Uherkovich Ákos: A Béda-Karapancsa Tájvédelmi Körzet élővilága (Dunántúli Dolgozatok Természettudományi Sorozat 6., 1992)

Szinetár Csaba: A Béda-Karapancsa Tájvédelmi Körzet pókfaunája (Araneae) • Spider fauna of the Béda-Karapancsa landscape protection area, South Hungary.

Irodalom GREENSTONE, M.H. (1984): Determinants of web spider species diversity: vegetation structural diversity vs. prey availability. - Oecologia (Berlin), 62: 299-304. HATLEY, C.L., MACMAHON J.A. (1980): Spider community organization: Seasonal Variation and the role of vegetation architecture. - Environ. Entomol., 9: 632-639. JEDLICKOVÁ, J. (1988): Spiders (Aranei) of the Jursky súr Nature Reserve (Czechoslovakia). - Biologické Práce, 34(3): 166 pp. LOKSA, J. (1966): Die bodenzoologischen Verhältnisse der Flaumeichen-Buschwälder Süd - ost-mitteleuropas. - Akad. Verlag. Budapest, 437 pp. LOKSA, I. (1981): The spider fauna of the Hortobágy National Park (Araneae). - The Fauna of the Hortobágy National Park, pp. 321-339. LOKSA, I. (1987): The spider fauna of the Kiskunság National Park (Araneae). - The Fauna of the Kiskunság National Park, pp. 335-342. PLATEN, R. (1984): Ökologie, Faunistik und Gefährdungssituation der Spinnen (Araneae) und Weberknechte (Opiliones) in Berlin (West) mit dem Vorschlag einer roten Liste. - Zool. Beitr., 28: 125-168. PRÓSZYNSK.I, I. (1990): Catalogue of Salticidae. Wyzsza Szkola Rolniczo - Pedagogiczna W Siedlach. pp. 278-279. ROBERTS, M.I. (1985): The spiders of Great Britain and Ireland. Volume 1. pp. 229. ROBERTS, M.I. (1987): The spiders of Great Britain and Ireland. Volume 2. pp. 204. SIMON, E. (1914): Les Arachnides de France. Paris, p. 1156. SZINETÂR, Cs. (1992): Egy természetközeli növénytársulás (Pineto-Quercetum roboris molinetosum) pókközösségének időbeli változásai. - Savaria 20 (2): in print. WlEHLE, H. (1956): Linyphidae-Baldachinspinnen. in.: Dahl, F. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands. 44. 236-238. pp. Spider fauna of the Béda-Karapancsa landscape-protection area, South Hungary Csaba SZINETÁR Author publishes his results of two years of research (1990-91). The material was collected by the author and I. Loksa. Spiders of 20 families, 74 genera and 105 species were collected by using Barber's ethyleneglycol ground-traps and by net from plants. Two species are new for Hungary: Phintella castriesiana (Grube 1861) (Salticidae) and Porrhomma montanum (Jackson 1913) (Linyphiidae, Erigoninae). 821 adults (326 female and 495 male) and 1136 juveniles of 1957 specimens were captured. The fauna of Querco-Ulmetum association is the richest. 80 % of the total species occur here. Most species in this area are either widespread, eurytopic, euryhygro­biont or hygrophyl. Two of rare species, Dipoena torva and Его furcata are worth mentioning. On the cut down grass of banks of flood prevention the secondary appearance of xerophil and heliophil species are typical. Author's address: SZINETÁR Csaba H-9700 Szombathely Olimpia u. 34. 256

