A Nyíregyházi Jósa András Múzeum évkönyve 37-38. - 1995-1996 (Nyíregyháza, 1997)

Régészet - Mikhailo Potushniak: Some results of research on the Middle Neolithic layer froma multilevel settlement near the village of Zastavne/Zápszony-Kovadomb in the Carpathian Ukraine

B.C. or the very beginning of the IVth millenium. This points to the fact that there was no chronological vacuum between the settlements of Kovadomb I and II. Most likely at this settlement two ethnic groups - a local and a new population - mixed. This is supported by the stratigraphic data. A similar process must have gone on in the regions of the PPC. According to Hungarian researchers, the Middle Neolithic Esztár group (a direct genetic connec­tion has even been noticed between them) influenced the materials of the Late Neolithic Herpály group. The same influence changed the Herpály group in the territory in question. (KOREK 1977.50-51., KOREK 1983.25-27.). We should add that at the beginning of the Late Neolithic, painted pottery was characteristic for other cultures as well: Lengyel and later for the Cucuteni-Tripolie cultures too. It cannot be excluded that it appeared in these cultures under the influence of the PPC or as a consequence of a direct expansion (migration) of part of its population into the regions of these cultures. Irodalom DOLUKHANOV-TIMOFEIEV 1972. II.VI. /lojiyxaiioii-ILH. TMMO(|HH!IÍ: Af)C(wuoTiia>i xpoiio­JlOI'klJI HOOJlHTa I'jUpa.WW. llpoßjICMH aŐCOJIIOTHOrO ,'UITM­ponauiui H apxeoaorHH. Hunrc.II,<:TI«> „HayKa". VIocKisa 1972. 28-75. KALICZ-MAKKAY 1977. N. Kalicz-J. Makkay: Die Linienbandkeramik in der Großen Ungarischen Tiefebene. StudArch VII. Aka­démiai Kiadó, Budapest 1977. KOREK 1977. J. Korek: Die frühe und mittlere Phase des Neo­lithikums auf dem Theissrücken. ActaArchHung 29.1977.3-52. KOREK 1983. Korek J.: Adatok a Tiszahát neolitikumához. [Beit­räge zum Neolithikum auf dem Theissrücken.] A^/^£XVIII-XX.(1975-1977.)1983.8-60. LICHÁRDUS 1968. J. Lichardus: Jaskyna Domica. Najvyznacnejsie sid­lisko l'udu bukovohorskej kultüry. Pamätniky nasej minulosti 5. Bratislava 1968. PELESHCHISHIN 1979. VI.A. IIC.ICIUMIIIMII: KllCOJlÍTH'1111! IIOOMK'IIIUI llofíjMijy M. results of research on the Middle Neolithic ... licpcroiic tin 3aKapnarri. [RHpojiHTH'teixoe iiocejieuHe y v. licpcroiio na 3aicapnaTMi.] [pxm-nhin 29.1979.83­94. POTUSHNIAK 1979. VI.(D. lloTyiiiiiJiK: IIOOJIÍTMMIK! NOCCKÍIIIUI /ItiKoue I 3aKapnarri. [IICOJIHTWHÍC.KOC NOC-CMMIHC JX\,s\Kom I n 3aKapnaTw:.] ipxnmuüi 30.1979.57-74. POTUSHNIAK 1985. VI.(D. IlorytuiuiK: IICOJIHT 3aKapnaTi>ji: Kyjir/rypbi K'pmn M paciiHCHOH K(!pa\iHKM. Ilo.irapcKiui H GaiciicKaii KVJii.rvpij 3aKapnarbH. In: ApxeoiiorMJi >KpamicK.()H CCP T.I. llavKoua ;tyMKa. KHKB 1985. 139-150., 291-305. POTUSHNIAK 1991. VI.Q). lloryiiiiiiiK: P03KOHKH őaraioiiiapouoi o noccieiinii Kouo aovi5 fíLui c. 3aciUBii(! < na 3aKapnarri. In: Honi MarepiajiH .i apxoojiorií llpHKapnaTTíi i Bo.inni. Hun. 2. JLbBiB 1991.82-84. POTUSHNIAK 1992. M.(D. II()T\ IIIIDIK: /.[() IIMTailllil II('0.IÍTM.{;1HÍÍ" BCp\ilJ~}| P.TMC.M. In; Moni Marepia-in ;t apxoojiorií FlpwcapitaTTJi i BojiMiii. Bmi.2. JlbbiB 1992. 15-17. SISKA 1974. S. Siska: Abdeckung von Siedlungen und einem Gräberfeld aus der jüngeren Steinzeit in Kopcany, kreis Michalovce. [Vyzkum sídlisk a pohrebisku z mladsej doby kamennej v Kopcanach, okr. Micha­lovce.] AR 26/1.1974.3-15, 101-104. SISKA 1979. S. Siska: Die Bükker Kultur in der Ostslowakischen Tiefebene. [livKouoropcKaii KV.n.Tvpa ua rcppirropMM ß(K'.T()'iii(K..i()i«iHK()H IIM;ÍMCIIIKK:IH.] SlA 27.1979-245-290. SISKA 1989. S. Siska: Kultúra s vychodnou lineárnou keramikou na Slovensku. Bratislava 1989­VIZDAL 1989. M. Vizdal: Bukovohorsky vyrobno-remeselny Ob­jekt v Humennom. [Ein Produktions - und Hand­werkerobjekt der Bükker Kultur in Humenné] AR 41/6.1989.654-662. Mikhailo POTUSHNIAK Uzhgorod Group, Archaeological Department of the I.Krip'iakevich Institute of Ukrainian Studies, National Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine 294000, Ukraine Uzhgorod, vul.Universitetska 21. A Jósa András Múzeum Évkönyve 1997 39

