Birtalan Ágnes: Kalmyk Folklore and Folk Culture in the Mid-19th Century: Philological Studies on the Basis of Gábor Bálint of Szentkatolna’s Kalmyk Texts.


His three isabelcolored horses stay harnessed before the door of the governor's; Our prince 4"' acquainted with the governor, what has ordered us to do? 4" 3 The governor of that time has gained his sword with a gilt grip; / do not grieve for his sword devolved upon another but I grieve for the life of my prince. Of the cap adorned with red ribbons make use the magnats of the people; For his cap devolved upon another 1 don't grieve, but I grieve for the life of my prince. I have put (my son) Mandshi who is eleven years old into the school of Astrachan; 4" 4 (And) when I have put him thereto I have told him, that he shall (once) rule his subjects. The yellow mottledyurt-palace 4"' emerges like the stairs. Our honoured lord, 4'"' who has acquaintance in Saratov what did he order us to do? 40 2 Bálint äka. Kaim. äk is an honorific address; Bálint explained as follows: " äka prince, chief, cf. akha elder brother" (Grammar p. 196). Kalm. äk "obraSőenije k staräim rodstvennicam; Kalm.D. obraSőenije k matery; Kalm T. obraSőenije k otcu ili staräöemu bratu" (Mun. 18), "id." (Pilrbän p 139); "Mutter, Tante, Frau des älteren Bruders Wenn die Großmutter mit den Enkeln lebt, nennen diese ihre eigene Mutter äk, und die Großmutter wird von ihren Kindern und Enkeln éj genannt" (R. 20); also in Aberle, David F.: The Kinship System of the Kalmük Mongols. In: University ojNew Mexico Publications in Anthropology 8. Albuquerque, New Mexico 1953 pp. 3-48, on pp. 30-31. In Bálint's text the Torgut meaning, quoted by Munijev is relevant. Bálint's text on Kalmyk weddings also contains reference on the use of the term: "That daughter-in-law calls his husband's mother and father "mother and father" or "dear father and dear mother"." For the context of the fragment, cf. chapter The Wedding oj the Kalmyks (Oirats). 40 3 Similar lines appear in a song collected by Ramstedt among the Torguts in Turkistan in 1905: stanzas 5-6 d lines: namäyayataxä gesn bolwa - sok. Ramstedt, Gustaf John - Aalto, Pentti: Torgutische Lieder. In: JSFOu 62. (1961) pp 1-14, on p. 6. 40 4 The school in Astrakhan is mentioned in other folksongs as well, cf. Aidarxani suryalin [sic!] köbfidigi arbadär tabadär cuqluläd [sic!]. "Die Knaben der Schule von Astraehan wurden in Gruppen von 5 und von 10 gesammelt." (Nr. 15 stanza 5ab. Ramstedt ­Balinov - Aalto: Kalmückische Lieder pp. 42^13). Some stanzas are quoted as parallel text to the Second song of the Grammar included in the Addendum of this book 40 5 This stanza is not included in the version published in the Grammar. 40 6 Cf. the note above Twelfth Song 1c. 65

