J. Pótó, M. Tolnai, P. Zilahy (eds.): Understanding the Hungarian Academy of Sciences : a guide

Membership Of The Hungarlan Academy Of Sciences

UNDERSTANDING THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES: A GUIDE IV SECTION OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES H-1051 Budapest, Nádor utca 7 Phone: (36-1) 411 6310 Fax: (36-1) 411 6162 E-mail: esardi@office.mta.hu Chairman: JÁNOS DoHY, O.M. Vice-chairman: REZSŐ SOLYMOS, C.M. Secretary: ÉVA SÁRDI, C.Sc. SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEES OF THE SECTION Committee on Agricultural Biotechnology Committee on Agricultural Economics Committee on Agricultural Engineering Committee on Agricultural History and Rural Sociology Committee on Agricultural Water Management Committee on Animal Husbandry and Foraging Committee on Biometrics and Biomathematics Committee on Forestry Committee on Horticulture Committee on Marketing Committee on Plant Breeding Committee on Plant Cultivation Committee on Plant Protection Committee on Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Committee on Veterinary Science Committee on Animal Experiments ORDINARY MEMBERS Balázs, Ervin (Budapest, 1948) C.M.: 1995, O.M.: 2001 molecular plant pathology, plant virology Balázs, Sándor (Szegvár, 1925) C.M.: 1982; O.M.: 1990 horticulture Bócsa, Iván (Arad, 1926) C.M.: 1990; O.M.: 1995 genetics, breeding and seed pro­duction for arable crops Csáki, Csaba (Túrkeve, 1940) C.M.: 1987; O.M.: 1993 agricultural economics Cselőtei, László (Rákospalota, 1925) C.M.: 1970; O.M.: 1976 horticulture (irrigation) Dimény, Imre (Komolló, 1922) C.M.: 1982; O.M.: 1990 agricultural economics (technolog­ical development) Dohy, János (Debrecen, 1934) C.M.: 1993; O.M.: 1998 applied animal genetics and breed­ing, animal breeding biotechnology Dudits, Dénes (Mosonmagyaróvár, 1943) C.M.: 1990; O.M.: 1995 molecular and cellular plant biolo­gy, biotechnology Győrffy, Béla (Kemenesmagasi, 1928) C.M.: 1987; O.M.: 1993 plant cultivation Harnos, Zsolt (Budapest, 1941) C.M.: 1995, O.M.: 2001 agroinformatics Horn, Artúr (Cairo, 1911) C.M.: 1961; O.M.: 1967 applied animal genetics, cattle breeding Horn, Péter (Budapest, 1942) C.M.: 1985; O.M.: 1993 agricultural science, applied animal genetics Horváth, József (Keszthely, 1936) C.M.: 1995, O.M.: 2001 agricultural science, plant protection, virology Király, Zoltán (Óbecse, 1925) C.M.: 1973; O.M.: 1982 plant pathology, pathophysiology Klement, Zoltán (Budapest, 1926) C.M.: 1985; O.M.: 1993 plant pathology, pathophysiology Kovács, Ferenc (Somogyszentpál, 1921) C.M.: 1976; O.M.: 1982 environmental physiology, animal hygiene Kozma, Pál (Gyulaháza, 1920) C.M.: 1967; O.M.: 1973 biology, genetics and breeding of vine Kurnik, Ernő (Mecsekszabolcs, 1913) C.M.: 1970; O.M.: 1976 plant breeding and cultivation Láng, István (Mohács, 1931) C.M.: 1979; O.M.: 1985 environmental science Magyar, János (Csornád, 1911) C.M.: 1967; O.M.: 1985 forest management Mészáros, János (Nádudvar, 1927) C.M.: 1976; O.M.: 1982 infectious diseases of domestic animals 26

