Nógrád Megyei Múzeumok Évkönyve XXX. (2006)

Régészet - Tankó Károly: Kelta üvegkarperecek Szurdokpüspökiből és Gyöngyöspatáról

PATAY 1956 PATAY 1972 SEIDEL 2005 SZABÓ 2003 SZABÓ 2005 VENCLOVÁ 1980 VENCLOVÁ 1990 P. PATAY, Újabb kőkori és kelta leletek Nógrádkövesden és a Nógrádi dombvidéken. - Laté neolithic and celtic finds at Nógrádkövesd and in the Nógrád Hills. ArchÉrt83 (1956) 181-191. P. PATAY, Celtic Finds in the Mountainous Region оf Northern Hungary. ActaArchHung 24 (1972) 353-358. M. SEIDEL, Keltische Glasarmringe zwischen Thüringen und dem Niederrhein. Germania 83 (2005) 1-43. M. SZABÓ, Perles à masque en verre. In: D. VYTALl (szerk.): L'immagine tra mondó celtico e mondó etrusco-italico. Bologna, 2003, 255-259. M. SZABÓ, A keleti kelták. A késővaskor a Kárpát-medencében. Buda­pest 2005 N. VENCLOVÁ, Nástin chronologie Laténskych sklenënych náramku v Cechách. - Zur Chronologie der latènezeitlichen Glasarmringe in Böhmen. PamátkyArch. 71 (1980) 61-86. N. VENCLOVÁ, Prehistoric glass in Bohemia. Praha 1990 Celtic glass bracelets from Szurdokpüspöki and Gyöngyöspata (NE-Hungary) In 2002 L. Czinkóczi, an amateur collector gave a great séries of La Tène glass jew­els to the Kubinyi Ferenc Múzeum. He managed a systematic field survey in Szurdokpüspöki and Gyöngyöspata territory in last décades. In this area, on the southern slopes of Mátra he found three middle La Tène open Settlements and he was collecting the interesting finds on thèse sites for many years. Beside the other period artifacts were 23 fragmented celtic glass bracelets and some pottery sherd in Cinkóczi­collection. The typological and chronological classification of this materials based on Th. E. Haevernick (1960), R. Gebhard (1989) and N. Venclová (1990) works. Type 3a, 6a, 6b, 7b, 7c, 8d, 8e, 14 and 15 were found at Szurdokpüspöki and Gyöngyöspata Settle­ments. We know many of thèse types in eastern celtic circle. These bracelets typolog­ically and technologically suit to product séries of central european celtic glass indus­try. The earliest examples of glass rings can be taken to the beginning of middle La Tène period (LT Cl) by the dateable analogies. The other jewels may be dated to the second phase of middle La Tène period, however the really late bracelets are absent. There is not late La Tène type in this collection, which indicate the time of abandon­nant of this villages during the middle La Tène period. 105

