Index of Jewish Art 4. vol: Illuminated Manuscripts of the Kaufmann Collection at the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Különálló lapok tokban.
photo c. 1270-1290 subject HAZAN index no. I JA 1986/1 fol. 42v no illustr. 1 no. of card 5 technique DR situation OM reference 2, 4, 5, 6a, 7a in place + A bare-footed man, wearing a pointed *hat and with a * ,sword through his belt, is standing with his left foot on a three-legged *stool, in front of a *lectern with an open *book on it, inscribed (from left to right) with the first two words of the piyut (Davidson I, p. 390, No. 8619). On the right of the *initial word, decorated with foliage *scrolls, *rosettes and *hybrids, is a winged *dragon (possibly a °devil), and above is a *dove. helfmarjc A 388/1 MTAK library Budapest Germany (South) type of m!. Fi rs t Kaufmann Mahzor