Magyar Egyház, 2000 (79. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)
2000 / 1. szám
2. oldal MAGYAR EGYHÁZ MISSION 2000 The final words that are recorded about our Lord’s ministry here on earth are found Matthew 28:18 & 19. “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and earth. Go and make disciples of all nations...” How can a small church in Allen Park, Michigan, participate in our Lord’s mission as the 21st century begins? We are not suggesting that there is only one way to fulfill this mission; but we have chosen a method that is working for us. We support thirteen mission organizations annually in Europe and in North America. Presently we have sent money and pray regularly for missions in seven central European locations. We also support missions in six locations in North America. These locations represent pastors, churches and missionaries who are spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They are making disciples in Christ’s name, sharing with us the fruits of their labor through newsletters, printed reports and verbal communication. In addition to our regular mission efforts, we are keeping alert to catastrophic events occurring around the world where special offerings are needed. In this last year, we took offerings for the disasters in Turkey where hundreds of people died and others were left homeless. Also, we participated in disaster relief programs for tornado victims in Oklahoma and other southwestern states. These offerings are taken in order to respond to immediate needs of people who are caught in natural disasters. You might wonder how we accomplish this in our church. Let me tell you how we do it. First of all, we have a committee of lay people who do most of the work. In addition to these committee members, the Chief Elder and Senior Pastor serve on this committee. The Committee meets approximately six times a year in order to monitor our mission effort and consider new opportunities. We try to keep a balance between monies sent to Europe and donations to North America. The moneys for these efforts come from offerings taken on special Sundays of the year. This is not a perfect system, but is a beginning point for our church. Let me suggest that if you have any questions you write our church and direct your correspondence to our Missions Committee; they will be glad to send you the material we use to “make disciples of all nations.” Rev. Dr. Thomas L. Burbridge Senior Pastor American Hungarian Reformed Church Allen Park, Michigan A VISIT TO AN AMERICAN SUPPORTED BIBLE SCHOOL IN HUNGARY “Come Over and Help” is an independent North American-based relief organization, established in the beginning of 1997. It consists of members of various reformed churches, all of which are involved on a voluntary basis. The aim of “Come Over and Help” is to provide information to North American churches about the churches in Central and Eastern Europe. The republic of Hungary with its capital city of Budapest has about ten million inhabitants. The main language is Hungarian. Approximately 20% of the population belong to a Reformed church. The economic reforms, which already started under communism, give Hungary a head start in economic development in comparison to other Central and Eastern European countries. COAH supports a Bible School in Pecel, which is based on the Heidelberg Catechism and the Second Helvetic Confession. Three new classes start at the school each year. The age of students varies from fifteen to seventy-five year. The purpose of the course is to provide a fundamental knowledge of the Bible, dogmatics, ethics and church history. Special emphasis is given to the practical teachings of the Bible for daily living. The school provides training for church members who are engaged in Sunday school work, youth group activities, and catechism instructions. MAGYAR EGYHÁZ SPRING 2000 VOL. 79, NO. 1 ISSN 0360-5760 Published quarterly EDITOR IN CHIEF The Rt. Rev. Alexander Forro, Bishop 13 Grove St., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 EDITOR Stephen I. Szabó, Chief Elder 464 Forest Ave., Paramus, New Jersey 07652 BUSINESS MANAGER Priscilla Hunyady 50 N. Washington Ave., Colonia, NJ 07067 OFFICE OF PRINTING l.H. Printing, 6 North Drive, East Brunswick, NJ 08816 OFFICE OF PUBLICATION Magyar Egyház — Magyar Church 464 Forest Ave., Paramus, New Jersey 07652 Subscription: $6.00 yearly; Group $5.00 SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT WOODBRIDGE NEW JERSEY Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to Business Manager ADDRESS CORRECTION: Stephen I. Szabó, 464 Forest Ave., Paramus, New Jersey 07652