É. Apor (ed.): David Kaufmann Memorial Volume: Papers Presented at the David Kaufmann Memorial Conference, November 29, 1999, Budapest.

ORMOS, István: David Kaufmann and his Collection

DAVID KAUFMANN AND HIS COLLECTION István Ormos (Budapest) I. The life of David Kaufmann 1 David Kaufmann was born at Kojetein 2, a little town in Moravia, on 7 June 1852. His father, Leopold Kaufmann, was occupied in agriculture, managing a farm as a lease­holder. He had to make strenuous efforts to support his family and to provide a good education for his two sons.' Family tradition has it that the father was a somewhat 1 This sketch is based mainly on the biography by Ferdinand ROSENTHAL, KAUFMANN'S brother­in-law, on that by Samuel KRAUSS, one of KALLMANN'S most outstanding disciples, and on that by Adolph FRANKL-GRÜN , Rabbi at Kremsier. They all knew the deceased well. Valuable pieces of information have been contributed by Dr. Béla BAKONYI , the oldest mem­ber of the KAUFMANN family in Budapest at present. His mother was Margit KÖNIG (1888­1981), the daughter of KALLMANN'S sister, Mrs. Lajos KÖNIG , née Róza KAUFMANN . Dr. [Ferdinand] ROSENTHAL, David Kaufmann Biographie. In: Gedenkbuch zur Erinnerung an David Kaufmann. Herausgegeben von Dr. M[arcus] BRANN und Dr. F[erdinand] ROSENTHAL . Breslau 1900. I-LVI. Dr. Samuel KRAUSS, David Kaufmann. Eine Biographie. Berlin 1901 (1902). Dr. Ad[olph] FRANKL-GRÜN, Professor Dr. David Kaufmann, eine biographische Skizze. In: Idem, Geschichte der Juden in Kremsier mit Rücksicht auf die Nachbargemeinden. Breslau-Frankfurt 1896-1901. III. 148-165. See now also Dr. BAKONYI'S highly personal commemoration of a close relative: Dr. Béla BAKONYI, Rendhagyó emlékbeszéd Kaufmann Dávidról [Irregular commemorative address on David Kaufmann] Múlt és Jövő 1999/4, 56-60. Cf. also Dr. Ármin KECSKEMÉTI, Kaufmann Dávid = Magyar-Zsidó Szemle 44 (1927) 251-260. 2 Present-day Kojetín in the Czech Republic. ' The KAUFMANNS had two sons - David and Ignaz - as well as three daughters - Ernestine, Amalie and Róza (Rose). Ignaz followed the occupation of their father. Ernestine married Heinrich OPPENHEIM , his brother's friend, the son of David OPPENHEIM , Rabbi at Nagybecskerek (present-day Zrenjanin in Vojvodina/Serbia). Her granddaughter, Gertrud BUCHLER , is living now with her family and descendants in the United States (Cliffside Park, New Jersey/Palm Beach, Florida). Amalie married Ferdinand ROSENTHAL of Breslau, while 125

