Darabont Dezső: A Tiszavilág II. absztraktjai (2007) / 884-2007
The workers of the brickworks and the agricultural cooperative, and the students of the grammar school went on strikes to protest against the Soviet occupation and the repression of the revolution. Secondary school students and workers of the Martfű shoe plant spread a large number of fly-sheets demanding the restoration of the Imre Nagy government and the immediate resignation of party leader János Kádár. Although the armed militia that was formed in mid-December exercised extraordinary brutality, the secondary school students organised a protest on 14th March 1957. Court cases against the participants of the revolutionary events began in spring 1957. Although the County Court inflicted relatively easy punishments for the great number of inhabitants taken to court, those people suffered from disadvantageous differentiation for decades because of their actions in 1956; their personal welfare, their career prospects, and the education of their children were hindered for a long time. Dr. Szabó László: A Tiszazug állattartásának korszakai I. (XVIII-XIX. század) Periods of animal farming in Tiszazug at the 18th-19,h century — Using historic-ethnographic methods the paper is trying to outline the major characteristic features of a small region (which is now an ethnographic group as well). It is attempting to present how the grazing animal keeping adjusted to natural environment, and how it tried to break away from it in a certain extent. The Tiszazug formed an island inside the Great Hungarian Plain not only as far as the scenery was concerned, but in a sociological sense too, because it was surrounded by privileged Kun settlements and market towns. There was no real latifundium in the area (the upper limit was 800 hectares). The owners did not possess considerable financial means therefore their attempts to modernise their farming (e.g. stable farming, introducing new species etc.) proved to be unsuccessful. Bondmen had no one to learn new methods from, so being able to adapting themselves to natural conditions became an essential part of their lives. They tried to broaden their possibilities with local water construction works. However, until the results of the Széchenyi-Vásárhelyi water construction works started to appear, they were not able to break out of this situation. Dr. Botka János: Tiszafoldvár első patikája és első gyógyszerésze The first pharmacy and first pharmacist of Tiszafoldvár — It is well known that by the mid- 19th century the Hungarian health care system had been transformed to a modest but still perceivable extent due to the improving state-control and the slow expansion of the medical and pharmaceutical supply. However, it is still eye-catching that the Tiszazug region remained under-developed. Keeping this in mind, Tiszafoldvár initiated the establishment of a local pharmacy. The petition of the local council was sent to the bailiffs office of Heves and Külső-Szolnok county during the summer of 1862. The current paper is attempting to focus on the history of the first pharmacy (or “gyógytár” as many used to call it) of the Tiszazug region from this application until its authorisation. It is based upon the sources and records found in the Archives of Heves County with the aim of the introduction of newly found data and the full review of the most important documents. Next to this, it also tries to indicate the actions of the local government, which always watched the interests of the settlement and the self-organisation and mutual goals. Gulyás Katalin: Adalékok Tiszafoldvár oktatástörténetéhez: az izraelita elemi népiskola Additional data to the history of education in Tiszafoldvár: the Jewish school — This paper is trying to summarize the sporadic data about the Jewish elementary school of Tiszafoldvár. This school must have been one of the small village Jewish denominational schools operating at various locations in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county (e.g.: Tiszavárkony, Tiszaroff, Tiszabő, Kisújszállás, Jászárokszállás etc.). Most of them operated only for a short period of time, but