Magyar Egyház, 1965 (44. évfolyam, 2-12. szám)

1965-08-01 / 8-9. szám

MAGYAR EGYHÁZ 15 THE FIELD IS WHITE UNTO HARVEST Approximately 80% of the young people between 12 and 24 never attend Sunday school or church. Of the 3 Vz million college students in the United States, 96% have no active contact with any church. Most of the 3V2 million children added to the U.S. population each year are raised in homes of non-churchgoers. Do your children go to Sunday School? best summer attendance in the history of our church. The Christian Youth Fellowship had three very enjoyable outings and the annual church picnic was a huge success. We also brought in an innovation in that we serve coffee before and be­tween the two services. There is no charge for this and we have found that it brings members of the congre­gation into closer bonds of friendship. They don’t just rush in and rush away from the services but chat over a cup of coffee and get better acquainted with one another. September 12 is Rally Day in our church. We will again resume our regular schedule of activities. Sunday School will convene at 8:45, English Service at 9:45 and Hungarian Service at 11 A.M. Both Choirs will also open their participation in the services on this day. Our church charters a bus every Sunday for those persons who still reside in the vicinity of the old church. The bus picks these people up every Sunday and returns them after the service. There is no charge for this as the cost is paid by our church treasury. The Youth Fellowship in large numbers will attend the Annual B.Y.F. Conference in Akron. DUQUESNE The regular Sunday morning schedule will be in force commencing Sunday, September 12; Hungarian Service at 9:45 A.M., Sunday School at 9:45 A.M. (Pre-School Department at 10:50 A.M.), Worship Service in English at 11 o’clock. Our Women’s Club elected the fol­lowing as their officers for the ensu­ing year: President Nettiebelle Kish, Vice-President Margaret Balder, Secre­tary Margaret Horvath and Treasurer Margaret Peclet. Election for officers is held in June when the nominating committee pre­sents their report, which usually in­cludes at least two names for each office. The nominees, of course, are contacted and cleared by the com­mittee before said meeting. A program booklet is prepared for each year, plans are made for each month. Every month a volunteer chair­­lady is in charge of the program and with her committee she prepares a well planned evening. The officers having held a meeting among themselves, the program chair­­ladies met in August to select a devotional theme for the meetings and the monthly programs. The theme this year will be the Parables of Jesus. The following accepted chairmanships for the year: Irene Yeleznik (Sept.), Helen Sapos (Oct.), Ella Fodo (Nov.), Helen Homoki (Dec.), Nettibelle Kish (Jan.), Irene Vockely (Feb.), Yolanda Estu (Mar.), Margaret Kovach (Apr.) , Ann Shigo (May), and Margaret Balder (June). The opening meeting of the new season is to be held on Wednesday, September 15, when new members and guests will be introduced. PERTH AMBOY Sunday School has been in session all Summer. The Saturday School will start again in September; we expect all children from 3 years up to confirmation age. The Christian Youth Fellowship members painted the iron fence in front of the church; many thanks for the fine job. Fifteen persons signed up to partici­pate in the National B.Y.F. Conference in Akron, Ohio. All the organizations of the church will resume their activities in September. Plans will be formulated to properly commemorate the 40th an­niversary of the erection of our present church building on November 21st. Please reserve this date on your calen­dar. Tentative plans were made to wel­come the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Kálmán U jszászy in our midst on Sunday, September 5th. The Rev. Dr. Ujszászy was a professor of the famous Theo­logical Seminary in Sárospatak, Hun­gary. At present he is chief curator (főgondnok) of the Cis-Tibiscan Dis­trict of the Reformed Church in Hun­gary. ROEBLING U7edding: On Saturday, J une 12 Jean Bajzath, daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Steve Bajzath and Bert Somogyi, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Somogyi were joined together in holy marriage. New Members: Mrs. Lenord Jacoby and Mr. Joseph Halasz joined our church in the past month. We wel­come them into our fellowship. As of September 12, we will return to the regular time of our Worship Services: English at 9:30 a.m. and Hungarian at 10:30 a.m. On the same Sunday we are going to resume our Sunday School activities. STATEN ISLAND One of the three winners of the national contest on Hungarian history sponsored by the Hungarian Re­formed Federation was our Youth Fellowship president Nancy Szabó. The prize was a trip to Hungary. Six members of our Youth Fellow­ship will attend the Akron Annual Conference of the BYF. Diane Kosa­­kovics will speak on “Hungarian Spir­itual Heritage.” Hungarian language classes were held during July and August by the pastor for vacationing Sunday School children. Sunday School children were taken to visit the World’s Fair instead of the customary picnic. Annual Bazaar, sponsored by the Womens Guild, will be held on Sat­urday September 25 and October 2. Joseph Teryek 43, died after a ten year long hospitalization. YOUNGSTOWN On September 5th we will return to the winter schedule of our services. English service will be at 10 A.M., Hungarian at 11 A.M. Sunday School will resume its ses­sions on September 12th. On September 19th we will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Ladies Aid. Our Ladies Aid started their work one year before the official es­tablishment of the church, so that they could help in the most difficult days of organization. During the month of June the Lord has called home two charter members of the congregation: on June 24th we buried Mr. Benjamin Szaday who was 79 years old. He served our congregation as treasurer, auditor and honorary elder. On June 30th we buried Mr. Louis Nagy who was 77 years old. Mr. Nagy served our con­gregation as an elder, then for 13 years as chief elder and after that as honorary chief elder.

