Magyar News, 1997. szeptember-1998. augusztus (8. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)
1997-09-01 / 1. szám
AUG. 24. SUNDAY starting at 12 Noon at Calvin United Church FOOD FESTIVAL. American, Hungarian & other ethnic dishes. Food ticket are available for individual meals or multi-taste selection. Entrance donation $1.00, includes door prize drawing. Come for a good time. Call 259-6392 or 334-6982. |U SEPT, y.. SUNDAY at 2:00 pm the American Hungarian Heritage Association is having the ANNUAL SZALONNA SUTES on the grounds of United Church of Christ on North Avenue in Bridgeport. For a minimum donation of $6.00 you will have a piece of szalonna on a stick (nyars), up to 10 slices of rye bread, trimmings like onion, green pepper, tomato and cucumber. Also, coffee will be served. Drinks of your liking will be on a B.Y.O.B. basis. It would be nice if your guests will also make a donation for our Mary Katona Scholarship Fund. Rain day will be the following Sunday. Reservation is a must, call 336- 5958 or 377-0569, or 372-8643. For a good traditional time bring your appetite and your memories. SEPT. 26. FRIDAY at the Bessemer Center, 2200 North j Ave, Bridgeport starting at 7:30 PM the Hungarian Opera of Kolozsvár will perform one of Hungary's most admired musical, the JANOS VITÉZ. The performers are the lead soloists of the Opera. Tickets are $17.00 per person, but children under \ twelve pay only $5.00. The story is exciting for all ages and the music is known and loved by all Hungarians. It didn’t happen in Hungary. It happened right here in Fairfield. We all learned about it from the local news source, the Minuteman. There was a mixture of confrontations. It wasn’t a battle or anything violent. It was about action taken based on opinions. In the center of all was a Hungarian dog, ‘Sprig.’ Since dogs, specially Hungarian dogs, do not wear clothes, any painting made of them will show them in the nude. Hungarians take a dog as they appear with whatever anatomical parts they have could be put right in front of the viewer. It is natural to know what a male dog looks like, also what a female dog looks like. It is not like us humans (without fur) who prefer showing only what the fashion designers leave uncovered. At the Fairfield University they had an ongoing exhibit by an honored artist, Jane Sutherland. For a day the Bayer Pharmaceutical Division held a convention in the same hall and somebody objected to seeing an image of a nude dog. The complainer spared the female dog even though it was also naked and Hungarian. For the duration of the convention Sprig was removed with all his anatomical parts. I wonder what the Bayer people would do - if God forbid - they had to look at a diseased person (just a picture!) and decide what to do. They would have to think of what kind of pill would help bring in a nice profit. Maybe Hungarian dogs don’t add to the bottom line, they might just sit on it. J.F.B. SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS ARC AVAILAALC IN SCPTCMACA The American Hungarian Heritage Association, as in every year, is announcing the 1998 Mary Katona Scholarship. The application forms will be at the Hungarian churches in September. One could also obtain it from a Scholarship Committee Chairman, Bette Johnson. 245 Unquowa Road. Fairfield. CT 06430. The submission date for the proper applications and the accompanying essay is November 31. 1997. CHALLCNGC In our May issue we ran a sample page from a tourist book that in special grouping shows you what the Hungarian phrase would be to and English one. Among the listing one finds “paper napkins’’ and it says the Hungarian is “csomagolopapirt.” Also “wrapping paper’’ in Hungarian would be “papir szalvétákat” Hungarians do some unusual things but they don’t wipe their face in wrapping paper, and they don’t wrap their gifts in napkins. It is a bit of a mixup in the book, unfortunately it is not the only one. Our friend, Paul Kardos, from New Jersey called our attention to it and he also wondered how many of our readers noticed it. I don’t know, nobody said anything about it. Paul you win in this challenge.