Kaján Imre (szerk.): Zalai Múzeum 20. (Zalaegerszeg, 2012)

Muzeológiai tanulmányok - Simmer Lívia: Az újudvari johannita konvent az okleveles források és a régészeti terepmunkák tükrében

212 Simmer Lívia LUTTRELL 2001 Anthony, Luttrell: The Hospitallers in Hungary before 1418: Problemsand Sources. In.: Hunyadi, Zsolt-Laszlovszky, József (eds.): The Crusades and the Military Orders. Budapest, 2001. 269-283 Pannónia Regia 1994 Pannónia regia Művészet a Dunántúlon 1000- 1541. Szerk.: Mikó Árpád - Takács Imre. Ma­gyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapest, 1994. Sopron Házi Jenő: Sopron szabad királyi város történe­te. I. rész 1. kötet. Oklevelek 1162-től 1406-ig. Sopron, 1921. TAKÁCS 1992 Takács, Imre: A magyarországi káptalanok és konventek középkori pecsétjei. Budapest, 1992. VALTER 2005 Valter, Ilona: Árpád-kori téglatemplomok a Nyugat-Dunántúlon. Budapest, 2004. VÁNDOR 1993 Vándor, László: Újudvar története a honfogla­lástól 1700-ig. Újudvari Füzetek I. 1993. 2-8. Zala megye 1964 Zala megye földrajzi nevei. Szerk.: Papp, Lász­ló - Végh, József. Zalaegerszeg, 1967. Zala vm I Nagy, Imre - Véghely, Dezső - Nagy, Gyula: Zala vármegye története. Oklevéltár. I. kötet 1024-1363. Budapest, 1886. ZOMBORI 1988 Zombori, István: Lovagok és lovagrendek. Bu­dapest, 1988. ZSEMBERY 2009 Zsembery, Ákos: Középkori építészeti emlékek védelme. (Módszertani javaslat holt műemlékek bemutatásának kritikai elemzéséhez). Phd érte­kezés. Budapest, 2009. r The Hospitallers’ convent of Újudvar in the mirror of the charters and the archaeological fieldwork The appearance of the Hospitallers in the Hungarian Kingdom dates back to the time of the second Crusade. Their first private donation was made in 1166 in Zala county. This study aims to locate the Hospitallers’ convent of Újudvar with the help of written sources, the excavations of László Vándor in 1975-1976 and the author’s fieldworks in 2011. In the sources there is no information about the exact date of the commandery’s foundation in Újudvar: a charter from 1193 only confirms Queen Eufrosina’s earlier donation. According to a charter, the first proven activity as a place of authentication might have been in 1259; by this time, most of the buildings of the convent must have been built. According to the traditional belief, the Hospitaller’s convent was above the village at the top of Gurda hill. László Vándor in 1975 discovered a foundation of an Arpadian-age building, which he identified as a small 13th century church. In 2011 we examined the site again and found some brick masonry and fragments of rectangular earthenware tiles, which is called “stove eye”. László Vándor in 1975 and 1976 also excavated the foundation of a large temple with semicircular sanctuary at Újudvar-Töröktemető/Töröktemetési dűlő. Presumably it was the church of Nova Curia dedicated to St. Peter. In 2011 we located the site of the medieval village through reconnaissance. According to the results of the excavations and fieldworks, 1 think the Hospitallers built their convent at the top of Gurda hill, which could be defended easily. Hopefully, additional excavations will tell us more about the history of the Hospitallers’ convent in Újudvar. Translated by Lívia Simmer

