Uherkovich Ákos: A Villányi-hegység botanikai és zoológiai alapfelmérése (Dunántúli Dolgozatok Természettudományi Sorozat 10., 2000)

Dénes Andrea: A Villányi-hegység flóra- és vegetációkutatásának története, eredményeinek összefoglalása, különös tekintettel s védett és ritka fajok előfordulására. - History of research on flora and vegetation int he Villány Hills, summary of the result, with special regard to the occurrences of rare protected species.

DÉNES A.: A VILLÁNYI-HEGYSÉG FLÓRÁJA ÉS VEGETÁCIÓJA 77 History of research on flora and vegetation in the Villány Hills; a summary of results, with special regard to the occurrence of rare and protected species. Andrea DÉNES The sub-Mediterranean climate, flora and vegetation of the Villány Hills, belonging to Sopianicum are unique in Hungary. Half of the area of the 27-km long low hills stretching from east to west is covered with natural or near-natural vegetation. On the steep southern slopes xerothermic grasslands and forests are characteristic, growing on Triassic, Jurassic and cretaceous limestone, dolomite or shallow loess. On the northern slopes mesophilous broad-leaved forests grow on deep loess. In the northern valleys and along creeks from the north there are fresh meadows, swamp meadows and high-sedge meadows. Two hills in the area - Fekete and Szársomlyó Hill - are strictly protected. Szársomlyó Hill has been studied for long, thus it belongs to the floristically best known areas in Hungary. Many protected species of the flora of the area have been known for a long time. Research in recent years has revealed new rare species from new areas. Some of the known protected species that are common or occur in masses are: Orchis simia, Anacamptis pyramidalis, Trigonella gladiata, Stipa pulcherrima, Linum tenuifolium, Jurinea mollis, Iris variegata, Ceterach javorkaeanum, Sedum neglectum ssp. sopianae, Aconitum anthora, Adonis vernalis, Ranunculus illyricus, Dictamnus albus, Erysimum odoratum, Dianthus giganteiformis, Colchicum hungaricum, Allium sphaerocephalon, Himantoglossum caprinum, Festuca dalmatica. Some of the known rare species, both protected and non-protected, are: Ranunculus psilostachys, Sempervivum tectorum, Medicago orbicularis, Pulsatilla grandis, Pulsatilla nigricans, Orchis tridentata, Orchis morio, Spiranthes spiralis, Ophrys scolopax subsp. cornuta, Ophrys sphegodes, Ophrys apifera, Orchis militaris, Lychnis coronaria, Astragalus vesicarius subsp. albidus, Plantago argentea, Linum flavum, Linum hirsutum, Gentiana cruciata, Vincetoxicum pannonicum, Onosma arenarium, Digitalis ferruginea, Serratula radiata, Orobanche purpurea, Orobanche reticulata, Orobanche lutea, Pisum elatius, Aster amellus, Inula spiraeifolia, Doronicum hungaricum, Ornithogalum sphaerocarpum Orchis coriophora, Leucojum aestivum, Orchis laxiflora ssp. elegáns, Filipendula ulmaria, Nymphoides peltata. Author' s address: Andrea DÉNES Natural History Department Janus Pannonius Museum P. 0. Box 347 H-7601 Pécs

