Somogyi Múzeumok Közleményei 10. (1994)
Karl Von Der Lohe: Langobard S-fibula Vörs-Kerékerdőből
LANGOBARD S-FIBULA VORS-KEREKERDOROL 35 KARL VON DER LOHE: LANGOBARDIC S-SHAPED FIBULA AT VÖRS-KERÉKERDŐ Resume A Longobardic S-shaped Fibula was found by a field-survey team at Vörs-Kerékerdő on 05/06/1991. In 1992 an excavation at the same location showed Late Roman material. There was no hint for Longobardic graves, nor of a settlement. But 300 m to the south a Longobardic cemetery was excavated between 1959-1961 (picture 1., 2.). The S-shaped fibula is made of silver. The surface is golden and the eyes are filled with almandine. The body of the fibula is surrounded by a frame. On the frame are small triangles made in a niello-technique form. A swastika is on the quadratic midfield. It was made with a Kerbschnitt-technique. The mouth is opened and the bill is rolled up (picture 3., 4.). J. Werner defined this type of fibula in 1962 and named it as type Poysdorf. After J. Werner it is a characteristic fibula of the North Danubian Longobardic settlement period of the first third of the 6th century A. D. Recently J. Tejral agreed. After Tejral the fibula of type Poysdorf belongs to his second group, which dates back to between 500/510 and 530/540 A. D. Altogether 19 fibulas of this type have been found. The author examined 16 pieces, because not all are yet published. It was possible to arrange the fibulas by their typological outfit. As a result, a differentiation into two variants is possible. The chronological examination confirms the existence of two variants. Variant A and В are dated back to the first third and the second third of the 6th century A. D. respectively. The geographical spreading of both variants confirms knowledge of the Longobardic settlement, before their migration to Italy in 568 A. D. (picture 5., 6. and 7-)-