Magyar News, 1996. szeptember-1997. augusztus (7. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)
1996-09-01 / 1. szám
RIG ROflST RT CALVIN'S RICNIC The fifth annual picnic of Calvin United Church of Christ took place on July 21st, Sunday afternoon on the church grounds, Kings Highway in Fairfield. Rev. Bela Poznan, pastor, opened the picnic at noon and greeted the guests. Around four hundred people came to the enjoy the day’s festivities highlighted by a pig roast which was carved and served for lunch. The menu also included Hungarian favorites such as cabbage noodles, fried chicken, goulash, pörkölt (stew), stuffed cabbage, and szekely káposzta (pork and sauerkraut) prepared by the members of the church. Also hot dogs, com on the cob and watermelon. A great assortment of delicious Hungarian pastries rounded out the menu with freshly made fank (doughnuts) served later in the afternoon. Those gathered were entertained by the lively music of Stan Danielczuk until 5 PM dancing, chatting with friends, making new acquaintances and enjoying the shade and light breezes of a beautiful summer day. Over 25 valuable pnzes were raffled off which were donated by friends and members of the congregation. Children attending the picnic enjoyed face painting and getting temporary tattoos. A special raffle of toys was held and each child won at least one gift. The picnic, chaired by Chief Elder Raymond Gilliam and Olga Rethy, was a great success and a pleasant and memorable day for those were there. Be sure to attend the picnic next year! USA-MAGYARORSZÁG Export-Import-Custom House Autpját, ingóságait vagy bármilyen méretű és súlyú csomagiát zárt konténerben a legkedvezőbb áron , szállítjuk. Az USA bármelyik városából megszervezzük árujának szállítását Magyarországra. Budapesti arufelvetel és vámkezelés saját raktárunkban történik. Kérjük hívják Imrét vagy Lászlót. INTEREX-NY WAREHOUSE: 861 Main St. Bldg.#66 Belleville, NJ 07109 Tel:(201 >844-9020; Fax:(201 >844-9030 CONN. (JUDIT) (203)459-8671 ABBEY OF PANNONHALMA will be visited by the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II on September 6 and 7, celebrating the Abbey’s 1000 year Anniversary. nwnKnr© SEPT. 21. SATURDAY Calvin United Church will sponsor a Tag Sale from 10 AM to 4 PM with luncheon. OCT. 13. SUNDAY Calvin United Church will celebrate the 70th Anniversary. Worship 10 AM at 901 Kings Hwy. Fairfield. Banquet at 1 PM at the Three Door Restaurant. Reservations a must, call 259-6392. Hungarian and Viennese Cuisine Daily 3-Course Dinner specials Reservations accepted for 4 or more Delicious Hungarian Wines from Open for lunch and dinner 12-2 and 5-9 Tuesday - Saturday. Sunday 1-7 pm. In the Galleria Building 57 Vnquowa Road * Fairfield Telephone: (203)259-4777 Page 2