Magyar Egyház, 1983 (62. évfolyam, 1-5. szám)

1983-03-01 / 2. szám

MAGYAR GGYfíAZ 9. oldal II. Moreover, this stone is the foundation of our faith. The message of this stone is, that as Christ has risen from the dead, and was seen by the disciples, this faith in the resurrected Savior, became the foundation of their lives. This was the rock foundation upon which the early Christians built. This is the foundation upon which Christianity was laid, and this should be the foundation of our faith. If this foundation is shaken, the life of a person, the future of our church and all is in danger. Many have tried to destroy this, the early pagans fought against it, the Roman emperors burned lives and homes, but they failed. We see the modern trend and observe the mighty power of some as they try to annihilate this faith, yet this stone is still the foundation of our faith and church. If Christ has not risen from the dead, says the apostle, then your faith is vain and everything is vain, no matter, how beautifully you dress, regardless how lavishly you live, if you have no faith, everything is vain. This faith in the risen Lord was amply proven to the disciples. First, the women saw the lord, and heard His voice. Then the disciples, who were behind closed doors, saw the resurrected Christ enter the room, and Thomas, put his hands into the wounds of the Lord and said: My God, My Lord! There were others, too, who testified, that they had seen the risen Savior, and this faith enabled them to do great things in His name. Listen to the message of the stone, which was rolled away from the tomb: The Lord is risen indeed! III. Then this stone was a high water mark between man and man. You either believe in the resurrection of Christ or you do not. The whole world is separated into two camps: those who have joy over the resurrection of Christ and are happy, that He lives forever, and those who do not believe in Him, like the guards, the scribes and pharisees. Oh, how terrible, they must have felt after the resurrection: for them this stone was a stumbling block. At Easter see the stone rolled away, and hear the message: “Jesus Christ is risen from the dead ... Halle­lujah! Hear the message: “Christ is risen.” He lives for ever. Let all Christians rejoice, and sing the hymns of our faith, and magnify His name for ever. D A. ENCOUNTER IN EASTER “Jesus said unto her, 'Mar}''. She turned herself and salth unto Him: ‘Master’.” (John 20:16) The love and fidelity that lasts beyond the grave sobs in that early morning among the tombs. Her grief com­plains to the hazy dawn, to the tombs and to all the sur­roundings that she had had a blessed Lord and someone had taken Him away. Mary Magdalene sobs for every sorrowing heart “They have taken away my Lord and I know not where they have laid Him.” Where is He whom Iloved so dearly? Without Him life is worthless! Where is He Who was my Lord and where is His heart turning to dust? A woman, in the early morn, while it was yet dark, sob­bing, searching for her deceased Lord and, behold, she meets with the Prince of Life. What human words can­not express, the Holy Scriptures portray to us — the greatest meeting in the world — Jesus, at the sound of the old love, calls “Mary” and a weeping woman cries out on that first Easter morning a dear name “Master”. How can words describe what she thought and how she felt? We will meet on that other shore with Jesus and those whom we love in just the same way. We will cry out His precious name and the names of those we have loved and we will embrace them before our Heavenly Father. Sometime those who love and believe will be called by name and these will cry out the name of the Prince of Life with the joy of Mary Magdalene. This is our Triumphal Easter Faith. Jesus lives and we will live also. You will have a joyous happy Easter if you truly search for the living Christ. T IN­ATTENTION TEEN-AGERS You are invited to attend the ANNUAL YOUTH CONFERENCE in MOUNT PLEASANT, PENNSYLVANIA at the Laurelville Mennonite Church Center from AUGUST 14 to 20,1983 Theme: “Alternative (Christian) Future Life Style” based on John 14:6. * Come learn about God, your church, and your heritage. * Meet new friends and renew old friendships. * You can participate in a variety of arts and crafts. Contact your minister for registration forms and more details. WOMEN’S CONFERENCE The United Church Women Eastern Chapter informs all women of the constituting churches that their Annual Women’s Conference will be held on May 1, 1983 at the Magyar Reformed Church of Trenton N.J. Guest Speaker is Miss Lisa S. Von Pier Student at Princeton Theological Seminary. Her Topic is “The Role of Prayer in the Life of Christian Women”. An invitation is extended to all women to attend.

