Magyar Cserkész, 1929 (10. évfolyam, 14. szám)
1929-07-15 / 14. szám
306 MAGYAR CSERKÉSZ 14. szám FTTTTTrrrmTmr^ THE HUNGARIAN SCOUT SHOP COOPERATIVE SOCIETY V., HAJNAL-U. 6. BUDAPEST, HUNGARY. 0 Provides best qualities of Scout Equipment, Camping material, the world-renown coloured postcards and Albums. HUNGARIAN-ITALIAN BANK LIMITED (BANCA UNGARO-ITALIANA S0CIETÄ ANONIMA) (MAGYAR-OLASZ BANK RÉSZVÉNYTÁRSASÁG) Affiliation of the Banca Commerciale Italiana, Milan. Head Office: Budapest, V., Nádor-utca 16-Telegrams: Bankunit. Capital fully paid 20 million Pengoes. Reserves about 6 „ „ Eight City Branches and wide network of Country Branches and Affiliated Institutions throughout Hungary. The Bank affords every facility for banking business with Hungary. Special attention is directed to the 7 and 772% Dollar and Pounds Sterling Mortgage Bonds issued by the Bank. Particulars will be sent on application. COME FOR 3 DAYS TO SEE BUDAPEST! Coupon-booklet at moderate price. Considerable reduction from the visa fees and railway steamer and aeroplane fares. Full accomodation (board and lodging) for three days in first class hotels, (inc. taxes and tips). Auto-car trips, excursions, baths and all entrance tickets. Price of the coupon-booklet: Pengő 80'— (about £ 2,, 17,, 4.) Special coupon-booklet for the Danube embankment Hotels : Pengő 100‘— (about £ 3„ 11„ 8.) Edition of the Official Ticket Office of the Royal Hungarian State Railways Budapest, V., Vigadó-tér 2. Obtainable at every travel-office. COME FOR 3 DAYS TO SEE BUDAPEST! ROYAL HUNGARIAN STATE IRON-, STEEL- AND MACHINE WORKS BUDAPEST, X., KŐBÁNYAI-ÚT 21. (HUNGARY FACTORIES: MACHINE WORKS IN BUDAPEST AND STEEL WORKS IN DIÓSGYŐR NUMBER OF WORKMEN 10500, NUMBER OF MINING WORKMEN 1300.---------DRIVING POWER 14000 HP. Products ." Steam-locomotives and motor-loco* motives. Steam-boilers. Railway and ordinary bridges. Iron constructions for cranes, bridge and over-ground work. Machines for agriculture of all kinds. Thrashing machines. Motor-ploughs. Street-rollers and road-sweepers. Watering-cars and tractors. — Motor-cars. Motorbuses. Camions. Fire-brigade motorcars. Motor watering-carts. Road-sweeping carts and supplementary carts. — All sorts of rolled articles. Rails and their joining material. Switches, crossings and turn-tables. Steel- and ironcastings. Cast-iron tubes for aquaeducts. — Machines and ships accessories pressed and forged. Shafts, tires, srcews, various steel tools and special tool and high speed steels of excellent quality, etc. [>*<1: ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN.