Magyar Egyház, 1971 (50. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1971-05-01 / 5. szám

MAGYAR EGYHÁZ 11 Funeral: During the month of April Shan Toth was called home by the Giver of life. May God comfort his loved ones. PERTH AMBOY, N. J. On Ascension Day the following were confirmed: Julie Bak, Richard Boel­­hower, Maryann Bowmann, Dianna and Peter Cselovszky, Doreen Damóci, Mary Fekete, Deborah Galambos, Ildikó Giczi, Pamela Hall, Cynthia Hegedűs, Robert Hühner, Marie Juhász, Steven Karmazsin, Sharon Moran, Judy O’­Buck, Brenda Pirigyi, Blaine Silágyi, Sheryl Strub, Carol Tóth, Nancy Varga, Sandra Wilczek. May God bless them and keep them faithful to the oath they have taken. On Sunday, June 13th at 12 noon, the Sr. Women’s Club’s 50th Anniver­sary will be celebrated. All members of our church and friends are invited to attend. Summer Vacation Bible School this year is scheduled for the last week in June and the first week of July. Parents take notice, and send or bring your children to our V. B. S. HUNGARIAN COOK BOOK 4th Printing Order from: THE WOMEN’S GUILD 331 Kirkland Place, Perth Amboy, N. J. 08881 $1.00—Handling & Postage $.25 STATEN ISLAND, N. Y. On Mother’s Day a united English- Hungarian worship service was held and followed by a covered dish dinner honor­ing the mothers. The Sunday School children recited poems and sang chant. Attendance during the Easter Season was well above the average. On Pentecost celebration we have separate Hungarian service and English service combined with Communion. This year we will confirm 6 young people as follows: John Cutler, Patrick Fay, Jeffrey Nemeth, Judith Nemeth, Rachel Rodvansky and Robert Roudi after 2 year preparation. Miss Carolyn Kosa, Sunday School principal cooperated very devotedly for this study. United Church Women of the Hun­garian Reformed Church in America unanimously elected our member Mrs. Fred Cutler as English secretary. The elected officers and elders are on the picture from left to right as seated: Mr. Albert Kish vice president, Mr. Joseph O’Donnell assistant vice president, Mr. Louis Kish president, Mr. Steve F. Nemeth treasurer. Stand­ing are: Mr. Alexander Teryek, Mr. Stephen Kish, Mr. Stephen Ambrus, Mr. John Lovas secretary, Mr. John Rodvansky elders. TRENTON, N. J. On Maundy Thursday evening the Lord’s Supper was administered for the first time in our church, in memory of the institution of the sacrament. Close to 100 persons attended the Lord’s Table on this occasion. During the Easter holiday 425 communicants re­ceived the sacrament. The Rev. August Molnár was the assisting minister at our Easter services. New round banquet tables and chairs, costing $800, were bought for the lower recreation room of our school. The Very Rev. Dr. Andrew Harsanyi, the dean of the Eastern Classis, visited our church on March 10th. The Young Women’s Guild members were guests of the Women’s Club of the First Presbyterian Church of Trenton. The Rev. Dr. Andrew Sebben, the pas­tor of that church and our pastor greeted the women. A talk on historical and traditional Easter customs was pre­sented by the host group and a musical program of opera arias in a scene from “La Bohémé’’ followed. Both the Lorantffy Zsuzsánna Ladies Aid and the Young Women’s Guild had successful bake sales in April. The Guild sponsored a bus trip to New York City in March. Our pastor and his wife participated in a radio program arranged by the People to People International Festival. At the annual meeting of the Eastern Classis in Perth Amboy, our church was represented by the pastor, Mr. John S. Toth, Chief Elder, and Mr. Anthony Beke, Classis officer. Our Youth Fellowship members at­tended the district conference of the sister churches’ youth fellowships in Perth Amboy on March 21st. During March our young people had a profit­able paper drive. The Sunday School and Youth Fel­lowship jointly arranged an Easter Egg Hunt after the services in the park across the church. The first Spring Dance of the Young Couples Society on April 17th was a great success. This is the newest or­ganization of our church and its presi­dent is Mr. Gabriel Csapó. Marriages-. Louise Antocs Walter and Gerald A. Muraglia were married on April 8th. On April 25th Stephen Pén­tek and Emma Louise Roberson Brit­tain were married. Funerals-. Mrs. John Biacsko was buried on March 27th and Mr. Elek Ozsvath on March 29th. We buried Alexander Kuik on April 26th, and Mrs. Joseph Bihary on April 28th. The annual women’s conference of our sister churches was held in Perth Amboy, on May 2nd. Twenty-four women attended it from our church. Confirmation of our children was held on May 23rd. Jane Archer, Juliana Csak, Julene Dolewa, Susan Hartman, Aladar Komjáthy, Maria Kovács, Gab­riella Pandak and Elizabeth Vecsei were confirmed. The newly confirmed children attended the Lord’s Supper on Pentecost, for the first time. YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO On Palm Sunday and Easter the Ladies Aid, the Yolanda Circle and the Men’s Club beautified the church with palms and flowers. During the Easter holidays more than 80% of those con­firmed took communion in the church and 6 in their homes. The Annual Mother’s Day dinner was sponsored by the Youth Group. Once again the hall was filled with the mem­bers of our congregation and friends. The profit will be used by the Youth Group to attend the Bethlen Youth Con­ference. On April 25th, the Yolanda Circle held a successful Bingo and Card Party. Order of our services on Pentecost: English service at 9:30, Hungarian ser­vice at 1 A.M. Communion will be served during both services. During the English service on Pente­cost the following newly confirmed young people will take communion for the first time: Patricia Ann Boldt, Joseph Clyde Deak, Terry Lee Mislevy, Douglas Edward Seiner and Charles Elmer Szabó. On April 12th we buried Mrs. Frank Kish (Julia Haluska) whom the Lord called home after 70 years on this earth. The comforting power of God be with the sorrowing family and friends.

