Magyar Cserkész, 1929 (10. évfolyam, 14. szám)
1929-07-15 / 14. szám
No. 14. MAGYAR CSERKÉSZ 291 The Hungarian Scouts House (Budapest, V. Hajnal-utca 6.), where Headquarters offices, the Scout Shop Sc. are located. It was bought with concributlons amounting from 1/ —to 1500 rounds. A magyar ^cserkészek háza. The old castle at Hárshegy Training Park. Régi kastély a magyar Cserkészparkban. HUNGARIAN SCOUTS FIELDS OF ACTIVITY. The Hungarian boy-scout movement has a very active life. The different places of its manifold activity are shown on the following pictures : The first picture shows the Hungarian Scout-House in Budapest, the Headquarters of 30.000 Hungarian scouts. Here are the offices, and guests rooms and the Scout Shop. Here is a big hall, where theatrical shows and meetings are arranged. There is the editorial office of the scout-papers and books. This home is the heart of the organization. Material and mental sources of the Movement are collected here and spread from here. The 2nd and 3rd pictures show Scouts Park, Hárshegy. The 2nd the old castle of the Park, which is now revived by the Scout’s spirit. The campchief lives here.This old house is destined especially for winter-work. The 3rd picture shows a clearing of the park, where one of the most prominent leades delivers a lecture for the Scouters. The total area of the Park is about 30 acres, situated in the mountains of Buda. This is the favourite week-end place for the scouts of the capital. This is the ideal Scouting territory. The 4th and 5th picture show the sea scouts camp, Though this „sea-camp“ is only in Budapest, on the shores of the Danube, river-scouting is practised here with much energy and perseverance. Having no sea, we are confined to our rivers and the 50 miles long Balaton-lake, but we developped an intensive „river-scout“ life. The first of the two pictures shows the entrance, to the permanent Seacamp and Boat-Club of the Budapest Scouts, where some 300 boats of different kind are kept. You may imagine the life on summer-week-ends. The second has been taken from a sea-scout rally. The collapsible canoes, — river scout speciality, — are in the first line, the big boats quite in the back ground. B.-P. liked it very much during Patrol leaders Training Course at Hárshegy Training Park. Előadás a cserkészparkban összegyűlt örsvezetőjelölteknek.