Bartók Béla, ifj.: Chronicles of Béla Bartók's Life (Budapest, 2021)

After World War I (1920–1921)

AFTER WORLD WAR I (1 920-1 921) 1921 10 February, and endeavours to defend his point of view. - This day Béla Bartok and Zoltán Kodály enter into contract with the Bocskay Union, represented by Dr. Dénes Sebess, regarding the publication of 150 Sekler folk songs. (These would finally come out in 1923, entitled Hungarians of Transylvania. Folk Songs.) 27February - Bartoks composer s matiné at the Royal Apollo. Programme: numbers 6 to 15 of 15 Hungarian Peasant Songs, Suite Op. 14, Allegro barbaro, Elegy No. 1, Bear Dance, Evening in Transylvania, Burlesque No. 3, No. 4 of Sketches, Sonatina, No. 7 of Improvisations, and Rumanian Dance No. 1; besides Bartok accompanies Izabella Nagy who sings 3 Sekler peasant songs. The Táltos Publisher House is thinking of publishing a book by Bartok about Hungarian, Slovakian and Romanian folk songs. Bartok prepares them a compilation at the beginning of March. He is getting ready for another trip. 5 March - A passport is issued for him with number “A 801738”, valid for Austria and Czecho-Slovakia. 6 March - Dohnányi matinee in Budapest, in an utterly deserted hall. Bartok plays Dohnányi s Quintet with the Waldbauer String Quartet. The fee is 20,000,- crowns. 7 March - In Paris, at the concert of the group “Les Six” in the Galerie Montaigne, the Pascal String Quartet play String Quartet No. 1. 16 March - At the Waldbauers ’ 8th seasonal concert at the Music Academy Bartok plays Ravel’s Trio with Imre Waldbauer and Jenő Kerpely. 17 March - He writes Philip Heseltine in London happily that he got the notification about the publication of his article in the Sackbut. (The article is entitled: “The Relation of Folk-song to the Development of the Art Music of Our Time”) He obtains a Czecho-Slovakian visa. 19 March - He travels to Pozsony (via Szob), where he reports to the police on 21 March. 199

