Magyar Egyház, 1968 (47. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1968-11-01 / 11. szám

MAGYAR EGYHÁZ 15 I should say guys, because a lot of them weren’t kids, were out galavanting around camp, another boy, Matt, and I had a more or less private dicussion with Bill Roberts and his co-lecturer George O’Carroll, on a numerous number of varied topics, basically dealing with the established church and its future. We also had our candlelight service Saturday night, and this to me was very inspiring; even though it took me four tries to get my candle lit. Sunday morning we had our Sunrise Service with Rev. Kalman Adorján officiating. Sunday afternoon, we had our Business Meeting and a shaving cream battle was scheduled, to follow the Saturday skirmish, which I forgot to mention. Fortunately, except in minor propor­tions, it never occurred and the meeting went smoothly. . That night we had our dance with a group called the Time Machine, who were absolutely fabulous. Everybody had a good time and I, who really can’t, danced. Monday was our last day and, as is usual, it was the day everybody really met everybody else. By met, I mean really got to know each other. If anybody reading this was at the conference, I’m the kid with the watch around his neck. . . I left with a greater awareness, an urge to read God’s word, a sense of companionship, and a cold. I hope every­one who went this year and more go next year. It’ll be sponsored by Youngstown. I don’t know about anybody else, but I’m going. Sándor “Sandy” E. Chomos NEWS FROM THE CONGREGATIONS AKRON, OHIO Wedding: Saturday, October 19 Danny Lee Wells and Miss Betty - Ann Balogh. Three hundred peo­ple attended the wedding cere­mony. Baptism: Sunday, October 20 Alexis Susan Adler; god-parents are David B. Miller and Miss Cheryl Lea Daub. We celebrated the twelfth an­niversary of the 1956 Hungarian Freedomfight in our Fellowship Hall on Sunday, October 20. Con­gressman William H. Ayres was the main speaker. RETHLEHEM, PA. On November 3rd, Mission Sun­day, the Rev. Barna K. Röczey preached at a combined service. The Lord’s Supper was served on November 10th. The holy ele­ments were donated by Mrs. J. Szocsik. Mrs. F. Racz celebrated her 90th birthday in November. CARTERET, N. J. In the course of pulpit-ex­changes in the Eastern Classis, the Rev. Stephen Kovács, Pastor of our Trenton church preached in Car­teret on November 3 while Dr. Harsanyi occupied the Trenton pulpit. The same afternoon, at our an­nual thanksgiving dinner, we also remembered several anniversaries: 65th of the forming of this con­gregation, 60th of the erection of the sanctuary, 20th of the founda­tion of the Junior Women’s Guild. Among the speakers, Louis Trecek brought a well received message about the Gideon Society. An on the spot offering gave $60 toward the bible-distributing work of the Gideons. Bishop Dezső Ábrahám greeted the congregation on occa­sion of these anninversaries. Thanksgiving for the new wine communion will be celebrated November 24. The following new officers of the Touth Fellowship were in­stalled by Dr. Harsanyi on Novem­ber \():Barbara Ann Toth pre­sident, Gabriella Lengyel vice­­president, Mary Milak secretary, Karen Papp treasurer, Susan Dom­­brotvski chaplain and Ronald Sza­bó sergeant-at-arms. Baptisms. Charlene, daughter of Gary A. Brarly and Margaret A. Gruzinsky; godparents: Jerry Gu­­zinski and June Brady. — Carolyn Joy, daughter of Ernest J. Kijula and Olive Montgomery; godpar­ents: Joseph and Elsie Csordos. Burial. Mrs. John Varga (Julia Olah), 74, on October 31. She was the mother of Elder Charles Var­ga. DETROIT-ALLEN PARK, MICHIGAN Every Sunday: Sunday School at 8:45 A.M., English Service at 9:45 A.M., Hungarian Service at 11 A.M. The Western Classis section of the Bethlen Youth Federation held their Fall Conference in our church on October 12 and 13. The topic of the conference was the Fourth Commandment. Rev. Tibor Toth, Dean of the Western Classis was the principal speaker and Mr. Tjoltan Ambrus led the discussion. The bishop of our church, the Rt. Rev. Dezső Abraham made a visitation to our church on Octo­ber 27, and preached at both ser­vices. The Presbyterian-Reformed and Roman Catholic conversation group sponsored by the North American Area Council of the Re­formed World Alliance and the American Catholic Bishops’ Com­mittee on Ecumenical and Inter- Reli gious Affairs met in our church for their semi-annual meet­ing on October 24, 25 and 26. A Roman Catholic Service was held on the 25th and a service accord­ing to the Hungarian Reformed traditions was held on the 26th. This was probably the first time that a committee of such impor­tance and national scope met in a Hungarian Reformed Church. The spiritual impact on our con­gregation and upon our commun­ity is immeasurable. Coming Events: November 16th our Annual Grape Festival Dance, December 3, the Christian Youth Fellowships Christmas Card Par­ty, December 8, the dedication services for the beautiful stained glass window that was recently in­stalled. Services will be at 11 A.M. followed by a banquet in the Fel­lowship Hall. DUQUESNE, PA. 180 members came to commun­ion at World Wide Service; 8 shut­­ins received the holy elements in their homes. Thanksgiving Communion will he observed on Sunday, November 24th. The Men’s Club and the Wo­men’s Club sponsored a masque­rade party for all adults of the congregation with great success. The pastor was elected to be the president of the local ministerial association. A junior group was organized within our Youth Fellowship. The advisors are Miss Eileen Halpern and Miss Susan War go. Their first meeting promises great success.

