Magyar Egyház, 2005 (84. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

2005-01-01 / 1. szám

MAGYAR EGYHÁZ 3. oldal m THE EASTER STORY 7/M / The Easter message is, ”He is not here; he has risen” (Matthew 28:6). This is the headline news of history. This is the best news for all people. This is the most signifi­cant and important event to all who believe the Easter Story. It declares that Jesus who died and was buried on Good Friday and who was in the grave for three days, came out of the grave on Easter Sunday and is living forever. We have his own tes­timony in the last book of the Bible, where he says, ”Do not be afraid, I am the first and the last. 1 am the living one, I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever!” (Revelation 1:17-18). Now I want you to know that the resurrection of Christ is real essential for us. It is the center for the people of God. It is the foundation of the church, the cornerstone of our faith, and only hope of our eternal life. If Christ is dead and we cannot believe in his resur­rection, then, all is vain and empty. There is no hope and no salvation. If Christ is not raised from the dead, then our faith, our preaching, our worship every Sunday is meaningless non­sense. But thanks be to God for the angel’s message of joy and victory, ”He is not here; he has risen.” Our preaching is not vain; our faith is not vain; we are not in our sins; those who have died in Christ have not perished; we are not the most miserable people. Indeed, we are the happiest people in the whole world because Jesus Christ rose from the dead! Remember he was taken down from the cross and he was buried. A huge stone was rolled against the entrance of the tomb. Soldiers were guarding the grave. Yet the hour came when the tomb was empty. Christ was not counted among the dead, but among the living. The women were told, ’’Why do look for the living among the dead? (Luke 24:5). We do not offer you a dead Christ. We do not offer you a Christ, who lives somewhere in the grave. We offer you a liv­ing Christ, who lives today in the hearts of those who have found him and accepted him as their Savior and Lord and who put their faith and trust in him. We need this living Lord! He offers us the power for victorious living in this present life. He offers us a sure foun­dation on which we can build our lives, a foundation that won’t be shaken by the storms or problems or adverse circum­stances of life. He offers us faith, hope and love. He offers the power to overcome disappointments and depression and anxiety. He offers us real answers to our deepest needs, and he even offers us peace of mind in the midst of trouble and hardship. In short, Jesus offers us himself in the Easter Story. The promise of Easter is that Christ, our living Lord and Savior, can give us everything we need. Forgiveness of our sins, abundant life, and above all, eternal life. Very Rev. Barnabás Rőczey EASTER SUNDAY GREETINGS DEAR BRETHREN IN JESUS CHRIST! On Easter Sunday 2005, we hear Jesus’ words through the blessings of the Holy Spirit “Peace be with you”. We Christians hear and listen to Jesus’ words with joyous hearts as the disciples did. According to John the Evangelist we read:...“and the disciples were gathered together...Then Jesus came and stood among them. Peace be with you he said.. .The disciples were filled with joy at seeing the Lord...’’(John 20,19-20 ). Today’s disciples, we faithful Christians, although we can’t see Him, through the Holy Spirit and based on our readings from the Bible, we hear his voice this Easter Holy­­day. “ But these have been written in order that you may be­lieve that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through your faith in him you may have life” (John 20,31). Today we hear the Lord’s blessed and true message. Let us have peace at home with our families, in our congre­gations and in all parts of the world. With these thoughts we ask our Lord to bless our Easter Holiday and our Worships. Your brother in Jesus Christ, Peace be with You, Phoenix, March 4, 2005. Andor Demeter Mr.Anthony C. Beke Bishop Chief Elder

