A Veszprém Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei 22. (Veszprém, 2002)

Regenye Judit: A sopot kultúra kronológiai helyzete Magyarországon

The situation is typical in Veszprém county in the middle of Transdanubia, where approximately 60 Lengyel-sites are recorded. We can see that the younger phase of the culture is sharply represented, but the early phase can not be proved definitely in the material. The large settlements with the typical paint­ed and incised finds, characteristic of the early period are missing in the examined territory certainly. The same can be told about South-West-Transdanubia". There are exact differences between the Sopot culture and the already developed Lengyel culture both in ves­sel-forms and decoration types despite the definite closeness. Though the tendency showing toward the Lengyel culture can be seen in the Sopot culture, we can not say that the Lengyel culture was evolved directly from the Sopot culture. The 14 C data and the fact that the two cultures distributed in a territory com­pleting eachother stand by their partial contemporane­ousness. 84 All of this is true only for the western half of Transdanubia. In the territory of the eastern group the situation is more complicated, because the Lengyel cul­ture appeared already in the early phase there. The exis­tence of early Lengyel-sites in the territory of the east­ern group of the Sopot culture - this fact indirectly proves that these sites came to an end earlier, than those of the western group did. The picture is further compli­cated by the fact, that the territory of the Sopot-sites around the Danube-bend coincides partly with the Aszód-Svodín region, where Kalicz N. supposes the formation of the Lengyel culture 85 . The Lengyel culture arrived in the middle and south­west part of Transdanubia, occupied previously by the Brezovljani type of the Sopot culture in the I. phase. 86 REFERENCES BARNA 1996 = BARNA J.: A lengyeli kultúra tömegsírja Esztergályhorvátiban. The common grave of the Lengyel culture in Esztergályhorváti (County Zala). Zalai Múzeum 6. 1996. 149-160. BÁNFFY 1996 = BANFF Y, E.: Neolithic and Copper Age settlements at Hahót and Zalaszentbalázs. 1. Zalaszentbalázs-Pusztatető. In: Archaeology and set­tlement history in the Hahót basin, south-west Hungary, ed.: Szőke Béla M. Antaeus 22. 1996. 35­40. DIMITRIJEVIC 1968 = DIMITRIJEVIC, S.: Sopotsko­lendelska kultúra. Monographiae Archaeologicae I. Zagreb 1968 DIMITRIJEVIC 1978 = DIMITRIJEVIC, S.: Neolit u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj. Arheoloska istrazivanja u Sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj. Zagreb 1978. 71-128. DOMBAY 1960 = DOMBAY, J.: Die Siedlung und das Gräberfeld in Zengővárkony. Archaeologia Hungarica37. 1960 FARKAS 1986 = FARKAS, Z.: Die älteste Besiedlung durch Träger der Lengyel-Kultur im Raum des Bratislavaer Tores. Internationales Symposium über die Lengyel­Kultur. Nitra-Wien 1986. 61-67. GOLDMAN 1984 = GOLDMAN, GY: Battonya-Gödrösök eine neolithische Siedlung in Südost-Ungarn. Békéscsaba 1984 HORVÁTH 1991 = HORVÁTH, F.: Vinca Culture and its Connections with the South-East Hungarian Neolithic: a Comparison of Traditional and 14 C Chronology. Banatica 11. 1991. 259-273. HORVÁTH 1998 = HORVÁTH, L. A.: Siedlungsgeschicht­liche Probleme im Karpatenbecken an der Wende des mittleren und späten Neolithikums. In: The Late Neolithic of the Middle Danube Region, ed.: Florin Drasovean. Timisoara 1998. 123-137. HORVATH-H. SIMON 1997 = HORVÁTH, L. A. - H. SI­MON, K.: A neolitikum és rézkor Zalaegerszeg környékén. Neolithic and Copper Age in Zalaegerszeg and its Environs. In: Zalaegerszeg évszázadai. Várostörténeti tanulmányok, ed.: Kapiller Imre Zalaegerszeg 1997.7-48. KALICZ 1971 = KALICZ,N.: Siedlung und Gräber der Lengyel-Kultur in Aszód. Mitteilungen des Archäologischen Instituts der UAW 2. 1971. 15-25. KALICZ 1977 = KALICZ, N.: Becsehely. Mitteilungen des Archäologischen Instituts der UAW 7. 1977. 119. KALICZ 1978-79=KALICZ,N.: Becsehely. Mitteilungen des Archäologischen Instituts der UAW 8-9. 1978-79. 201-203. KALICZ 1983-84 = KALICZ. N.: Übersicht über den Forsc­hungsstand der Entwicklung der Lengyel-Kultur und die ältesten "Wehranlagen" in Ungarn. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte 33-34. 1983-84. 271-293. KALICZ 1985 = KALICZ, N.: Kőkori falu Aszódon. Neolit­hisches Dorf in Aszód. Múzeumi Füzetek, Aszód 1985 KALICZ 1988 = KALICZ, N.: Beiträge zur Entstehungsfrage der Lengyel-Kultur. Slovenská Archeológia 36. 1988. 105-118. KALICZ 1994 = KALICZ, N.: Wenden des Spätneolithikums im Oberen Theißgebiet. Jósa András Múzeum Évkönyve 36. 1994.263-290. KALICZ 1995 = KALICZ, N.: Letenye-Szentkeresztdomb: eine Siedlungsplatz der Balaton-Lasinja-Kultur. In: Neuere Daten zur Siedlungsgeschichte und Chronologie der Kupferzeit des Karpatenbeckens, ed.: T. Kovács, Inventaria Praehistorica Hungáriáé 7. 1995.61-106. 34

