Zalai Múzeum 15. Horváth László 60 éves (Zalaegerszeg, 2006)

Ilon Gábor–Sümegi Pál–Bodor Elvíra: A Ság hegy környékének története a régészeti adatok és környezetrégészeti vizsgálat tükrében

A Ság hegy környékének története a régészeti adatok és a környezetrégészeti vizsgálat tükrében 305 VALTER 2004 Valter, L: Árpád-kori téglatemplomok Nyugat­Dunántúlon. - Budapest, pp. 327 VAS MEGYE FÖLDRAJZI NEVEI. (ed. Bárdosi, J.) - Szombathely, 1982. pp. 839 VENDEL 1959 Vendel, M.: A kőzethatározás módszertana. ­Budapest, pp. 754 WILLIS-SÜMEGI-BRAUN-BENNETT-TÓTH 1998 Willis, K.J. - Sümegi, P. - Braun, M. - Bennett, К. D. - Tóth, A.: Prehistoric land degradation in Hungary: who, how and why? -Antiquity 72: pp. 101-113. A geological trench for the purpose of a pollen analyses was marked south of the Ság Hill, nearly 3.000 air kilometers, at the boundary of Kemenes­kápolna, in the foreground of Ság Hill, on the alluvial plateau of Creek Mágorta facing the hill foot region, 127 meters above sea level, in the latitude of 47° 18' north and in the longitude of 16° 58' east. The alluvi­um of the creek is surrounded by the hill foot surface from the northern, north-eastern direction and by a bench gravel wash jotting out from the western direction. The survey boreholes were drilled by a drill-point driller. The geological borehole was drilled down to the gritstone layer of the creek alluvium, in other words to the footwall. Undisturbed core samples having a length of 40 centimeters were excavated in the course of the drillings. The fossil Pleistocene alluvial plains having a diameter of nearly 200 meters were selected for the purposes of pollen analyses and the survey boreholes, whilst a trench was dug into the bottom formed behind the Holocene creek ridge fol­lowing the aforementioned survey boreholes, where samples having a length of 40 centimeters and a width of 10 by 10 centimeters and formed by 20 centimeter superimpositions were excavated. Samples were taken in each 10 centimeters to complete the pollen ana­lytical tests. ZÓMOMI 1989 Zólyomi, В.: Magyarország természetes növénytakarója. - In. Nemzeti Atlasz (ed. Pécsi, M.) - Budapest, pp. 89 ZÓLYOMI-KÉRI-HORVÁTH 1992 Zólyomi, B. - Kéri, M. - Horváth, F.: A szubme­diterrán éghajlati hatások jelentősége a Kárpát­medence klímazonális növénytársulásainak összeté­telére. - In. Hegyfoky Kabos klimatológus születésé­nek 145. évfordulója alkalmából rendezett tudomá­nyos emlékülés előadásai. MTA Debreceni Területi Bizottságának kiadványa - Debrecen-Túrkeve, pp. 60-74. The association referred to high volume turf water surface, wet muddy bottomland and a treeless environ­ment (Juniperus) formed following deforestation. The water level of the paludal environment being shallow in the beginning period later rose, which the modifi­cation of the alga content also proved. The top sample indicated paludal environment, where plants (Cheno­podium album, Centaurea cyanus) referring to agricul­ture also appeared. Based on the pollen content it may be probable that the former flora of the centuries from the second half of the Bronze Age (demonstrated by nut/Juglans) to the end of the Iron Age as well as its changes by man has been retraced in the trench section subject to survey. Said pollen analyses demonstrated massive flora modification and changes in landscape utilization following deforestation. In chronological terms, we may determine the trench more accurately following the effects of the radiocarbon survey in progress, likewise the deforestation level may be attac­hed to the culture afterwards. Supposedly, the end of the reconstructed period is parallel with the Celtic era. The archaeological rescue sites at the boundaries of the following settlements located in the immediate vicinity of the archaeological sampling process were taken into account: Boba, Celldömölk (and suburbs, former independent settlements, such as Nagyság/ Alsóság/Ság, Izsákfa), Kemeneskápolna, Kemenes­The history of Ság Hill's immediate vicinity as reflected by archaeological data and the survey of environmental archaeology

