Ljudje ob Muri. Népek a Mura Mentén 1. kötet (Zalaegerszeg, 1996)

LJUDJE OB MURI Népek a Mura mentén Völker an der Mur Ljudi uz Mu ru Nekajletno strokovno sodelovanje med Pokrajinskim muzejem iz Murske Sobote in Göcseji Múzeum iz Zalaegerszega smo nadgradili s skupno mednarodno konferenco LJUDJE OB MURI, ki je potekala od 10. do 12. maja 1995 v Lendavi. K soorganizaciji smo povabili tudi Zavod za kulturo madžarske narodnosti Lendava. Na konferenci so referenti iz Slovenije, Madžarske, Hrvaške in Avstrije sodelovali s prispevki iz družboslovno humanističnih področij, ki se kakorkoli vežejo na način življenja in ustvarjanja ljudi ob reki Muri. Še neraziskane teme pa so nas vzpodbudile, da bi se na tovrstnih konferencah srečevali še naprej. Organizatorji The joint international conference „People on the Mura River" in Lendava (10 May through 12 May 1995) was organised by the Provincial Museum of Murska Sobota, Slovenia and Göcseji Museum of Zalaegerszeg, Hungary in order to further promote the fruitful cooperation on the started several years ago. Taking part in the organisation of the conference way the Institute of the Culture of Hungarian Ethnic Minority of Lendava, Slovenia. Attending the conference were experts from Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia and Austria, reading papers dealing with various social and humanistic fields in relation to the way of life of the people on the Mura River and their creativeness. Due to the number of themes still to be researched we fell that such conferences should be organised again at some future point of time. Organisers

