Kaján Imre (szerk.): Zalai Múzeum 21. Emlékkötet Mindszenty József tiszteletére. Muzeológiai tanulmányok Zala megyéről (Zalaegerszeg, 2013)

Tanulmányok Mindszenty Józsefről - Balogh Margit: Pehm József és a felekezeti viszályok

66 Balogh Margit Smohay András - Ugrits Tamás. Székesfehér­vári Egyházmegyei Hivatal, Székesfehérvár, 2010. KLESTENITZ 2013 Kiesten itz Tibor: A katolikus sajtómozgalom Magyarországon, 1896—1932. Complex Kiadó Kft., Budapest, 2013. KOVÁCS 2009 Kovács Zoltán: Hetyey Sámuel pécsi püspök (1897-1903). In: Egyházi arcélek a pécsi egy­házmegyéből. Szerk. Fedeles Tamás - Kovács Zoltán - Sümegi József. Fény Kft., Pécs, 2009. MARÓTH Y-ME1ZLER 1958 Maróthy-Meizler Károly: Az ismeretlen Mind- szenty. Buenos Aires, 1958. PAKSY 2006 Paksy Zoltán: Politikai küzdelmek Zala megyé­ben a két világháború között I. 1918—1931. Zala Megyei Levéltár, Zalaegerszeg, 2006. SZEKERES [1927] Szekeres Márton: Egy újságíró kálváriája. A szerző kiadása, Budapest, é. n. [1927.] Joseph Pehm and the strife between Christian denominations The common experience of the First World War and the shock of the Treaty of Trianon put aside the conflicts of Christian denominations for a while but they soon flared again. Most of the conflicts were triggered by existential questions. Catholics and Protestants accused each other again and again of seizing the most lucrative jobs and influential positions. Joseph Pehm’s attitudes to the clerical hardships could not be characterized by his religious tolerance either in his public or in his private life. Similar conflicts occurred when Nicholas (in Hungarian: Miklós) Kozma, Minister of Interior appointed a Protestant landowner Lord Béla Teleki to be Lord Liutenant actually in a county called „Zala”, which was inhabited exclusively by Catholics, on 21st October in 1936. Although Pehm tried lobbying against the decision, the Minister of the Interior insisted on it, as well as demonstrated the government policy in clerical issues. It emphasized general Christianity, instead of belonging to the different denominations in order to avoid a situation when conflicts could have jeopardized political stability. Pehm kept control of the division of influential positions reflecting the religious ratio. As time passed his horizon broadened undoubtedly, notably from the moment when he realized that National Socialism was a common enemy. While being the Archbishop of Esztergom, he became more open-minded. However, we cannot describe his behaviour as ecumenical. His controversial attitude can be detected in a symbolic event; on 30th November 1946 Mindszenty consecrated László Bánáss as a bishop in St. Anne’s parish church in Debrecen („in the civic city”), where Catholics were not allowed to build their own churches until 1715. Translated by Szilvia Szulyovszky

