É. Apor (ed.): David Kaufmann Memorial Volume: Papers Presented at the David Kaufmann Memorial Conference, November 29, 1999, Budapest.

ORMOS, István: David Kaufmann and his Collection

ISTVÁN ORMOS of Emperor Franz Joseph I, asking for a copy of this work, because this prince of medi­aeval poets had also inspired her favourite poet, Heinrich Heine, and upon her inquiries she had been advised to turn to Kaufmann's work as the most reliable reference. 3 8 It was these early years that saw the completion of his seminal monograph in the field of the philosophy of the religion of Judaism and Islam, a chapter of which he submitted to the University of Leipzig as a Ph.D. thesis. As far as its title goes, this work, which has retained its importance up to the present, discusses the history of God's attributes in mediaeval Jewish theology. However, since the theologians in question lived in the Arab-Islamic world and their teachings developed in continuous interaction with the religious philosophy of this world, within its conceptual system, as its integral part, this subject could only be treated within the framework of the philosophy of the religion of Islam. Thus despite its modest title, this work is no less than a complete history of the religious philosophy of the age in question: Geschichte der Attributenlehre in der jüdischen Religions-Philosophie des Mittelalters von Saadia bis Maimuni. Gotha 1877. 527 pp. One segment of the influence exerted by the religious philosophy of Islam upon Judaism is treated exhaustively in his monograph published three years later: Die Spuren al-Batlajúsi's in der jüdischen Religions-Philosophie nebst einer Ausgabe der hebräischen Ubersetzungen seiner Bildlichen Kreise = Jahresbericht der Landes­Rabbinerschule in Budapest für das Schuljahr 1879-80. Budapest 1880. 64+55 pp. !" Soon he published his seminal work on the senses, in which his comprehensive erudi­tion in philology, philosophy and the natural sciences 4" alike comes to light: Die Sinne. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Physiologie und Psychologie im Mittelalter aus hebräischen und arabischen Quellen = Jahresbericht der Landes-Rabbinerschule in Budapest für das Schuljahr 1883-84. Budapest 1884. V, 199 pp. 4 1 (It was also published 3 8 Heinrich HEINE, Romanzero. Drittes Buch. Hebräische Melodien. Jehuda ben Halevy l-IV. Cf. GOLDBERGER 1900. 17. ROSENTHAL 1900. XXVII 1. Also appeared in Hungarian: Al-Batlajitsi nyomai a zsidó vallás-philosophiában és jelképes köreinek héber fordításai = A budapesti Országos Rabbiképző-Intézet értesítője az 1879­1880-iki tanévről. Budapest 1880. 59+55 pp. 4 0 KRAUSS mentions that KAUFMANN made a lot (eine Menge ) of notes to Joseph HYRTL'S Onomatologia anatomica. Geschichte und Kritik der anatomischen Sprache der Gegenwart. Vienna 1880, which the famous anatomist had sent to him. A dedicated copy of this work is extant in the Kaufmann Collection, but there is no trace of KAUFMANN'S famil­iar marginal notes in his characteristic violet ink and the book itself is in an excellent con­dition so one can assume that KAUFMANN may have possessed another copy of this work too. KRAUSS 1901 (1902). 29. It may have been sold by SCHLESINGER (see below) or destroyed together with KAUFMANN'S letters and notes during World War II. 4 1 It also appeared in Hungarian: Az érzékek. Adalékok a középkor physiologiája- és psy­chologiájának történetéhez, héber és arab forrásokból = A budapesti Országos Rabbiképző-Intézet értesítője az 1883-84-iki tanévről. Budapest 1884. V, 186 p. 134

