Kaján Imre (szerk.): Zalai Múzeum 23. (Zalaegerszeg, 2017)

Száraz Csilla: A Hahót–Vadaskert-dűlő lelőhelyen előkerült késő bronzkori temetőrészlet bemutatása

60 Száraz Csilla Galambok 1 lársas-erdő lelőhelyen. Late Bron­ze Age urn graves at Galambok-Hársas-erdő. Zalai Múzeum 17 (2008). 65-78. Szőke 1995 Szőke, Béla Miklós: Borderland of cultures. Settlement history research is the Hahót Basin (Aims, methods, results) Antaeus - Communi- cationes ex Institute Archaeologico Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 22. A Magyar Tudo­mányos Akadémia Régészeti Intézetének köz­leményei. 1995. 13-34. A presentation of the cemetery part found at Hahót-Vadaskert-dűlő archaeological site The 6 Late Bronze Age urn tombs ploughed out at Hahót-Vadaskert-dűlő were identified by the surveying of the site in 1981. This study presents the findings and the circumstances of the excavation. The author compared the data about the burying place in Hahót with the data published about the similar sites in Zala County. Based on this, she found the most similarities with the archaeological sites in Balatonmagyaród- Hídvégpuszta and Galambok-Hársas-erdő. According to these similarities, she dates the urn tombs back to the Late Bronze Age of BD-HaAl. The author also carried out the archaeological and object biographical analysis of the burials. Based on this, it is likely that the combustion did not happen in the tomb pit. The cremation happened at a dedicated pyre somewhere in the cemetery. We can see from the pottery found in the pit that these objects were parts of the burial rite. The double-fired pottery proves that the objects were exposed to strong heat. In this study, the author collected the data about the burials of the late Bronze Age, cemetery parts (late Tumulus and Urnfield periods). The main share of these data is still unprocessed and unpublished. With the presentation of the 6 urn tombs dated to the age of BD- HaAl at Hahót-Vadaskert-dűlő archaeological site, the author, apart from the publication of data, tries to raise the attention to the importance of comprehensive processing of cemeteries, cemetery parts. Translated by Veronika Nagy

