national corporation. No selling. E.Mromely profitable — 15 hours of time have proven to make over $2.000 a month. Total investment $6,580.00 Corporal ion finances 50 r/o of Investment. Guaranteed buyback. Company twin-engine airplane will transport you to and from home office for free training. Only schooling in the world for this business. This is the first offer in this area—write today for complete details to: PAN AMERICAN RECLAMATION & REFINING, INC. 111« W. ««th Amarillo. Texas 10110 I'hent (806) 353-8581 (19),' FOR SALE Small OTC Delaware corporation for sale with JloO.OOO cash. Clean company. No liabilities. Control up to 90% available now. Write: Mr. Stephen D. Hart c/o McCarthy & Monet 4 Pince Vllle Marie. Suite 514 Montreal, Quebec H31) 2G1 Canada (20) 2898.« ACRE (j9)i RESORT PROPERTY Just twenty-five miles from Austin, Tx., two lakes, abundant creeks, oak covered. Tremendous deer-quall-turkey-dove hunting. Just $85(1 per acre with excellent terms. All offers considered. Call Mike Schoeafeld—Carpenter 4 Associates—810 S. Congress #404—Austin, Texas—812-477-6681 APARTMENT COMPLEXES IN ALASKA WITH UNBELIEVABLE OPPORTUNITIES. Four units to Forty units along *he pipeline corridor. Invest in established comolexes with proven returns end 100 oct. occupancy. Skv roexeting property values make these a once in a lifetime opportunity. Buy now and cash in on the oil boom. Give us a call—we'll put a package together to fit your needs. CALL US— "THE INVESTMENT PEOPLE" Frank W. Geiger, G.R.I. Owner-Oennis R. Weaver, Sales Associate FRANK W. GEIGER COMPANY P.O. BOX 2533 FAIRBANKS, ALASKA »9707 Ptone. (Area Code) »07-454-4362 ( 21) HI-INCOMF. — LOW INVEST EARN AT HOME or supplment business. OVER 200-600 A WEEK GUARANTEED. Sart agency for renting privately-owned Rec. Vehicles. NO INVENTORY required. 300-900 down depending on population of area. Owners Rental, Box 356, SLC, UT. 84110,(801) 266-1346 evenings, weekends. (18) PRIME INCOME PROPERTY Two large office buildings plus two large multi-tenant Industrial buildings In the 100% Earle Brown Farm Commercial & Industrial Park Excellent Investment. Contact S. M. Krognena. 612-861-7330 or 6100 Summit Dr N Mpla Mian 534*0 (21)! TODA CONSTRUCTION, INC. - Special rates — For Spring 8 Summer for all Residents of Union Co. "IS?, Discount on List Rates" Steps, Patios, Waterproofing, Repanes. Also garages, Additions — Special rates on Fireplaces. Call: (201) 352-1052. (19) REFRIGERATORS-FRIGIRAIRE FAMILY SIZE — Cold Spot $49; Westlnglouse Top Freezer $55; Phllco Family Size $59; G.E. $65; Hotpolnt $65. HUMO 3 REFRIGERATION CENTER 6002 Wayne Avenue, Pennsauken, N. J. Call (609) 665-0449 (22) Have you reached n PLATEAU? Are the limitations of your business keeping you from your Income goals? As a solution, have von considered diversification into the lucrative Indoor Advertising Audiovisual Field? Write: AD-A-VISION, INC. P O llox 227. Gautier, JIS 3*553. (18) SMOKE DETECTORS Buy direct from largest manufacturer in U.S. Newest concept In fire prevention. Less then 1% of tne market contacted. CAM INDUSTRIES P.O. Box 704 Detroit Lakes, Minn. S4501 ... (31») »47-313I <*> FOR SALE BY OWNER Restaurant & Lounge—Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. High•vay 17—4 Blocks from ocean. Seating capacity—230 1)4 years old. $500.000. Cull (DIB) 842-2172 after 7:00 p.m. &. Sundays. WANT TO RETIRE? We will buy hardware, variety, other hardwoods stores anywhere ln U.S. Must do $250.000 or more. Write It AM CON. .5050 Excelulor lllvd., Mpla. MX., or call 612.025- 4K40. (19) COLORADO RECREATIONAL St »DIVISION: 2 Miles from State Boating-Fishing Area. 0400 Acres —856 Lots. Platted. State and . County approved Water and Roads. All Engineering: and Survey finalized. $1,440.000 in Paper—Payable $12,000 per month. Total price $856.000 by Owner. Call 303-501- 0560, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Mr. Baldwla. (19) PRIVATE 15 ACRE ISLAND GEORGIA'S GOLDEN ISLES. BEAUTIFULLY WOODED. $160,000. 71% OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE. FOR BROCHURE CONTACT 8IBB1E COUCH (404) 253-8800 SPRATLIN ASSOCIATES, INC. 3775-A Glrnrldge Dr., X.E., Atlanta, Gn. 30328 (x) BUY AND LEASE BACK or EXCHANGE We need hog and chicken farmers. »2 pet. of all food products now shipped into Alaska. Farm fresh egos now wholesale at SI .10 per dozen. CALL US"THE INVESTMENT PEOPLE" Frank W. Geioer, G.R.I. Owner-Dennis R. Weaver. Seles Associate FRANK W. GEIGER COMPANY P.O. BOX 2533 FAIRBANKS, ALASKA 99707 Phone; (Area Code) 907-456-4362 . (21) SHARON OFFICE SERVICES — Typing, Shorthand, Transcribing, Addressing, Manuscripts, Theses, Reports. — Dutchess Co., N.Y., Litchfield Co., Conn. Call or write S.O.S. Sharon, Conn. 06069 (203) 364-5629. — Mall Inquires Invited. ____________________________________(23) SUNSET PAINT CO. — 50 Bergen Ave., Waldwlck, N.J. — All brand Paints, Brushes, Rollers,Sprays, Ladders, Equipment, etc. Large stock. Free color guide. Also Painting Done. Rooms $65. Houses Caulked & Sprayed $175. — Come down or call (201) 652-4 979. (22) teriqr decorator llpapcr installed, floors sand— custom made draperies — rpeting installed — general use cleaning & painting, etc. Call (212) 299-7642 Aslt for Billy • Free estimates INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! Owner*« Agree to Disagree! Partnership bein«: dissolved and offering: prime acreage near Disney world and U.S. 27 at substan-i tial reduction in price. 800+i ACRES—ROAI) FRONTAGE OX TWO HIGHWAYS. ALL OR PART. LOW DOWN PAYMENT. GOOD TERMS & RELEASE CLAUSES. BROKERS PROTECTED. FOH ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONTACT: C. J. HORKR. MGR. SIPKRIOR REALTY SERVICES, INC. P.O. Box 5284 (x) Clearwater, Fla. 3331N (8131 442-4107 (8131 442-8700 THE ULTRA POWER CLEANING SYSTEMS OF AMERICA Is offering an opportunity to en individual who withes to be in business for himself. To Qualify, you must have »1500 and excellent credit, and a desire to be successtul in your area. Ultra Power will supply the following: 1. A new truck completely equipped and ready to go to work. 2. Company training on site and assistance in establishing accounts 3. Monthly Incoma In excess of *2,0004. A business of your own and financial security for you and your family J. Great demand for services which repeat month after month. Ultra Cleaning Is an on-sitt, hit ment that deans anything—Heavy construction equipment, trailers, commercial trucks, ott the road .equipment, large kitchens, home*, rock, brick, and masonry buildings and many more, too numerous to list. If you oniqy outside «orte and can qualify, call collect Mon.-Frl. 9 am to 5 pm. Phone 512-451-3435. For more information write The Ultra Power Cleaning Systems, of America, P.O. Box 9253, Austin, Texas 78759. 08) THE 5000 YEAR OLD INVESTORS HEDGE That Protects Your Assets and never stops growing. Read "the Eternal Treasure" Free 36 page booklet all about gold and sliver. Packed with Ideas, philosophy and science of Investments, International Business & Finance, Frontier National Bank Bldg., 6565 E. Evans Ave., Suite 103-A, Denver, Co. 80222. Phone: (303) 758-5898. (18) ell-«s4abllshed Inter—ouutala ea commercial prfafteff eoaeiay available. Solid cuntomer ,se. 4-color agency and booh ntracts. Est. 1*74 aalea : *»#«.- 0 with pre-tax profit of % - 12%. For complete lnrmstlon write W. Johaaoa, ympua International, 805 E. nfh South, Salt Laka City, iah 84105. (x) 2200 ACRES . 38 mi Jacksonville £ eevtii? while ism bottom leket. $1450 PER ACRE ■; PO lex 4111, Temps, Fie. (813)877-8339 <»)| CHAPEL HILL, N.C. “Boothe HUT.' la a heavily timbered rolling tract of 838 acres located In close proximity to the Ralelgh-Durham-Chapel Hill Research Triangle. Only 5 miles from Chapel Hill, this potential residential community can be developed In a park-like setting with its own private lake leaving nature much the way It presently Is. Frontage la on the New Hope Dnnt Reservoir, now under constructlun. und un 2 paved roads. Topo. survey map. aerial uhotos and Development Duta available. (Price $2200 per acre. Contact owner: Dan Butler. P.O. Box 80, Southern Pine». \.C. 28387. Phone 010/002-7412. Day or Bight. (X) $15,000 PART TIME $30,000 PLUS FULL TIME We put you In business controlling sun's energy through glass with the application of Dupont Mylar Sun Reflector Films. Reduces air conditioning costs by as much as 30%. No experience or special skills necessary; we will train. You'll run ycur own business, start with a small investment. The product is proven and known nationally. You can work part time or full time. You're bacxed by a successful national marketing program. There's unlimited growth potential. Refundable guarantee. Our Director of Marketing will be in your area In the next 2 to 4 weeks for personal interviews. Write now and be sure to list your telephone number to: SUN CONTROL PRODUCTS, INC. 1674 ftaacon St. Brookline, Mate. 02146 (617) 734-3548. (19) CLIFTON, N.J, — Magnificent 1 Family Ranch — Style, on 12 acres. Fully landscaped. Equipped 220 wiring, 2 c garage, eat-ln kitchen, w/ w crptg., paneled den, family room. High beam cathedral ceilings. Must be seen. Asking price S165, 000. Call Owner after 3 p.m., all day Sat. & Sun.: (201) 285-2928. (18) huHTH CAROLINA. 190 acres prime development property 12 mi east of Raleigh partly In town limit of Clayton. May Realty, Box 81» Loulaburg, N.C. »18-4M-2055 (x) SARASOTA, FLORIDA NURSING HOME/ CARE CENTER SITE SÄ»®"’ in, Reg. Andy ..... „—, Misst... Realty, Inc., Realtors, 367 Harding Cirri*. taraenta. *=»-«—I-la RE.Broker^ Jan lisslon EXECUTIVE Several ways to earn supplying money-to various types businesses at competitive rates . . . Large loans also available to banks . . . Use sources and Reep 50 pet. of the profits for yourself ... No previous financial experience required ... 90 day no-risk trial option. For qualifying Information call Mr. Lnubach with Wootrn 4L Associates at (303 ) 421-6414. (x) LONG ISLAND RUBBISH REMOVAL *n UvtagsMa Ava- W. Babyiaa. Lang Wand, TaL SM fSS-nat Cl lala «t I «nr Is» Quiek JtaaWy MaaMy Caameta (x) JACKSON HOLE, WYO. Attractive 57-acres with highway and Snake River frontage. Attractive homesite, Investment. lodge or commercial venture. Warren O. Erbe Real Estate, Box 1242, Jackson, Wyo. 83001 Phone (307) 733-2333. (20) RESORT HOTEL-FOR SALE - Monttcello, N.Y. — 85 Bedrooms, equipped Kitchen, dining room seats 300, Lobby, Pool, Lake rights, 10 acres. Reduced to 5100,000 with terms. Ruth Terwilltger, Broker, Wawatslng, N.Y. (914) 647-6357 (18) SILVER BULLION GOLD COINS Investment Security In The 70’s (18) Please call for information or an appointment Commodity Investments The Great Western Building Suite 1135 Berkeley. Cs (415) 845-1888 KST.%ULDHIEI» MOTEL With stately landscaped Trout on 5.7 acres. On U.S. 1 & visible Trom 1-95 near Fredericksburg. Va. 6 apt’*. 17 overnight units, am. house, all a/c A carpeted. Restaurant area In main bldg. For further lufo Aquln Realty, P.O. Box 201, Stafford, Va. 22334 703-03U-4IHM or 030- 2193 (X) North watt Invastmant All-inclusive garden »tora eltűnted twenty miles from Seattle. Covers half-square block Including parking. Trading a r a a has excellent business climate with continued growth. Volume with above-average net Terms flexible. Contact Harry Kennedy pereoa-to-per■oa at (206) 833-0870 or write 308 W. Mala St.. Auburu, Wa. (*) ESTABLISH YOUR OWN BUSINESS*- Vending Machine Distributorship investment *3950. Returns $600-5700 monthly B established ►urs per week needed • Information write or coll: CTURERS VENDING SYS- 4C., 2430 Floriane Dr., Suite 7, Pork, Montgomery, Alo 36111 205-277-2400 'mo) ■Please Include phone number ' CONTROL SHOPLIFTING .Article surveillance system— rated superior by major department store chain.—expendable, attachable to all types and sizes of merchandise—Inexpensive— concealable — harmless — potentially capable of providing additional Information. Product covered by patent application. RAD group aeek venture capital or merger with financially stronger firm Interested In entering this half billion dollar expanding market. Tel MS 673-4130 er write «• HAL TAYLOR Monte 13 .,xv Brookline, N.H. 0S6S3 W 'A DREAM SPOT!United to M Mm G«ote (18) Only 4% Hours K.Y.C. Unturpimi A«tr.*J«wlih Culiint fast Pitkin® —Bass, Pike. Pickerel, 9TUI railing Perch tnd Trout! •ASS FISHING SEASON OPENS JUNE Ilk Marina with 25 boats - FREE TO GUESTS. Swimming it your doorstep on crystal clear 7% mile lake. Water skllnf — tennis — golf — Shuifleboard. Friendly. Informal! Deluxe Accmdtns. LOW JUNE RATES UK ST. CATHERINE INN (on Lake St. Catherine) Poultney. Vt. Tel. »02-387-9347 Carter K. Prince Aerunge Hilton Head Island FOR SALB I IS acres undeveloped land on Hilton Head Island. 1000 ft frontage on U.S. Highway 27$— back to broad creek. Directly across from Palmetto Dunes Resort Ideal for condominium development. For further Information call (404) 284-7092 or (803) 733-1297. (19) STOKES HALL HOTIL $85. week per person includes room, breakfast & full courst dinner daily. Family & group rate» available. Elderly boarded while you vacation. Near ocean, boardwalk, auditorium, Asbury Park & amusement». 28 OCEAN PATHWAY Onan Grove, N.J. 07756 (201) 774-5712 (2ot INVESTORS United States or Foreign 397.88 Acres West of Houston, Texas and one half mile off Interstate 10 at Columbus. Texas. $650,000.00. Contact Herbert A. Schroeder. 713/732-2080, Box 203. Columbus, Texas 78034 (J9) SARATOGA SPRINGS, N.Y. SALK IIY OWNER-llUILDEIt: 3 acres of prime land 2 miles north of city, with 200’ frontage on Rte 9: 12 yr. old Ranch style Portugal marble & Redwood Home: 4 bedrooms, full basement. 2 car garage. well water. Warehouse 12.000’ used as showroom & shop for antique cars. Chain link fence around business area. Parkin»? lot. Will hold substantial Mortjf&Ke for qualified buyer $150.000. % a- x r»i8-r>*u-4060 <*) LUCRATIVE INVESTMENT Sale, Lease or Trade 50 Copper-Rich mining: claims Location: West Central Arizona Burley Blank 723 W. Oak St. Wlnalovr, Arlsonn 86047 Phone (002) 280-2708 '19 FOK MALE 2 Established Motorcycle Dealerships. 3 Established Franchises In Tidewater. Virginia. Contact, Mr. Anderson 804-723-4107«, 804-874-1*7._________________(19) PRIME LOCATION GASTONIA, N. C. 78.000 sq. ft. with 220 car parking. Extremely low rent. Beautiful air conditioned near-new store building in downtown area. Ready now for department/dlscount/furniture store. Home improvement or catalog order center. Easily converted to offices or other uses. Ample lease available. Call or write now—I. L. FULLER 816-421-0700, 2107 Grand, Kantian City» Mo. 04108 (x) AVAILABLE CORPORATE TAX LOSS Liquor store chain with apfiroximateQy $500,000.00 tax oss carry-forward available. Annual sales approximately $4.000,000.00. Was and can be profitable. Loss incurred during’ labor disfute now settled. nterested in anything, that makes sense. Call: President at 213-474-3068 (20) SUN VALLEY 45-uuit ski lodge—summer resort 24,500 sq. ft., buildings, wellgroomed grounds, heated pool, plus two acres of land adjacent to Trail Creek ready for development. 5-minutes walking to Rig Wood River and Sun Valley Ski Lifts. An excellent potential to make 109; + on your investment. Full price—$700,000. Phone (20N)726-n:t:m or write llox 202, Sun Valley, Ida *3353 DISTRIBUTOR WANTED Entire state available. To contact and establish local dealer for the most effective concept in 0« filtration systems on the market. Need approx. S1000-S3000 for Inventory. Market includes commercial, industrial and automotive. Product has been proven. Write MCM DISTRIBUTORS, 7392 1 Hamilton Ave. Maineville O. 45039 or < * call’ H. Minier or D. Colvin i 13-683-7225. (19) BARROW, ALASKA Polar Bear, Inc. One larae buildinq now a theater with 4,238 square feet. Could be easily converted to office or recreational center. One of the most modern homes in Barrow, 3 bedrooms, 1 V2 baths. One other small dwelling and a shop buildinq. Will sell or lease theater buildinq separate or will sell total as oackaqe. This includes 4 lots. Terms to fit your needs. CALL US— "THE INVESTMENT PEOPLE" Frank W. Geioer» G.R.I. Owner- Broker , , ... Dennfs R. Weaver, Sales Associate FRANK W. GEIGER COMPANY P.O. BOX 2533 FAIRBANKS, ALASKA 99707 Phone: (Area Code)907:456-4362 ( 21) BLOOMFIELD — 1 Family—Maintenance free, Alum, sided, 3 bedrooms, Modern Bath & Kitchen, Good Area, No broker or realtor, Call (201) 748-6865 before 11 a.m. or after 7 p.m. (19) COOPER SQUARE HOTEL - FOR LEASE 44 Rooms and Stores. Mint Condition, Newly Renevated. High Return. * CAMPBELL MANAGEMENT CO. (212) 243-0760 (19) INVESTMENT PROPERTY-COLO. Mt Acrq,— 13,000 sq. ft. *f Improv.mqn*» , - 08) OUT-MAIL TODAY" *" mmm* "1 ARE YOU GETT'NG 12% to 15% INTEREST ON YOUR MONEY? Puf your money to woik for you. TODAY! $1,400 Minimum Call or Write — GEMCO 754 Harding St. N.I., MpU. 3541 3 Phone 612-331-1190 NAME.................................'..................... Phone ADDRESS ................................................................ CITY .....................................STATF ...........ZIP OUTSTANDING BUYS IN CENTRAL FLORIDA 370a. Bok Tower overlooks this mile on U.S. 27—Lake Wales 232a. Zoned Mobile Home —Valusia County near 1-4 interchange 233a. Near Barnum City and Disney... Polk County frontage on US27 387a. Rolling...wooded...adjoins Deltona...easy access to 1-4 min utes to beaches contact OWNER: AMERICAN PIONEER CORPORATION P.O. Box 3509, Orlando, Florida 32802 (305) 843-5280 (19) A Equal Opportunity Disfribuforship For Men and Women Major Manufacturer Offers Opportunity Ta BECOME AN INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTOR ★ $8,600 mininium inveriment ★ N«> jelling required Due to a planned e*panr-:on p:ogram manufacturer with successful nationally advertised brand name products will select full or part time distributors fer Mobile aPd surrounding areas. Part time requires 1 5 to 20 hours per month restocking existing ret»H accounts and you may retain your present employment. 36 cr 72 I'Xatioiij available. CPA reports $35.10 and uo profit per location per month. Each location requires an investment of $127.77. A $4,600 investment secures 36 locations. Our representative is accepting applications now. For a personal, confidential interview write: NEIL ANDREWS P.O. 49 097a (18) NASHVILLE TENN. 37204. YOU CAN STOP WAITING! KIDD9ERAMA THEATRES ARE HERE! Kiddierama Theatres are Coin-Operated Mini-Theatres Featuring Hollywood's Finest Cartoons in Color and'Sound. * A Fantastic Potential Return on Investment. Catering to the Gigantic Children's Market. * Continuous Film Supply from Hanna-Barbera, * Universal, Columbia, 20th Century Fox, Warner Brothers and United Artists Studios. * Investment for Equipment —No Blue Sky, Franchise Fees or Royalties. * 3V4 Years of Provable and Successful Operations , in Most Major Markets. •* Our current Operators and Locations Love Both the Activity and Profit. *• We will Train You and Assist You in Placement. * Minimum Investment —$7,500. *■ Areas Open in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Arkansas. NOW Operating in Many Markets in Major Stores and Mails. * Excellent opportunity tor Full or Part-time Business. POR FULL PARTICULARS, CALL OR WRITE: Kiddierama Theatres CALLS ACCEPTED ON SUN. South Central Regional Office Suite 156 8951 Brae.mont ■ Houston, Texas 77035 J AC 713-661-T672 (,fi> «MU ONE OF OKLAHOMA CITY'S LARGEST EVER REAL ESTATE AUCTION is being held July 20th, 1974 at the Holiday Inn West, 1-40 and Meridun, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. With over $15,- 000,000.00 worth of select property for you to choose from. The properties include office buildings, shopping center, large industrial warehouse buildings, raw land (Commercial, Residential and Industrial) and all located within the Metro Oklahoma City Limits. Liberal investor terms are available. For complete details. including brochures and information on all properties, call or write: Ross L. Robe, Inc. 7047 N.W. 18th St., P.O. Box 519, Bethany. Oklahoma 73008. (405) 787-0997, 787-40*30, 787-138*3.