Magyar Egyház, 1987 (66. évfolyam, 2. szám)
1987-04-01 / 2. szám
CALVIN SYNOD HERALD — 2 — REFORMÁTUSOK LAPJA “ANXIETY FILLS OUR HEARTS” Churches in Hungary speak out on Hungarian minorities The Christmas message signed by leaders of the member churches of the Ecumenical Council of Churches in Hungary which includes Reformed, Lutheran, Baptist and a number of small denominations speaks out on Hungarian Christians living in the diaspora and on the situation of Hungarian minority churches. In our Hungarian language section we print the full text of the message. Here we shall quote or refer to a number of striking passages of this cautiously worded declaration of great importance. The direct quotations are taken from the text supplied by the January 15, 1987 issue of the Hungarian Church Press. “Joy and thanks fill our hearts,” begins the declaration, ‘Tor the hopeful way in which, during the past years, the relationships between Hungarians who have been separated by the storms of history have developed and deepended. Relationships based on an attachment to an ancient tradition, a common culture, a rich historical heritage, our dear mother language, and last but by no means least rooted in our common faith... With regard to our churches... we can report numerous wonderful achievements: ministerial exchanges, student exchanges and congregational visitations...” Outstanding event was the North American concert tour of th Kántus in the Spring of 1986. “The fact that in certain questions the Hungarians who live in different countries and we Hungarians living in Hungary have divergent opinions does not decrease CALVIN SYNOD HERALD Official Organ of the Calvin Synod, Conference of the United Church of Christ Rt. Rev. Zoltán Király, Bishop 220 Fourth St. — Passaic, N.J. 07055 Telephone: (201)778-1019 MANAGING EDITOR: Paul Kantor ADMINISTRATOR: Charlotte K. Kantor PUBLISHING OFFICE: 365 E. Woodrow Avenue, P.O. Box 07812 Columbus, Ohio 43207 Telephones: (614) 444-1473 or 444-1319 PRINTING OFFICE: Classic Printing Corp. 9527 Madison Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44102 Telephone: (216) 631-3626 Published bi-monthly Individual Subscription $6.00 Group Subscription S4.00 vearlv Postmaster Send change of address to: CALVIN SYNOD HERALD P.O. Box 07812, Columbus, OH 43207 Second Class postage paid at Columbus, Ohio ISSN 0161-6900 our joy, indeed it increases it, while we seek to reach agreement. Our relationships are characterised by the willingness to share in dialogue, the motive of which is that all of us should respect and take seriously our common heritage and our common faith in the providence of God are so strong that they can overcome our apparent differences... “The... sad results of our national history are that Hungarians live scattered in many countries far from the homeland... and a large number en block in neighbouring countries... we feel responsibility for their fate. On the basis of this responsibility we ask that they be good citizens of their respective states that thus there may be connecting links and bridges between Hungary and their countries. This is particularly important with our homeland’s neighbouring countries, historically related to each other, where the people at present live proceeding along the path of socialist development. We know that there is need for great patience, mutual understanding and much goodwill, and we pray that these should be found in all of us. At the same time, we cannot deny that worry and anxiety exist in our hearts because we have received disturbing news, and have personally experienced sad incidents, in the case of Hungarians living in Romania...” “In voicing our concern and anxiety we should also say that we set high value on the fraternal relations which exist between our churches and the Romanian Orthodox Church and the other churches of Romania. It is our conviction that they, together with us, share responsibility for bearing each others burdens...” The closing thought of the declaration is about prayer: “The greatest privilege of Christians, whether they live in the East or West, in the South of North, is the service of prayer. This is why we should pray for the peace of the whole world... and for Hungarians whether they be greatly separated from us by distance or not so far away. We believe that this service of prayer is mutual, they also think of us in their intercessions” thus sharing “our concerns and our hopes.” THE BISHOP S EASTER MESSAGE Dear Sisters and Brothers! Once again Easter will bring together all those who love the Lord Jesus Christ to break bread in His remembrance. Yet, Easter is more than memory, even more than in a joyfully liberated spirit to accept the fact of Christ’s resurrection from the dead. Because the Risen Lord gave His followers certain orders to follow. First, a commission — “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to the whole creation;” Second, a task to fulfill — “You shall be my witnesses... to the end of the earth;” Third, a message — they were to preach repentance and the remission of sins;” Fourth, a promise — “I am with you always, to the close of the age;” Fifth, an assurance — “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.” During this Easter Season let us look into our hearts and look at our lives: Do we carry out this commission? Do we fulfill the task? Do we spread forth the message? Do we look like people in whose lives His promise has become true? Do we radiate the power of the Holy Spirit? Let us find out together what is means to be disciples of the Risen and Ever-Living Lord. And when we have found it out let us strive to become models of Christian discipleship. The God of love and peace be with you! András Harsányi Mission among drifting young people in Hungary BUDAPEST — According to Hungarian Church Press Hungarian ecumenical reports and studies suggest for more intensity... in the work among “drifting young people". In 1983, the Ecumenical Council of Churches in Hungary, which includes Reformed, Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist, and a number of small denominations, established a “mission amond drifting young people.” It is now staffed by two young pastors. The Reformed College of Debrecen will celebrate its 450th anniversary The famous Reformed College of Debrecen will celebrate the 450th anniversary of its foundation in 1988. The “Kollégium” now houses one of the two Theological Academies, the only Reformed high school, student dormitories and a library and museum of enormous value. The equally famous choir of the College, the “Kántus" was on a most successful tour in the Eastern part of the United States during the Easter season of 1986.