A Nyíregyházi Jósa András Múzeum évkönyve 2. - 1959 (Nyíregyháza, 1961)

Kalicz Nándor: The Grave of Baktalórántháza

THE GRAVE OF ВАКTAL ÓR ÁNTH ÁZA The identically decorated four vessels, presented among others in this study (PI. I. 1—4) were uncovered at Baktalórántháza, Eastern Hungary. From the report of the person finding them we may infer a cremation burial. A similar vessel (PI. II. 3) and fragments (PI. II. la —c) are known also in the older material of the A. Jósa Museum at Nyíregyháza. A vessel of the same type was unearthed at Nyirgyulaj too (PI. II. 2). These few vessels, having an identical form make up the group of finds which may be characterized as the find of the Baktalórántháza grave. The group of finds is rather strange in this country, only the material of the Pécel (Baden) culture contains a couple of vessels which may be con­nected with this group. 1-4 The decoration shows several analogous features. The chief ornamental elements of Baktalórántháza are cuneiform grooves, punched dots and periodically repeated bands of grooved vertical lines. On the vessels of the Pécel culture we may observe these decorative elements separately or together, sometimes only the structure of the ornament. 5-9 It is striking that similar features of the decoration appear on vessels of essen­tially different shapes. Conspicuous parallels of the Baktalórántháza finds are occurring north of our country. Similar amphorae and funnel-mouthed vessels are known in the various groups of the extensive Trichterbecher culture, in the Megalithic pottery of Northern Germany and Denmark. The ornaments of these show a corresponding similarity. 12-19 We meet the related features also nearer, in the Central German groups of the Trichterbecher culture, to wit : in those of Baalberg, 20-22 Salzmünde 23 and Nosswitz. 24-25 These contain the handled mug too, missing in the northern sites. Some connections may be discovered in Poland ; 26 numerous parallels are occurring naturally in Bohemia. 27-31 As a remote analogy the find of the Illmitz grave (Austria) may be quoted. 32 The local precedents of the Baktalórántháza group of finds are unknown, nor can we discover the like south of our country. Most probably we may establish a genetic connection between the Bakta­lórántháza group of finds and the extensive circle called „Northern" Megali­thic or Trichterbecher culture, in a manner that the northern areas were lending in this case. The northern component of the Pécel culture is mentioned by many, also J. Banner attributes a considerable role to the influence of northern cultures. 33 We agree with him, however, in advocating the preponderance of the southern components. 34 We regard the ladder-like ornament occurring in the Late Pécel material of the Ozd find as having a northern character. 35-38 Northern features are more emphasized in the Baktalórántháza find than in the Pécel (Baden) culture. We do not know the details of the connections adequately so far ; they must have been reciprocal in any case. This is shown by the route leading from the north to the south, i.e. Northern Germany — Salzmünde—Nosswitz — Ozd on one hand, and the duck-shaped askos vessel of southern origin occur­ring among the Salzmünde finds, 39 together with the small animal plastics appearing in this area 40 on the other. 15

