Marisia - Maros Megyei Múzeum Évkönyve 30/1. (2010)


82 Sz. P. PÁNCZÉL liburna armata; Sarmizegetusa: centurio legionis) and the remaining people are probably civilians, amongst them only one woman (Doclea: Petronia Valentina). This pattern should not surprise us if we look at the area of distribution and the sites where they come from.27 Given these features and knowing the debated character of the Roman site from Criste^ti,28 we do not want to support necessarily the military aspects of its religious life, but we have to keep in mind that there might be a strong link between the army and the propagation of this cult. Taking into consideration only the bronze plaque from Quadrata, on which just Dominus is mentioned, it is difficult to link the cult of the “Danubian riders” to the inscriptions mentioning Dominus and Domina.29 Having in mind the fact that the distribution area of the cult of the “Danubian riders” and the evidence for the cult of the divine couple is partially overlapping and have a strong regional character, we can accept a possible link between the two. The identifi­cation of Dominus and Domina with a certain pre-Roman (Thracian or Illyrian) deity based only on the presented evidence at the moment would be quite questionable. APPENDIX List of inscriptions dedicated to Dominus and Domina Cat.30 Site Dedication Bibliography 1 Ampelum Domno et Domnae CIL 111,1289 = 7833; ILS 1892-1916, 4071; IDR 1975, Ш/З, 300. 3 Potaissa Domino et Domnae CIL III, 7671. 4 Carnuntum Domino et Domnae AÉ 1974, 494; Vorbeck 1980, Nr. 72. 6 Gorsium Dom(no) Domn(a)e RIU 1972,1523b. 8 Viminacium Domn[o] et Dominae CIL III, 7532; ILS 4069; IMS 1976-2, 6; AÉ 1913, 173. 9 Naissus Domn(ae) Re[g(inae)] et CIL III, 8244; CIL III, 13812; ILS 4072; IMS 4, 3; Domno et Bono Evento AÉ 1902, 28. 10 Noviodunum Domino et Dominae IScM 5, 273; AÉ 1950, 175; AÉ 1961, 120. 11a Nicopolis ad Istrum Dom(ino) et Domna(e) ILBulg 1989, 362. 14 Doclea [Do]mno et Domn(a)e ILJug 1963-1986,1827. Sarmizegetusa Dis Maioribus Domno et Fiedler-Höpken 2007, 446. Domnae 2' The provinces of Dacia, Pannonia and Moesia are amongst the ones with a high number of military units permanently stationed from the conquest until their abandonment. 28 About the high number of cults attested until now in Cristeqi see; Zrínyi 1977,98; Husar-Man 1996,28-31; Man 2002, 61-65. 29 This has been pointed out also by Szabó 2007a, 101. 30 If indicated, catalogue number from Szabó 2007a.

