Gyökerek • A Dráva Múzeum tanulmánykötete, 2006

Mészáros Ádám: Horvátok és magyarok a 18. századi Barcson

Mészáros Ádám: Horvátok és magyarok a 18. századi Barcson The primary reason of these great process of the changes was the becoming into market-town (1797) and its dynamic development. Bares not only grew in its number of inhabitants but also its ethnical compound changed dramatically. The continuous moving in (from the German-populated Szulok village in Somogy county and from the German Empire) of German families' number increased so much that at the end of the century their propotion exceeded the 50%. Despite of the continous moving in of Croatian and Hunarian settlers into the dynamically developing market-town at the end of the 18. century the settlement's native Hungarian and Croatian population became minorities. 64

